SirGreenThumbs Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a digital microscope to check tricolmes. I'm sick of using my handheld since it takes a min to even locate what you are looking for and when you do find it you have to make sure you don't move. Not to mention I can take pics with this one. Says is has up to 800x, but I don't believe that according to the reviews. However, just because others cant use it right doesn't mean that it cant do that magnification. I chose one day shipping so I should get it tomorrow after I have went all around town trying to find one. Apparently no one is interested in science anymore. 43 dollars for this scope and 1 days shipping is pretty good imo.


Well-Known Member
Yea, my bagseed looks to be right about done but I want to be sure. The majority of the hairs have turned a goldish color, but she keeps creating new top shoots... I cant wait to see what the final weight is going to be on this bagseed the main cola is bigger than a smart water bottle.


Well-Known Member
I expect to get about 3 oz from the bagseed. I could be wrong but it looks like it will be a pretty decent yield. I'm in the process of curing the smallest plant that I cut down early. Bringing out the smell nice after 1 day of cure. She smells like skunky lemon pine, the taste is more of a dank taste. However, it's not done curing.

Even with me cutting it down early it has a better high than any of the weed I have bought lately. I can smoke half a bowl and be good for at least 1.5hrs. It's not overpowering like I like it, but it gets the job done. Especially since I just had a root canal done and I was in some serious pain when the numbing went away. So it could have been a very powerful pain killer if I would have let it continue. I probably could have done a little better trimming, but eh, its my weed. :razz:


Well-Known Member
Well, my microscope arrived and they sent me the wrong one. I don't feel like returning it so I am going to get them to refund the difference. The pics arn't the greatest thing in the world, but they will do for now as I am still figuring out how to use it properly. No directions for use or software, so I had to find my own.

I found no amber tricolmes and the ratio between cloudy and clear does not meet my standards...So I will have to wait... I already knew I would, but this confirms it.

First pics are of the bagseed.

And here is Pineapple Express... Big difference.

I think I may have handled her to rough.. There is resin strings in this pic.