Sidney Powell

Racist-the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. Please explain how anyone but white people can opress in American?
You have a really fucked up (cherry picking is bad) definition of 'racist'. Almost like you picked one of the infinite variations you can find on the internet and picked the one that makes you feel the best.

Whatever your 'ism' of choice ends up being, it is still almost always wrong.
These idiots that have been going around for years claiming to be Real Americans and Patriots are just the opposite. They're traitors and a threat to the United States of America. They wave a flag while undermining everything America stands for. They are despicable and need to go crawl back under the rock they crawled out from under.
You dont believe that because you saying you want to silence everybody that dosnt agree with you
Not everybody, just those who broke the existing law and regulation and in accordance to the law. They proved themselves to be a public health menace by promulgating a false narrative that cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives. The penalty should be a corporate and a broadcast license death sentence, the crime warrants the punishment, no blood will be spilled to save lives and the future of the country. The government needs to regulate facebook and other large social media platforms like broadcasters under the FCC. Switch the AM broadcast band to digital, it's past time, and the bandwidth is just filled with useless garbage. The serpents voice will be silenced in millions of half tons and peace can prevail in the land as losers are not whipped up by bullshit anymore.
Trump is nothing but the head of a human grifting centipede. Giuliani asked for 20k a day in legal fees but will get stuck eating shit when trump doesnt pay him after he loses every court case, just like how trump stiffs his contractors when they finish a job. GOP senators that are siding with trump over the election results will also be stuck eating his shit when he is out of office and people realize how anti-american the GOP is.
Coming from a Canadian lol I bet u couldnt tell your PM has a 50k wig glued to his dome
Prove it, provide a link. I couldn't care if he was bald as a grape, neither would his wife and neither would his voters. Trump and Trumpers are shallow like that, they judge people on skin tone FFS, how fucking stupid is that? Trump had hair issues as I recall, I'm sure someone can post and actual undoctored photo too
Trump eats up all the oxygen in the room, but he is gone soon along with all the deregulation that make all the problems you listed worse. To 72 million Americans the only real issue was Black and white, why else back a loser like Trump? Disinformation reinforcing existing racism and bigotry helps quite a bit and can radicalize people, no differently than Islamic terrorists. It's advantage is it tells them what they want to hear, confirms their biases and radicalizes them, next thing you know they are voting for and worshipping a fucking sociopathic moron.
Who may well be Americas first dictator.
His base want him in power for life and seem to be wanting a Trump Family Dynasty. They are over Democracy. They dont think like a normal person.
I stand by my statement that pandemics and diseases are natures way of population control and mask will not save us neither will Biden, thank God trump is gone. But i wonder what all you will say after biden has more covid deaths during his presidency than trump? I bet you will wish that you never politicized covid 19 then. Good day , carry on plebs
Of course the Bidens Presidency will have more covid deaths than Trumps....If Trump had of fought covid like other countries have then Biden wouldn't have more deaths. Trump is the one who politicized it in the first place.."Hox", "China flu," etc etc
Bidens going to be left with the huge increase in cases due to Thanks Giving and Christmas for eg and when you look at the record covid cases every day right now then hospitalizations and deaths will rise in subsequent weeks, none of this is hard to understand.
Who may well be Americas first dictator.
His base want him in power for life and seem to be wanting a Trump Family Dynasty. They are over Democracy. They dont think like a normal person.
America is facing the problem of globalization on steroids and the social stress and competition for resources it is creating are bringing old problems to a head. The political parties are now polarized along the lines of the traditional social problem, this last election had no more complex question than a simple choice between right and wrong. Trump made this crystal clear, the republicans had no policy, plan or platform, they only had Trump and his iron whim. It was a clear choice between democracy and fascism, those who did not realize this were fools, plain and simple.