SirGreenThumbs Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it has something to do with me smoking the HQ weed that I grow and then buying some so called "FIRE" bud and have to smoke so much just to get a buzz. Really sucks. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Today should be day 16 of flower for the oldest bagseed plant and around day 5 of flower for the youngest bagseed female. The last bagseed finally showed sex and he met his demise. I had thought about saving some of the pollen sacs from him, but don't know anything about his genetics, so..... I also have the pineapple express going and she is doing very well also. I have to say though, the oldest bagseed is my fav... She stinks to high heaven, but she is a beautiful plant.

I've been using Miracle Gro African violet potting mix that is (.18-.06 -.12) and a light feeding of 12-4-8. :grin:

Now for Pix....

I love how the flash brings out the budding sites.

She is 16" tall... Stopped training her and let her do her thing, and she stayed short from the 12/12 cycle I suppose.

Here is the pineapple express. She gets one picture cause there isn't too many angles to capture. :wink:

This is my other bagseed still in the original pot.. She has been topped and has 2 tops.

No real problems, but I forgot about the soil being different than the african violet that I got and had a little nute burn. Its only on like 3 leaf tips and she still looks healthy. I'll have to make a special batch of feed for her I guess.


Well-Known Member
Decided to do another update because my PE started flowering today. She is 12 days old..... The oldest plant is still doing very well and I'm hoping that she will be done by 11/12/13.... :grin: The other bagseed shouldn't be too far behind and I will be breeding PE. The colloidal silver should be here by Wednesday and she just started flowering so it should work out pretty well I think.

The bagseed that I had topped is still in the same soil and the same container and she is showing quite a bit of (N) Def and some all around burn from the soil. I may end up having to change the soil after all. She also grew pollen sacs on the very bottom of the plant.

Pineapple Express
View attachment 2849516View attachment 2849517

Group Shot

Youngest bagseed in all her deficiency glory.


Well-Known Member
Pics aren't showing up :(
Now they are. Raise up the little plant so you get a more even canopy. And spread out what you have.
What kind of N source are you using on the plant having issues?


Well-Known Member
In the one small pot I have miracle gro potting mix and the plant doesn't seem to like it. I'm using miracle gro african violet now with miracle grow all purpose food that is 12-4-8 balanced out to 6.8ph and the other plants are loving it. I'm probably going to change the soil to the african violet soil, but I kinda feel like its the pot making the plant unhappy.

Also, the little plant is raised up with like 15 dvd cases. It may actually be more than that. :lol:

I'll just have to start by changing the soil and work my way to figuring out what is going on. She isn't too bad, but the other plants are flawless.

I've thought about different things I could do to create some more space, but there isn't really much I can do with those two 5 gal buckets in that small tent. I need to do a 2 plant scrog.. I bet it would do great in that tent with my setup.


Well-Known Member
Been quite a bit since I posted anything here but I figured Id update my progress just cause. The oldest bagseed is around 5 week flower and is still packing on weight. The pineapple express is only around 3 weeks flower and is doing beautifully... Only problem is the CS that I have been using to turn a branch on her hasn't worked, so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.. I guess I'll have to get another PE and try again..I really liked this pheno though. :sad: I really am not to sure how old the other bagsed is, but she has some major issues but I'm gonna continue to let her grow the way she is. My expectations for that plant has been low for a very long time now.

Ne wayz --- on to the pics

Bagseed 5 week flower 12/12

Pineapple Express 3 week flower 12/12

Bagseed topped 1.5L pot 4 week flower. I think? Say what you want, I think she looks cool. :finger:

A really bad group shot under the yellow of my HPS. I should stop taking pics near my magnetic ballast. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Those bagseeds look burned by something. Nutes are my guess based on the dark green leaves in the second to last shot. The PE is looking very good.


Well-Known Member
Yea. Pretty positive it's boron def. and thx. I'm kinda upset that the cs didn't work. Oh well looks like she wil be some good smoke


Well-Known Member
I've never run into a micronutrient def that wasn't from a lockout. How much are you feeding?


Well-Known Member
haven't fed them in a while.. I've let them use the nutes that are in the mg soil. I also don't have any more soil or another container to use atm. Surprisingly she is still growing and producing resin. So its not a complete lockout. I never expected her to get that big and I'm pretty positive she is root bound.


Well-Known Member
Water more frequently if you think she's root bound.
I'd forgotten you were in MG. This is my issue with soil in general, I like to know exactly what I'm giving the plants and when.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm getting some foxfarm ocean forest for my next plants and will feed accordingly. Trying to use mg soil and mg nutes is a difficult task when you have those pellets that can release nutes at any given time and over do it by accident. So I basically stopped adding any other nutes and am gonna let the current ones do its job. I would flush the plant but ne one who has used mg soil knows its nearly impossible to do. So......I'm just wait it out and see what she does. As far as I can tell each day she gets more and more resin, so I feel like I'm good.


Well-Known Member
I may have to do that. I like growing hydro, but with what I had to deal with the last time made me not want to do it again. May give it another run at some point, but I know I'm planting my Aurora Indica in soil. Not sure which one yet.. Any blooming nutes you could recommend? I'll still be using the reg feed with high (N) during flowering cause I like to keep the foliage as green as possible throughout flower.


Well-Known Member
I don't run bloom nutes except occasionally as small boosters on top of a complete base nute. I want to start experimenting with adding like 0.2EC worth of monopotassium phosphate to a 1.0-1.2EC base feed solution after the stretch when they start pushing out flowers.
As far running soilless I would amend it with a bit of lime as a buffer and ~30% perlite or growstones or other soil areator. For nutes I'd go with one of the 20-10-20 foods from Jack's (Citrus FeED would be my choice over Peat special) or Dyna Gro's Foliage Pro 9-3-6. Whatever you go with use Dyna Gro's Protekt silica supplement. It provides a number of benefits from the silica but the extra K when used with FP is really useful as the FP alone is a little low on K for flowering cannabis IMO. It also is a wonderful pH up replacement, just add it first to the nute mix if you want to have the Si remain available. It still works as pH up after though.
I wish I had the money to buy some salts and start making my own nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to read a bit more into your recommendations but sounds pretty good my oldest bagseed isn't going to be done by the 12th. She just keeps swelling not that it's a bad thing I just need some weed


Well-Known Member
Bagseed is a couple days away from 8 weeks and the PE is close to 4 weeks flower. I chopped down the smallest plant just cause I could. Its in the process of drying and I should end up with 1/4 ounce after words. It smells pretty nice.

Here is the bagseed

Pineapple Express