six 3week seedlings, all in small cointainer, need help


Active Member
Hi, i just recently joined this fine site. You guys are very weed smart. I have six three week old seedlings in one small contanier. My question is can i transplant to outdoors without destroying the roots? The stalks are no more than an inch an a half away from eachother. I took these from a 14 year old kid who didint need em anyways. Dont know what soil he use but he did use cow manure. Plants been doin real well since i've had them. thanks for any input you may have.



Well-Known Member
cant see the pics but yes you will have to transplant them either to a bigger pot or outside. they each need their own seperate space


Active Member
O an with them being so close together, does that Stunt their growth or slow em down, cuz they are all fighting for the same water, sun, an soil space right.


Active Member
ya, i know this. But i figured that the roots of all six would be all tangeld together by now. so when i go to transplant i would be hacking the roots all to hell. I was gonna transplant into the earth but ive decided to go with pots. Thanks for the info too!