Six lights for six plants. Organic No-Till 4400 watt indoor grow

Hey guys!

Sorry I've been slacking so much on the journal. It's been a busy and stressful month for me and on top of that my phone is a total pain in the ass for taking pictures. I live out in the boonies so my internet is crap and it makes uploading photos a real chore if they aren't downsized enough. On top of that, if I try taking photos with anything less than 50% battery life the phone just dies on me and needs to be charged.

I did unfortunately run into a few snags in the last week though, mainly issues with heat that resulted in a very valuable but rough lesson on CO2. I'm currently on day 46 of 12/12, but around day 41 or so I came in and realized I was out of propane as my generator kept attempting to turn itself on to no avail. Normal process of running out of CO2 involves me simply filling my propane tank up within 24 hours of running out and keeping things running. However seeing as I was in the middle of week 6 I decided to just shut the generator off and not bother refilling the propane tank as too much CO2 will cause ethylene to build-up and too much ethylene will actually mess with the ripening of your buds.

So for the last 3-4 days or so I'm noticing mild signs of heat stress. I raise my lights thinking that was the issue and left it at that, but that never fixed any of the taco shaped leaves, yellowing and burning. I was quite stumped for those couple of days to be quite honest, I kept asking myself "What changed? I've had these exact settings in the room for the entire cycle and nothing has changed, so why am I suddenly getting heat stress? How is it that I just walk in and suddenly start seeing symptoms of heat stress?" and then I glanced over at my CO2 controller (has a thermometer feature on it as well, very cool) to check my temps again (76-77) and I saw my CO2 reading and it hit me like a ton of fucking shit covered bricks.

"That's what changed, I'm a fucking moron!" The plants stopped getting CO2 and that's why I started to suddenly have problems with heat. For one, my temps were set at CO2 temps. So my ambient room temps were 75-78 on average and my canopy temps were 82-88 on average.. but that was when I was running 1000+ ppm of CO2. When my CO2 ran out and I didn't refill it, I never changed the temps on my damn air conditioner. Pretty much, my environment was amazing for CO2 but once the CO2 was gone for 3-4 days they just couldn't handle those temps any more.

Talk about a stupid mistake to make though. I mean, I guess in my defense I've never actually used CO2 before.. but I should have thought to change my temps at the very least :/ Definitely not a mistake I will be making again that's for damn sure. I'm also back to watering every two days again now, again because of the CO2. I bring that up because it has to do with rates of photosynthesis. The definition of photosynthesis is "a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation). This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis"

So from what I can gather (keep in mind I'm a layman so if I'm wrong call my ass out! :P) the plant converts light into energy very much like a human converts calories into energy. The plant then converts carbon dioxide and water into sugars, the sugars being what stores the energy that was converted from the light.

So why did I bring this up? Well, the plant converts CO2 and water into sugar. I went from watering every single day to watering every 2 days without CO2, the definition of photosynthesis explains why I'm watering less and why I'm having issues with heat. The sugars that store the light come from CO2 and water, at 1200ppm CO2 I was watering once a day, but now at the standard 350ppm I'm watering every two days or so. Unless I'm mistaken, that means that the plant is producing less sugars. The sugars store the energy from the light, and the sugars come from CO2+water. Less CO2+water=less sugars. Less sugars=less room to store energy. Less room to store energy = less light needed.

Furthermore, CO2 is absorbed from the plants stomata which I've often heard compared to sweat pores. When temps get too high, the plant opens up more of it's stomata/pores in order to sweat and keep itself cool. If you're supplementing CO2, you actually want your temps higher than normal for this reason. The high temps will cause more of the stomata to open up in your plant's leaves, allowing for more CO2 to be absorbed. If more CO2 is being absorbed, then more water is being absorbed as well as CO2+water = sugars to store energy. I could be wrong, but I believe this is why plants with extra CO2 are able to handle the extra heat. So long as they're given extra CO2, they'll go through just as much water as well.

So, yeah I kind of fucked up on that one. Fortunately this was only an issue for a handful of days, but it's still going to have an affect on my yields for damn sure unfortunately. On top of that, 3 out of 4 of my wall fans don't oscillate anymore. I have things set up so that I'm getting airflow on as much of the plants as I can, but there are some parts on some plants that aren't getting any airflow at all. Sure enough, the parts without airflow are the most heat stressed. Fortunately my humidity doesn't get any higher than 40% so mold and such shouldn't be an issue, but I'm going to be vigilant regardless.

The timing of all of this really fucked me up too. I'm in day 46 of 12/12 and started noticing the yellowing in day 42 or so. It threw me off because that's about the time things start yellowing naturally, I had just thought that I was getting close to harvest and left it alone. The yellowing and browning started to get worse as the days went on and although I was concerned just a tad, I still didn't think to consider heat stress until I started seeing the leaves turn taco shaped. Once I saw that I sprung into action.

As of now, ambient temps are at 70-74 and my canopy temps are at 73-77. I'm pretty bummed about such a stupid mistake, but it can always be worse! The buds still feel more dense than anything I've ever grown before and things are still looking okay. My yield is very likely going to suffer, but fortunately this didn't happen during the window of harvest and I still have at least 10 days minimum until things start to get ready.

I'll do my best to get some pictures going for you all as soon as possible and again, I apologize for slacking on this journal.

As always, thanks for stopping by!
sorry to hear of the mishap but isn't that the way it goes,it usually is for me but a damn nice recovery,I'm sure you have your hands full right now as the grow is coming to an end ,can't wait to see the pics, take care friend
Hey guys!

Sorry I've been slacking so much on the journal. It's been a busy and stressful month for me and on top of that my phone is a total pain in the ass for taking pictures. I live out in the boonies so my internet is crap and it makes uploading photos a real chore if they aren't downsized enough. On top of that, if I try taking photos with anything less than 50% battery life the phone just dies on me and needs to be charged.

I did unfortunately run into a few snags in the last week though, mainly issues with heat that resulted in a very valuable but rough lesson on CO2. I'm currently on day 46 of 12/12, but around day 41 or so I came in and realized I was out of propane as my generator kept attempting to turn itself on to no avail. Normal process of running out of CO2 involves me simply filling my propane tank up within 24 hours of running out and keeping things running. However seeing as I was in the middle of week 6 I decided to just shut the generator off and not bother refilling the propane tank as too much CO2 will cause ethylene to build-up and too much ethylene will actually mess with the ripening of your buds.

So for the last 3-4 days or so I'm noticing mild signs of heat stress. I raise my lights thinking that was the issue and left it at that, but that never fixed any of the taco shaped leaves, yellowing and burning. I was quite stumped for those couple of days to be quite honest, I kept asking myself "What changed? I've had these exact settings in the room for the entire cycle and nothing has changed, so why am I suddenly getting heat stress? How is it that I just walk in and suddenly start seeing symptoms of heat stress?" and then I glanced over at my CO2 controller (has a thermometer feature on it as well, very cool) to check my temps again (76-77) and I saw my CO2 reading and it hit me like a ton of fucking shit covered bricks.

"That's what changed, I'm a fucking moron!" The plants stopped getting CO2 and that's why I started to suddenly have problems with heat. For one, my temps were set at CO2 temps. So my ambient room temps were 75-78 on average and my canopy temps were 82-88 on average.. but that was when I was running 1000+ ppm of CO2. When my CO2 ran out and I didn't refill it, I never changed the temps on my damn air conditioner. Pretty much, my environment was amazing for CO2 but once the CO2 was gone for 3-4 days they just couldn't handle those temps any more.

Talk about a stupid mistake to make though. I mean, I guess in my defense I've never actually used CO2 before.. but I should have thought to change my temps at the very least :/ Definitely not a mistake I will be making again that's for damn sure. I'm also back to watering every two days again now, again because of the CO2. I bring that up because it has to do with rates of photosynthesis. The definition of photosynthesis is "a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation). This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis"

So from what I can gather (keep in mind I'm a layman so if I'm wrong call my ass out! :P) the plant converts light into energy very much like a human converts calories into energy. The plant then converts carbon dioxide and water into sugars, the sugars being what stores the energy that was converted from the light.

So why did I bring this up? Well, the plant converts CO2 and water into sugar. I went from watering every single day to watering every 2 days without CO2, the definition of photosynthesis explains why I'm watering less and why I'm having issues with heat. The sugars that store the light come from CO2 and water, at 1200ppm CO2 I was watering once a day, but now at the standard 350ppm I'm watering every two days or so. Unless I'm mistaken, that means that the plant is producing less sugars. The sugars store the energy from the light, and the sugars come from CO2+water. Less CO2+water=less sugars. Less sugars=less room to store energy. Less room to store energy = less light needed.

Furthermore, CO2 is absorbed from the plants stomata which I've often heard compared to sweat pores. When temps get too high, the plant opens up more of it's stomata/pores in order to sweat and keep itself cool. If you're supplementing CO2, you actually want your temps higher than normal for this reason. The high temps will cause more of the stomata to open up in your plant's leaves, allowing for more CO2 to be absorbed. If more CO2 is being absorbed, then more water is being absorbed as well as CO2+water = sugars to store energy. I could be wrong, but I believe this is why plants with extra CO2 are able to handle the extra heat. So long as they're given extra CO2, they'll go through just as much water as well.

So, yeah I kind of fucked up on that one. Fortunately this was only an issue for a handful of days, but it's still going to have an affect on my yields for damn sure unfortunately. On top of that, 3 out of 4 of my wall fans don't oscillate anymore. I have things set up so that I'm getting airflow on as much of the plants as I can, but there are some parts on some plants that aren't getting any airflow at all. Sure enough, the parts without airflow are the most heat stressed. Fortunately my humidity doesn't get any higher than 40% so mold and such shouldn't be an issue, but I'm going to be vigilant regardless.

The timing of all of this really fucked me up too. I'm in day 46 of 12/12 and started noticing the yellowing in day 42 or so. It threw me off because that's about the time things start yellowing naturally, I had just thought that I was getting close to harvest and left it alone. The yellowing and browning started to get worse as the days went on and although I was concerned just a tad, I still didn't think to consider heat stress until I started seeing the leaves turn taco shaped. Once I saw that I sprung into action.

As of now, ambient temps are at 70-74 and my canopy temps are at 73-77. I'm pretty bummed about such a stupid mistake, but it can always be worse! The buds still feel more dense than anything I've ever grown before and things are still looking okay. My yield is very likely going to suffer, but fortunately this didn't happen during the window of harvest and I still have at least 10 days minimum until things start to get ready.

I'll do my best to get some pictures going for you all as soon as possible and again, I apologize for slacking on this journal.

As always, thanks for stopping by!
That's crazy man. I bet your plants are looking nice though.

Hope it all ends well for ya
Sorry again about the lack of updates and photos guys, I've been crazy busy these last few weeks. I've been picking up extra hours at work and have already pulled down 3 of the plants. Here's what everything looks like right now.




It's a total mess, I know, barely even had the spare time to cut the girls down let alone trim them. I finally went into the shed with a phone that had over 75% battery life on it so I was able to take these, actually didn't die on me, I was surprised. I'll post the photos and then get onto what I've been up to these last couple weeks. I'll try not to be too long winded :p

Amnesia Lemon



Cluster Bomb


Critical + 2.0

crit 2.jpg

Purple Trainwreck



It's been an insane couple of weeks but as you can see I've had my hands quite full!

The Amnesia Haze was the first one to pull, it entered the harvest window a little over a week ago and ended up being ready at 50 days if you can believe it. I could have let it go another week easily but I needed to pull something to get my electric bill paid. A little over $650 for the shed itself, not including my house! The Amnesia Haze yielded a little over 15 ounces dry and I'm already down to 7. I pulled it the second I saw nothing but milky trichomes and it's quickly becoming one of my all time favorite strains. It's the Original Amnesia from Dinafem and I absolutely can't recommend it enough. It's barely had a week to cure so it doesn't really smell until you grind it up.

The high is absolutely incredible though, not just for it's effects but because it's just the right amount. If you take a single rip, it won't incapacitate you. Despite the name Amnesia, a single hit will actually provide you with a minor amount of euphoria in combination with enhanced concentration. If your first hit isn't too large it can actually be somewhat compared to a cup of coffee. Hit it more than once and it will incapacitate you. Smoking a joint of the stuff gave me the effects I was first describing, until eventually I realized I'd been staring at my screen for a good couple of minutes completely out of it. It's the kind of high that locks your ass in place and teaches you to show it a little more respect the next time. I'm unbelievably disappointed in myself for having not taken clones of ANY of my girls, but until I can get a dedicated veg room and do it right I'll be sticking to seeds. The CO2 is definitely why it was ready for harvest so quickly, without the 6 weeks of CO2 it was getting before I doubt it would have been ready at day 50. I'll be getting myself a pack of these seeds to find that pheno again because everything about the strain completely impressed me from seed to smoke. I absolutely cannot recommend it enough. The way the buds formed on it made trimming too easy, was done in a little over 4 hours. The funny thing about this one is that it was a freebie, some of the seeds I bought never even sprouted (HSO Blueberry Headband 0% germ out of a 3 pack and 0% germ from 2 Green Crack). But because of that, I grew out their freebie and will definitely be looking more into Dinafem. Their White Widow sounds amazing :D

As for HSO, despite having 5 of their seeds fail to germ on me, I still will continue to give them business. When they do germinate they are gems, the Purple Trainwreck I have is an absolute monster and their Green Crack had the most distinct mango flavor to it. I'm pretty bummed about the failures, but when they do germinate they provide some killer results too. Forgive me if I sound like I'm advertising or being a shill. It's just that when I look at seed banks and look into buying new strains from a new seed bank I've never used before my first order of business is to look for grow journals. If I like what I see then I give it a go!

Yield on the Amnesia was terrible considering I used a single 1000w light, however due to financial constraints I had to cut veg short 2 weeks. Those 2 weeks would have made a huge difference though :/ The Amnesia was only 2ftx2ftx2ft and the extra 2 weeks would have increased each of those dimensions by at least a foot and, therefore my yield as well. I would have grown more under the lights, but plant counts restricted me. On top of that, the stress I mentioned a few posts back managed to cause it's problems. The Berry started throwing bananas and I'm finding a handful of seeds and I was getting bananas. They weren't a ridiculous amount of bunches, but I'd say a handful or so that I could find. Haven't seen any since, but the damage is done. Fortunately, it was only a handful of single bananas and it doesn't seem to have affected things too much. Berry Bomb's nugs felt quite dense before I pulled them down and it has a wonderful aroma to it, so I'm still quite hopeful to see what it can do despite the stress I put it under. The Jack Herer also threw a handful of bananas it seems, because despite my constant checking for the last couple of weeks there were a good one or two seeds I spotted. Doesn't surprise me too much though considering the stress, the Jack was bagseed and the Berry Bomb has Blueberry in it's genes so both of these were prone to this at the get go. They're both currently drying as I type this, today will be their 3rd day drying now. The grow tent you see there is something I just rigged up to dry the plants. It's one of the screens to hang the branches on with the cover of my grow tent covering it. I have my humidifier in there running at 40%RH and my air conditioning is keeping the entire room's ambient temps at 68-70/canopy temps 72-74. I set the tent and screen up for drying that way because this room is pretty much perfect for it. Sealed environment, tent keeps the light out, already has a controlled temp and RH environment. I can dry 5-7 days in these conditions, longer if I raised the RH. I'll be sure to update with dry yields on those as well when I know!

I couldn't really capture it on camera, but the Jack Herer in the 2g pot started showing signs of coloring so I dropped the temps so I could bring those out. The PTW is doing that just slightly, but the Jack is really starting to purple up. I still have the little Jack and Critical + 2.0, both in 2g pots as well as my Cluster Bomb, PTW, and Amnesia Lemon all in 25g pots. The Purple Trainwreck is definitely ready to come down, but it can also go for a few days more for sure. I'll be letting that one swell up until the Jack and Berry are dried and I have room for it. Everything else has at least 5 more days, maybe even a week. Hairs on them are just now starting to turn, faster every day, so they'll almost be there too. The room is going to be empty soon, which makes me sad :P I've already got the next one all planned out though, I'll be getting an increase on my plant count and doing a lot of changes with everything.

As usual, thanks for checking things out guys!
Looks good.

I can understand being busy and hectic. Its been a rough couple months to me as well.
Surprised you even find the time to post quite frankly haha. It's good we're staying busy though, not like I'm complaining! Sorry to hear things have been rough for you though, hope things are going better. :/
Surprised you even find the time to post quite frankly haha. It's good we're staying busy though, not like I'm complaining! Sorry to hear things have been rough for you though, hope things are going better. :/
Things are going good right now and the pace slowing a bit.

Keep up the good grow.
Still waiting on the Berry Bomb and Jack Herer to dry, today marks day 4 so ideally they'll be ready for jars in the next 1-3 days. When I used this method with the amnesia, the branches had enough humidity to regulate itself at a consistent 45-50%. When I checked yesterday the humidity in my drying room had somehow gotten down to 39%. No big deal, just put my humidifier in there and set it to 40% and that's been maintaining itself ever since doing that. I did not expect them to dry that quickly otherwise I would have done that sooner, I'll likely not end up getting the slow dry I was hoping for but it isn't the biggest deal really.

Once I wrap this up I've already got the next grow in mind, once the capital becomes available I'll be going the way of raised beds with multiple plants. My plant count has been increased to 24, so I'll be running 2 4x4x1 cubic foot beds as well as 2 3x6x1 cubic foot beds. Each 4x4 bed will have 4 plants and each 3x6 will have 6 plants, the 4x4 beds will each have 1000w lights and the 3x6 beds will have 2 600w lights. If I had done this in the first place my yields would have been where I wanted them to be, but not only did I have the plant counts working against me but cutting veg down by 2 weeks really hurt as well.

The only way I could ever see myself hitting and/or breaking the fabled 1gpw (I know it's not the most accurate in terms of time and so forth, but I feel gpw is a good staple measurement for me) is if I'm able to utilize 100% of my light. With the 1000w lights, that means I need to have a 4x4 sqft area that is 3-4 ft tall in order to maximize my yields and with the 600w lights I need to have a 3x3sqft area that is 2-3ft tall in order to maximize yields. The only ones that got close to utilizing the full amount of light was the strains under the 600w lights but even then none of them were 3x3sqft and were 2-2.5ft tall at best. Now that I'll have more plants to work with, I can fill my light footprints much better and much more quickly/efficiently. Look at the mediocre yields I got from my Amnesia as a result of not using 100% of my light, I would have actually saved myself some money on electricity if I had dialed the ballast down but my optimism blinded me. Live and learn. You can have everything dialed in and 100% but if you aren't using 100% of the light's footprint you are losing yield, period.

I'm just thankful this is still just a hobby at this point or I'd be hurting. I spent months planning things out and preparing and I still managed to not only make mistakes, but I wasn't prepared for the unexpected. I never expected my hours to get cut so bad and did not plan for it, as a result I suffered. The only reason I've been able to finish this out is because my in-laws have been helping me out to see this through, they're both smokers and saw what I used to do in California so they had no problems investing in me. Because of the amount of faith they had in me, I'm going to make sure they never have to pay for meds as long as they live.

I only say all of this because I see a lot of threads everywhere about people trying to get into this as a career instead of just a hobby. Maintain a day job while you get off your feet. Even if I do get to a point where I'm pulling big harvests every year, I still plan on maintaining my day job. I've been a caregiver on and off for over 5 years now, it's been very rewarding for all the involved parties but that being said there is absolutely nothing more stable than a day job. I know that as long as I show up and do my job, I'm guaranteed a paycheck. Having a shed full of plants? There are no guarantees until you're looking at the jars, until then anything can happen. Timers can fail, lights can fail, ballasts can die, bugs, literally anything can happen. One time I had an indoor grow that got completely seeded because my timers were messed up. After I harvested, I noticed I had a little notch on the timer in the middle of my "dark" period. Turns out for at least 4 weeks my lights were coming on for 30 minutes in the middle of my "dark" period.

I doubt this will ever become a "business" for me because the way these people write the laws are specifically designed to prevent people like you and me from getting our feet wet per se. However, if you are capable of growing quality and can find patients willing to donate appropriately you can at least be compensated for your hobby. Try not to think of growing as anything more than something like say, woodworking or painting. If you find people willing to purchase your work, then wonderful! But don't quit your day job.

I suppose I'm just rambling now at this point, I blame the Amnesia <_<
Things are going good right now and the pace slowing a bit.

Keep up the good grow.
Thanks again man, means a lot to hear from other well known members on here that I'm on the right track.

You must be about where I'm at then. Complete crunch time right now but only because things are starting to come to a head. Give it another month or so and we'll have nothing to do and be bored out of our minds! :P
Thanks again man, means a lot to hear from other well known members on here that I'm on the right track.

You must be about where I'm at then. Complete crunch time right now but only because things are starting to come to a head. Give it another month or so and we'll have nothing to do and be bored out of our minds! :P
I hunt so fall turkey, squirrel, and deer season will be in. It will be time to fill the freezer up.

I posted it in other threads. My mother broke the ball off the bone where it goes in the shoulder socket. She had a plate and pins put in and my wife got sick on top of it.

Everything is cool now though.

That's cool your plant count was increased.
Weight for the Jack Herer #1 is in now, spent all last night trimming and jarring it up. Exact weight was around 10.7oz for the Jack Herer #1, a rather mediocre harvest it would seem but seeing as a lot of the Jack was rather fluffy it's a surprising yield for me. Still more than .5gpw so I can be happy with that considering my circumstances and issues I had. I have no right to complain as this is what I get for using bag seed, the plant just looked so amazing when I was transplanting them that I thought it would surely outperform the Critical + 2.0 in a 30g pot so I left the Critical in a 2g pot instead of the Jack. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for having done that, had I grown the Critical in the pot the Jack #1 was in I could have probably close to doubled my yield based on how the Critical is looking right now. Very very potent stuff though, took three hits off a joint and had this strange urge to put the joint out after the third hit. Not even 5 minutes later I was thankful for following that urge because it kicked my ass.

That's the main reason I always tell people to at least attempt growing their own meds, it's pretty much the exact same thing as cooking your own food and not going out to eat. Unless you're at a high scale restaurant where people take pride in their work, 9/10 times you'll make a better meal for yourself than someone getting paid minimum wage to do it. Same with your own meds. When you grow it yourself, you make sure it's done properly. You take your time drying it and curing it unlike what wholesellers do. I firmly believe that even a beginner with no experience can grow better meds than half of the product currently on the market right now. Indoor grows are being phased out by recreational states, which means that if you're looking for some top tier indoor quality meds you have to grow it yourself. Gone are the days of high quality indoor at most of these dispensaries/storefronts, all of these places have enormous outdoor grows and are pushing their shit for $800-1600/lb. I still know of some people that are getting $2400-2800/lb in California, but the stuff is the very definition of primo. If your stuff isn't 20% THC minimum with a 1-2 month long cure then you will never see more than $2k/lb unless you hit the black market. These people are all about the "Wal-Mart" mentality now :/

I'm quite excited to see what happens with my Berry Bomb though, I'll be checking it again tonight when the lights come on. Been hang drying for around 5 days now so it should be good to go tonight, tomorrow night at the latest I'm thinking. I had twice as many branches of Berry Bomb hanging as I did the Jack #1, and the nugs on the Berry are ridiculously dense so I'm pretty excited to see what it is that one produces for me. I've had some samples of it so far with some of the tiny nugs and it's pretty incredible so far. If this ends up yielding well for me I'll be as thrilled about it as I was the Amnesia. So far Bomb Genetics is looking pretty legit, but I'll be saving my final judgment for when they've been in jars for a bit. So far though, I'm quite impressed.

I'll be chopping the Purple Trainwreck down and hanging it tonight for sure, possibly the Critical + as well. Tomorrow night marks day 63 of 12/12 so I should have an empty shed within the week. The Cluster Bomb and Amnesia Lemon look like they just started getting ripe, but I'll be letting them chill for another 1-3 days to see if they fill out more. After tonight there will only be 3 girls left which makes me a bit sad until I realize I have jars now instead of plants.

I'm beyond eager to get my next project going, just waiting on getting rid of more jars until I can get that going. I'm hoping to have another journal up and running within another 4-6 weeks, I'm hoping it doesn't take longer than Sept 15th to get the next project started but we'll see what happens. I'll do my best to keep updating as I go and as always thanks for reading! :D
Weight of the Berry Bomb is in, came in at a little over 300 grams altogether. Pretty impressive considering it had some bananas going from heat stress. Considering my circumstances I'm just thrilled I was able to actually hit .5gpw. I will be pulling the Purple Trainwreck within the next few hours if I'm able to actually get around to it, and maybe the 2g pots as well. Everything else still looks like it can go for another week so why not I figure.

New room is currently in the works and I'll be getting a journal going for that as well when I start it up. I'll have an increased plant count as well as more available funds, allowing me to veg for however long I need to. Not only that, there are definitely a few weak points in this grow that need to be addressed.

First is replacing the 3 wall fans that don't oscillate anymore. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the power of a good wall mount fan, they're pretty much mandatory when you're running open hooded HIDs. For those of you that don't know, 3 out of 4 of my wall fans don't oscillate anymore and that created hot spots in the most crucial part of flower, adding to my heat stress issues. The product in question had stellar reviews on Amazon so that's a bit of a surprise to me. So that needs to be taken care of.

The next issue is a new humidifier. I was a total dumbass and went with a different unit than the one I was originally looking at, I'm now looking at purchasing the one I was originally looking at but didn't go with. The humidifier I got was $50 and said it would control the humidity of a 1100sqft room, the reviews confirmed this. However, I derped and didn't realize I had two 15k window units running to keep things cool. So while that humidifier may have normally been perfect, I need something more powerful to compensate for the fact that I have two window units dehumidifying my room. That's a lesson I got to learn the hard way.

I'll pretty much just be tweaking things around the room and all that good stuff. On top of that, I'll be going with larger containers this next time around and with multiple plants per container.Amazon has fabric raised beds, 4x4 beds are $55 and 3x6 beds are $75. I'll be building wooden frames with caster wheels on them, very similar to a wooden dolly you would use to move a refrigerator or something like that. The frames will hold my fabric beds and be on caster wheels so I can move the entire beds around at will, making training, pruning, inspecting, and so forth a breeze. Each bed will be hooked up to a Blumat watering system so that all I need to do is keep my reservoir full and my beds constantly have perfect moisture. Each 4x4 bed will have 4 plants and be under a 1000w bulb, each 3x6 bed will have 6 plants and be under 2 600w bulbs. I'll likely be relying solely on LST techniques as opposed to a SCROG this next time around. It seemed like I was doing a much better job keeping a flat canopy with my string than I was the actual SCROG, but I did have to cut my veg time down. Still, I'd prefer to do away with that this next time around.

Having never experienced being in charge of a grow larger than 2000w before this has given me an awful lot of respect for the people that do it big. I spent months planning and preparing for just about every and anything I could think of and it still wasn't enough. The larger you scale up in growing the more the little things start to become big things. Keeping all of those lights cool, keeping them the perfect distance from the canopy, everything you have to keep track in on a grow but in a warehouse scale. That takes a tremendous amount of skill and knowledge to pull off and I learned that very quickly with this 6 light grow.

Having gone through all of this, I'm thankful to the Lord Almighty that I still have employment or I'd be in some trouble. Fortunately this is just a hobby for me and my main source of income has always been my job. In fact, my job is the reason I was able to turn a hobby into something so massive. I have a good source of employment so I got myself a decent sized tax return and that's what I used to finance all of this. All of this pretty much happened on a whim I guess you could say. Not only did I have that tax refund to invest, but I moved into a new place that just so happened to have this shed available. On top of that, my mother in law used to work for the dispensary that used to exist in our town. This dispensary was the only one within a 90-100 mile radius and a lot of people were sad when the owners shut it down and moved to the city. My mother in law happened to keep in contact with a lot of them though, she also knew that I was a good grower and had my tax refund coming in. She of all people actually suggested I get back into it, my family and I are all tired of paying the $200/oz donation for pesticide infected garbage and they saw what I used to do in California. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm the best grower ever, and my yields will certainly confirm this, however my stuff has consistently destroyed anything I've ever donated for. It's not even that I'm a good grower, it's just that using living organic soil is like cheating! The only trick with living organics is getting your yields dialed in, however whatever you yield will end up being some of the finest quality you've ever experienced. Living organic soil produces this earthy undertone that is only found in meds grown in a living soil with good humus.

My in-laws (God bless em) have even been helping me out with my electric bills! They were that excited about us getting back into this. So far I've given them two ounces, and both of my in-laws are beyond thrilled. My mother in-law especially loves the Amnesia because it's a perfect strain to micro-dose with as she puts it.

Again, I'm no gifted grower, this soil is just cheating and will provide you with some incredible quality. If you don't mind having to troubleshoot things to maximize yields, I can't recommend living organics enough.

And as always, thanks for stopping by!
Sorry again about the lack of updates and photos guys, I've been crazy busy these last few weeks. I've been picking up extra hours at work and have already pulled down 3 of the plants. Here's what everything looks like right now.

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It's a total mess, I know, barely even had the spare time to cut the girls down let alone trim them. I finally went into the shed with a phone that had over 75% battery life on it so I was able to take these, actually didn't die on me, I was surprised. I'll post the photos and then get onto what I've been up to these last couple weeks. I'll try not to be too long winded :p

Amnesia Lemon

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Cluster Bomb

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Critical + 2.0

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Purple Trainwreck

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Good lookin Plants.... lil bushes fulla tops is where it's at for indoor... good work
Pending the weight of the final 3 plants, I'm sad to say it's time for me to officially call this finished. I'll be getting a new journal going within the next month or so, but until then I'll still be posting in here. Amnesia, Berry, and Jack #1 yielded a total of 2.25lb so not even .5gpw. To be expected though when you have to cut your veg short and stress your girls out in week 6 :p The 2 gallon pots are also in jars, the Critical yielded a little over a qp and the Jack #2 yielded 2 ounces of some of the best shit I've had in a while. Breaks my heart that I didn't clone it, this thing started turning black and purple in the last couple of weeks. I called it Black Jack and I'm praying for a seed in one of the nugs somehow because wow. I'll post back at some point what the rest is, but at this point I'm going to just call it at 4 lbs total. I'll get some nug shots going as soon as I can, maybe I should just get a damn camera so I don't have to rely on my phone! On the one hand, I'm disappointed it's looking like 4lb will be my total, but on the other hand the original plan was to veg in there for 4 weeks and not 2. Although I'm convinced I would have yielded more with the extra veg time that doesn't neglect the fact that the girls got way too stressed in week 6. Considering that my family and I have been paying some ridiculous donation prices for meds I am totally not complaining in the least, just pointing out how it could have been improved upon is all.

I have plans for the next run currently worked out at 100% and once I start getting caught up I'll be starting again within the next month for sure. I'll be getting some seeds going that I found from when I used to live in California. It's a Trainwreck x AK48 cross I got going and I totally forgot I even had them, needless to say I was beyond excited when I found them. I got a Trainwreck clone from someone and it produced this crazy rotten lemon cleaner smell that was so damn unique, but it would hermie on me no matter what. The Trainwreck (assuming the guy told the truth lol) is an unknown, but the AK48 is Nirvana's. Went with them because you can get a $20 10 pack of seeds of most of their regular strains. Highly recommend the AK48 and the White Rhino. Anyway, the last time I ran the Trainwreck and it hermied it hermied my AK48 girls and I had a bunch of seeds. I got a handful of them and crossed them with a 10 pack of Nirvana's AK48 in hopes of maybe breeding out the hermie trait but never got to grow them. I had thought I left them at my place in California until this week and I'll pretty much be growing only those seeds.

I'll be increasing the size of my pots as well as my overall plant count. I'll be going from 6 plants to 24, and instead of single pot per plants I'll be going raised beds with rows of plants. I'll have two 4x8 beds and two 4x4 beds, apparently Smart Pot makes fabric beds and those will be my choice. I'm gonna put them on top of wooden frames set on caster wheels so that I can wheel the beds around at will. The beds are all a foot tall so it'll take around 720 gallons of soil altogether. The 4x4 beds will have 4 plants each and the 4x8 beds will have 8 plants each, so pretty much 4 plants per 4x4 area. Each plant should get around 30 gallons of soil space to itself, give or take.

The reason I'm able to do such a huge increase in the scale of my soil is because I found a local source for living organic soil. Guy is only charging $60 a cubic yard for his soil and has been doing this for nearly as long as I have been alive. Needless to say I'll be trusting his soil more than mine as he sounded like he knew his shit when I talked to him and was more than happy to answer any and all questions, which shows me he takes pride in what he does. I love CCs mix, but due to my location it is just too damn expensive. I'll be getting this guy's soil mix and amending it with some neem and crab meal and calling it a day pretty much.

The only reason I'm even able to increase the scale of my soil is because of how cheap it is. I must have spent damn near $500 for a cubic yard buying everything online aside from the peat :/ The reason I'm going to go with raised beds? Based on what I saw with this run, I'm quite confident the beds can be filled quite easily. My 25 gallon pots were clearly root-bound by week 4 of flower and when I was running CO2 I was watering every day. This happened with just two weeks of veg after being transplanted from the 2 gallon pots, I didn't think that would happen with just two weeks time in the pots. It gives me reason to believe that 4 plants could fill out a 4x4 raised bed quite nicely if I veg them for 4 weeks this time, especially if I get them germinating and in 3g pots before the beds are ready.

I won't be able to afford the Blumats this time unfortunately from the looks of it, too many things in the room that need attention. I was stupid and only had the pots on 2x4s thinking that would be enough for drainage and it sure wasn't. I'll be sure to have the beds raised up around a foot high ideally to allow for good drainage, I'll also be adding extra perlite into my mix, going with 40% aeration this time around and putting more emphasis on top dressing with compost. I'll be posting what I can when I get that going but I'll likely be pretty busy with that for a bit.

As always, thanks for stopping by! :D
Managed to snap a handful of photos before my phone died on me. Used to be all about Samsung products but this damn phone has me rethinking them for my next upgrade unless they get their shit together :/

I'll also be the first one to mention, despite the issues with my phone it does in fact take great pictures and these are what I got with the flash on. It only looks like this with the flash on, but they're just so pretty looking I couldn't help but upload them. I didn't upload any of the photos of the Jack Herer #1 because it was rather mediocre compared to the rest in terms of how photogenic the nugs were, the Jack Herer #2 (BlackJack) on the other hand..

Critical + 2.0


Berry Bomb


Jack Herer #2 (BlackJack)




I'll be sure to get some nug shots of everything else once it's all finished up. I'll be trimming the Purple Trainwreck today and the Cluster Bomb and Amnesia Lemon are both still drying at the moment. Once again, thanks to all of you that have come along for the ride with words of encouragement. This has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me and although I didn't get as much as I was hoping for because of my veg time, I'm beyond thankful for what I have nonetheless.

As for the quality and how it looks? I'm not going to sit here and talk about how I'm the greatest grower in the world and do this in hopes of getting a circle jerk going. The reason I did this is to prove just how amazing organics is as a whole. I am certainly not the best grower in the world and highly doubt I ever could be, but I will always strive to be the absolute best that I can be and I firmly believe that this starts with organic living soil in some shape or form.

Not trying to dog on anyone's method of grow, some of these hydro guys out there are nothing short of artists for sure. However, they also have years worth of experience and trial and error to have got to the point where they are now. I always felt hydro was too involved personally, however I know some hydro guys that say the same about soil so to each their own right? More than one way to skin a fish for sure. But if you're looking for a good starting point and don't have the start up to get a legit hydro system going, or you're like me and don't have confidence in your ability to be successful with hydro, then living organic soil is for you. You don't even have to use Sub's mix, or Coot's mix, or any of the mixes you see online. Don't get me wrong, there are a plethora of great mixes out there and I have had great experiences with all of them and have since fallen in love with Coot's soil. However, if you can find some sort of living soil for an affordable price then that too will work wonders for you. No need to go to your local hydro store and grab a bunch of bags of Roots Organic, hop on Craigslist and see if anyone in the area is selling any living soil. I live out in the middle of nowhere and found someone nearly 200 miles away from me that is willing to deliver his living soil to me at $60/cubic yard. You'd be surprised at what you'll find on craigslist, plenty of people out there with farms that have this stuff in abundance and are more than willing to make a quick buck selling to you in bulk at a cheap rate.

I'll be starting up another journal here some time this month. I'm gonna get my Train 48 seeds germinating and hopefully within the next few weeks here I'll have the funds to get things going again. Thanks again for stopping by guys and hope you'll tune in again when I get my next project started :D
Pending the weight of the final 3 plants, I'm sad to say it's time for me to officially call this finished. I'll be getting a new journal going within the next month or so, but until then I'll still be posting in here. Amnesia, Berry, and Jack #1 yielded a total of 2.25lb so not even .5gpw. To be expected though when you have to cut your veg short and stress your girls out in week 6 :p The 2 gallon pots are also in jars, the Critical yielded a little over a qp and the Jack #2 yielded 2 ounces of some of the best shit I've had in a while. Breaks my heart that I didn't clone it, this thing started turning black and purple in the last couple of weeks. I called it Black Jack and I'm praying for a seed in one of the nugs somehow because wow. I'll post back at some point what the rest is, but at this point I'm going to just call it at 4 lbs total. I'll get some nug shots going as soon as I can, maybe I should just get a damn camera so I don't have to rely on my phone! On the one hand, I'm disappointed it's looking like 4lb will be my total, but on the other hand the original plan was to veg in there for 4 weeks and not 2. Although I'm convinced I would have yielded more with the extra veg time that doesn't neglect the fact that the girls got way too stressed in week 6. Considering that my family and I have been paying some ridiculous donation prices for meds I am totally not complaining in the least, just pointing out how it could have been improved upon is all.

I have plans for the next run currently worked out at 100% and once I start getting caught up I'll be starting again within the next month for sure. I'll be getting some seeds going that I found from when I used to live in California. It's a Trainwreck x AK48 cross I got going and I totally forgot I even had them, needless to say I was beyond excited when I found them. I got a Trainwreck clone from someone and it produced this crazy rotten lemon cleaner smell that was so damn unique, but it would hermie on me no matter what. The Trainwreck (assuming the guy told the truth lol) is an unknown, but the AK48 is Nirvana's. Went with them because you can get a $20 10 pack of seeds of most of their regular strains. Highly recommend the AK48 and the White Rhino. Anyway, the last time I ran the Trainwreck and it hermied it hermied my AK48 girls and I had a bunch of seeds. I got a handful of them and crossed them with a 10 pack of Nirvana's AK48 in hopes of maybe breeding out the hermie trait but never got to grow them. I had thought I left them at my place in California until this week and I'll pretty much be growing only those seeds.

I'll be increasing the size of my pots as well as my overall plant count. I'll be going from 6 plants to 24, and instead of single pot per plants I'll be going raised beds with rows of plants. I'll have two 4x8 beds and two 4x4 beds, apparently Smart Pot makes fabric beds and those will be my choice. I'm gonna put them on top of wooden frames set on caster wheels so that I can wheel the beds around at will. The beds are all a foot tall so it'll take around 720 gallons of soil altogether. The 4x4 beds will have 4 plants each and the 4x8 beds will have 8 plants each, so pretty much 4 plants per 4x4 area. Each plant should get around 30 gallons of soil space to itself, give or take.

The reason I'm able to do such a huge increase in the scale of my soil is because I found a local source for living organic soil. Guy is only charging $60 a cubic yard for his soil and has been doing this for nearly as long as I have been alive. Needless to say I'll be trusting his soil more than mine as he sounded like he knew his shit when I talked to him and was more than happy to answer any and all questions, which shows me he takes pride in what he does. I love CCs mix, but due to my location it is just too damn expensive. I'll be getting this guy's soil mix and amending it with some neem and crab meal and calling it a day pretty much.

The only reason I'm even able to increase the scale of my soil is because of how cheap it is. I must have spent damn near $500 for a cubic yard buying everything online aside from the peat :/ The reason I'm going to go with raised beds? Based on what I saw with this run, I'm quite confident the beds can be filled quite easily. My 25 gallon pots were clearly root-bound by week 4 of flower and when I was running CO2 I was watering every day. This happened with just two weeks of veg after being transplanted from the 2 gallon pots, I didn't think that would happen with just two weeks time in the pots. It gives me reason to believe that 4 plants could fill out a 4x4 raised bed quite nicely if I veg them for 4 weeks this time, especially if I get them germinating and in 3g pots before the beds are ready.

I won't be able to afford the Blumats this time unfortunately from the looks of it, too many things in the room that need attention. I was stupid and only had the pots on 2x4s thinking that would be enough for drainage and it sure wasn't. I'll be sure to have the beds raised up around a foot high ideally to allow for good drainage, I'll also be adding extra perlite into my mix, going with 40% aeration this time around and putting more emphasis on top dressing with compost. I'll be posting what I can when I get that going but I'll likely be pretty busy with that for a bit.

As always, thanks for stopping by! :D
Great run nonetheless. The future blue print sounds great. Locally sourcing living soil is such a great find.

Black jack looks killer dank
Great run nonetheless. The future blue print sounds great. Locally sourcing living soil is such a great find.

Black jack looks killer dank

Hey thanks man! The compliments are much appreciated coming from you! Didn't exactly get to follow my original idea because of a variety of factors, mainly because I don't know exactly what will happen when my lease is up come November. As a result I went with something that I could easily transport to another location, should it be necessary. I'm hoping I'll be able to get an outdoor going sometime next year though, especially with a local source of soil. Personally, I missed that boat in all of the Microbeman/CC threads. It isn't about using specific ingredients, but what it available to you locally. Ideally, growing organically shouldn't be pricey, but if you live in the middle of nowhere like I do somethings certain sacrifices need to be made until you get established well enough on your own.

Always appreciated you stopping by Eddie, hoping that all is well for you brother!