Simple Weed Question Destroys Drug Czar's Chief Deputy


Well-Known Member
Without commentary:



Well-Known Member
I'm an Oregon resident who grows and uses medical marijuana. Kudos to Represenative Blumenaeur for making an absolute ass of the government's so called deputy drug czar. Come this November we're sure to have legal marijuana for anyone over 21. Too bad kiddies but it's going to be treated like alcohol re the age limit.


Well-Known Member
Hard to be un-brainwashed. Doesn't matter what the related profession. Cops and prosecutors obviously will never think that they incarcerated incarcerated kids. Old doctors - same thing. Old bureaucrats, blah blah


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah saw this the other day and posted a few of the more powerful parts on IG. Hes beatin his ass verbally.



Cartman is blumenau and somalia is the drug czar