Side by side organic soil mix's

I tried to get a better picture but light was fading. I got close to touching it and it released as would spores. I'm pretty sure I got PM I don't know how but I did I'm gonna do a spray off tomorrow and repeat as needed and probably do a AACT spraying I read about about doing earlier. Turns out PM is quite a topic here recently. The plants are supposed to start flowering any day now in fact I think tomorrow might be day 1. So it might be a good thing I'm dealing with it now rather than into heavy flowering. Thanks
Do you think I should add a little epsom salt to my mix? I did suffer some mag def in late growth, this run, which I treated with an epsom foliar(with the same soil, re-amended without any epsom). Do you think adding some to my biochar/wood chunk charging soak, would be more beneficial, more chance of staying in the soil longer?

Magnesium and sulfur are both mobile elements and move very easily within the plant and soil. If you need magnesium sulfate but your already mixed, I'd foliar it or add to watering. Too much mag in the soil will compete with calcium,.... or mag and nitrogen go hand in hand and have an antagonistic effect on the other. If you increase one, the other will be taken up more too. Foliar is good for now, but next time it goes in the soil.
I started to use alfalfa for my rabbit bedding, @greasemonkeymann suggested that I soak it and that is where I am at now. I guess that I could either precharge my bio-char with it or fix N deficiency. This is my 1st time doing it, and I have plenty of bedding! You can tell how potent this little batch is, brown and foamy!
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Looks good. I love rabbit shit it's a very gentle manure and can be used right away without ageing, composting.

I've been pondering the idea of keeping a few bunnies on hand. Manure and food when they get plump.
I bought some Epsom salt and it has a significant amount of sulfur in it and after reading your post above, I'll have to be careful with my oyster shell to Epsom salt mix @Grandpa GreenJeans

The sulfur isn't your worry, it's the magnesium. Both are acidic FYI and will lower the pH if too much is applied. Use sparingly! Foliar sprays are very similar to hydroponics, the effects are seen within hours rather than days or weeks when in soil.
Doesn't look like PM to me, hard to tell from the photo but PM spreads over the surface of the leaves and looks like a thin dusting of white powder. Have you foliar'd with anything recently? Could it be some kind of residue?

it's on other tops as well I haven't foliar ed with anything. nothing was in there for that to happen my first thought it was PM from recent constant humid conditions plus green house humidity but I read that humidity isn't a factor in getting PM and I'm considering it to be so. I have no clue what it could be other than PM but I'm on my second spraying of water and it seems to be barely working as I still have these white spots but I'm gonna keep spraying through out the day and hopefully get it gone a d foliar with some AACT later. I got a good pic of it now


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it's on other tops as well I haven't foliar ed with anything. nothing was in there for that to happen my first thought it was PM from recent constant humid conditions plus green house humidity but I read that humidity isn't a factor in getting PM and I'm considering it to be so. I have no clue what it could be other than PM but I'm on my second spraying of water and it seems to be barely working as I still have these white spots but I'm gonna keep spraying through out the day and hopefully get it gone a d foliar with some AACT later. I got a good pic of it now

Put the full pic on, not a thumb nail, it's better than the last pic but still can't really see whats going on there, that actually does look like PM, but maybe too localised., keeping big drops of water on your leaf like that won't help. There's debate about keeping dry or humid, but I think the spores need water on the surface of the leaf to germinate then contaminate.
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Lol but it is the full pic and it's wet because I'm trying to spray off the mildew. Thank you for your input though. I decided to take off as many contaminated leaves as possible. Gonna spray one more good time if I see any leftovers and then let dry til later.
Lol but it is the full pic and it's wet because I'm trying to spray off the mildew. Thank you for your input though. I decided to take off as many contaminated leaves as possible. Gonna spray one more good time if I see any leftovers and then let dry til later.
It's not the size of pic you use, if you use the 'upload a file' button, you have the choice to upload the full image or a thumbnail, you've uploaded a thumbnail.

And GGJ is correct as always, it just looks like residue where a drop of solution has dried out
Just ordered 12L of pumice and 100g of 'humate powder', it was on the same bonsai website and when I researched what's in humate powder I found that it's 'salts of humic acid'

Here's the links

If the humate powder looks like the humic acid I've used in the past, I'm gonna add some to the mix, if not, I'll slowly add it to the compost pile, it was only £6, so worth the risk IMO
Just ordered 1.5kg tiger worms and 20L wormcastings, I'm really not happy with the dendro's I've got. The worms that haven't gone nightcrawling don't seem to eat that much. Gonna add some to my 3 existing bins and start a fresh one with just tigers in.

Oh..........and mosquito bits are on their way too, I've got more fungus gnat knocking about than I like
I have had similar spots on outdoor during extreme temps where it looked like a little salt sweat residue on the leaf, I was also foliar feeding early mourning during those high temp times. have noticed it a time or two over the years and it never mounted to anything. probably would have seen more but over night dew would wash it away is what I assumed.
hope this helps.
Just found this little gem

I think it contains the same 18 fungi as the other one I was looking at below, but without the bacteria

  • Endo Mycorrhizal species - Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. aggregatum, G. Etunicatum, G. clarum, G. monosporum, G. deserticola, Gigaspora margarita, Paraglomus brasilianum.
  • Ecto Mycorrhizal species - Rhizopogon amylpogon, R. fulvigleba, R. rubescens, and R. villosuli. Lacarria laccata, Pisolithus tinctorius, Scleroderma cepa and Scleroderma citrinum

shit man that's got to be some good fungi

My only concern is the suggested method of application, ie. mixing in with your soil, surely myco's best applied direct to roots? I wouldn't apply this direct to roots though due to the added bio stimulants