Sidney Powell

They also have 1/16 the land mass and are extremely over populated. I see that the gears are moving in your brain. This is good my friend, question everything. You can look this stuff up your self and see that our population has exploded. Why do you think china where covid started had a one child policy?
What you said made no sense whatsoever.

The fact remains that S. Korea and Japan, with higher population densities have only a fraction of the death rate compared to the US.

S. Korea: 10 deaths due to Covid per million
Japan: 15 deaths due to Covid per million
United States: 760 deaths due to Covid per million

Trump said he couldn't have done better. That's why we are replacing him. He's a crappy president. And corrupt. I'm sure he has at least one redeeming quality but I have no idea what that is.
It doesn't prevent covid dude thats why they said in the beginning on this very same site its not hard to figure out heres an experiment for you. hold mask in front of the lamp or bright window take a spray bottle where your mouth would be like you are sneezing watch and you will see for your self that cloth can't stop covid buddy
You learned this from your degree in particle physics or fluid dynamics or whatever else?

You are being radicalized online to be a super spreader if you catch this virus by 'defending' your bullshit position that was just shown on the website you provided as being credible, and yet you still want to ignore it.
What you said made no sense whatsoever.

The fact remains that S. Korea and Japan, with higher population densities have only a fraction of the death rate compared to the US.

S. Korea: 10 deaths due to Covid per million
Japan: 15 deaths due to Covid per million
United States: 760 deaths due to Covid per million

Trump said he couldn't have done better. That's why we are replacing him. He's a crappy president. And corrupt. I'm sure he has at least one redeeming quality but I have no idea what that is.
I totally agree with everything you said trump is shit ball and everything you said about the Asian countries is true too
What the fuck are you saying dummy? Im not a Republican and im am latino dont really have the postion to oppress, so please explain how im racist?
You sound like every other shithead trumper I've ever spoken to. You make no valid points. Spraying a bottle into a mask......................TRY SPRAYING THE BOTTLE WITHOUT A MASK IN THE WAY..............IDIOT. See what happens then. You make no sense.

So you are latino? What does this mean to me? I'm not sure what to say to that except you are still a dumbass for a human being. I'm a human being first and whateverthefuck after. I like to think I have a brain and look at BOTH sides of an issue.

Let me ask you this. Why do you wear pants? Why do you wear a watch? Or an ear ring? Or panties if that's what you are into. WHY? Why wear any clothes at all? If you can wear all of that shit and not compalin WHY the fuck complain about a fucking mask!??!?!?!?!?!?

Stupidity is something I can live with but will not tolerate. BTW my race is alien and I come from Planet 9. I bet you care huh?
What you said made no sense whatsoever.

The fact remains that S. Korea and Japan, with higher population densities have only a fraction of the death rate compared to the US.

S. Korea: 10 deaths due to Covid per million
Japan: 15 deaths due to Covid per million
United States: 760 deaths due to Covid per million

Trump said he couldn't have done better. That's why we are replacing him. He's a crappy president. And corrupt. I'm sure he has at least one redeeming quality but I have no idea what that is.
I stand by my statement that pandemics and diseases are natures way of population control and mask will not save us neither will Biden, thank God trump is gone. But i wonder what all you will say after biden has more covid deaths during his presidency than trump? I bet you will wish that you never politicized covid 19 then. Good day , carry on plebs
I didn't read the whole thread, but I caught this eye popping paragraph from WaPo this morning. It seems (in her head) trump won California and over 400 electoral votes found on a hidden server the US military confiscated in Germany!

“New reports claim that the real results of the 2020 U.S. election were found on a computer server that was seized by the U.S. military in Frankfurt, Germany,” an OAN personality said in a segment on the allegation. “In a recent tweet, a Virginia congressional candidate shared an electoral map that’s allegedly based on this data from that server. It shows a landslide victory for President Trump with a 410 electoral-college vote, including liberal strongholds California and Minnesota.”

Jesus that had me chuckling the whole way through breakfast. Trump won California! lolololololololololololololol
You sound like a fascist
I'm a liberal, do you know what a liberal is? The long and the short of it is liberals believe in freedom under the constitution and the rule of law, a historical process that has been shown to provide responsible government and equality for all. Its the equality for all some folks have a problem with so they opted for fascism and there should be consequences for betrayal of the nation and it's ethos, there are already consequences for their moral failure.

Your problem is you've been misled to think liberals are pussies, when they are fighting for liberty and the constitution you will be surprised at what they will do, read some history. Trumpers are on the wrong side of history and it will soon show bigly.
I'm a liberal, do you know what a liberal is? The long and the short of it is liberals believe in freedom under the constitution and the rule of law, a historical process that has been shown to provide responsible government and equality for all. Its the equality for all some folks have a problem with so they opted for fascism and there should be consequences for betrayal of the nation and it's ethos, there are already consequences for their moral failure.

Your problem is you've been misled to think liberals are pussies, when they are fighting for liberty and the constitution you will be surprised at what they will do to, read some history. Trumpers are on the wrong side of history and it will soon show bigly.
You dont believe that because you saying you want to silence everybody that dosnt agree with you
How do you believe in freedom but wish to silence other?
Simple, honest people do not disagree on the facts, only about what those facts mean, traditional politics. You cannot have 2 realities in a country with out division, a house divided cannot stand. One is true and the other is false, by either spinning the facts out of all recognition or by employing rhetoric, another word you are probably ignorant of and even outright lying. Trump meets the prosecution standard for 2nd degree mass murder and the Woodward tapes proved it, I'll send you an expert legal opinion link if you wish.
I stand by my statement that pandemics and diseases are natures way of population control and mask will not save us neither will Biden, thank God trump is gone. But i wonder what all you will say after biden has more covid deaths during his presidency than trump? I bet you will wish that you never politicized covid 19 then. Good day , carry on plebs
Your statement comes from an ignoramus. Cite something from a credible source.

As far as using Covid to control the population, that's stone age thinking right there. Yeah, there were fewer people back then. They lived a life that is best described as nasty, brutish and short. In order to get back to that kind of "utopia", about 7.6 billion people would have to die. You go first, OK?