Side by side organic soil mix's

If I'm giving out bad advice here please butt in and give me an ass kickin, I still consider myself a noob and I can only go off the previous 2 years experience of organics plus what I've read. I'm a serious stoner, so not all I read stays there and some of it even gets twisted up to suit the way I feel at the current time pmsl
Anybody else real exited Cann is back? I've never spoken to the guy and he wouldn't know me from Adam, but fook me, I learn't so much from him, and his methods, enthusiasm and philosophies really inspired me to want to up my game.........big up Cann!!!
I like alfalfa for that, but that's just because of availability to me. Either would work, why not use both? Does anyone see an issue with that?
The concept of huglekultur is the exact reason that made me decide to start using wood in my mix, with the advice of @greasemonkeymann as well of course.

So your aeration amendments are going to be split evenly between those three amendments? If so I'd aim for using a bit more pumice than both wood and bchar. Too much rotted wood worries me just as much as too much char. Though I have never used them in those ratios, so it's purely conjecture.
I started to use alfalfa for my rabbit bedding, @greasemonkeymann suggested that I soak it and that is where I am at now. I guess that I could either precharge my bio-char with it or fix N deficiency. This is my 1st time doing it, and I have plenty of bedding! You can tell how potent this little batch is, brown and foamy!
DSC00225.JPG DSC00224.JPG
Predatory might ay? OK well I've got spider mites on my tomatoes plants for sure and different types kinds of mites in my bin. Say I made made a AACT would the mites be bad if they were in the tea and got in to my soil from watering?
if you have mites on you tomato plants you probably already have mites on your cannabis.
The mites in the compost aren't harmful mites, those are detritovores.
They are composters
Could I dilute this 10 gallons to make 30 gallons for watering plants?
probably, but diluting will, well, dilute it.
So it'll be much weaker, are you using it to charge your biochar or simply get some nitrogen?
standard application for that would be 15/1 and that's if it's fresh urine, from what I know, the urea degrades quickly and becomes ammonia, which isn't as good.
To make 10 gallons you'd need at least a half gallon of pure urine, and that's to get a 20/1 ratio
Have you put any of your SM infected tomato plant material into your worm bin? If so you will have SM in there, the leaves will be full of eggs,
No way, I wouldn't. I just threw the super infested tomatoes plant at the edge of the back yard. Probably should've thrown it into a furnace but yeah there's SM everywhere here already. I can't grow any tomato plants with out them suffocating them to death. But come spring time soon I'm going to war with em so I can grow out some nice tomato plants and other plants
if you have mites on you tomato plants you probably already have mites on your cannabis.
The mites in the compost aren't harmful mites, those are detritovores.
They are composters

My few what was left of a tomato plants were outside and my cannabis is in a green house a bit a ways and kept clean but occasionally yes I will find a SM here or there but nothing like the infestation outside. It's been awhile since I've found any in there
No way, I wouldn't. I just threw the super infested tomatoes plant at the edge of the back yard. Probably should've thrown it into a furnace but yeah there's SM everywhere here already. I can't grow any tomato plants with out them suffocating them to death. But come spring time soon I'm going to war with em so I can grow out some nice tomato plants and other plants
Last summer, I threw a whole bunch of berries and watermelon into my outdoor worm bin and there were red mites crawling up my hand by the thousands it seemed like! I think that it turned out to be a predatory mite! I was told that mites in the worm bin are way different than the ones on living plants. The predatory mites are bad for the worms, but great if you have a SM problem I am guessing? Phytoseiulus persimilis is one type.
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The red one looks like a spider mite eating whatever else is the other mite
Last summer, I threw a whole bunch of berries and watermelon into my outdoor worm bin and there were red mites crawling up my hand by the thousands it seemed like! I think that it turned out to be a predatory mite! I was told that mites in the worm bin are way different than the ones on living plants. The predatory mites are bad for the worms, but great if you have a SM problem I am guessing? Phytoseiulus persimilis is one type.
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I've never had this problem before but i think I might have the beginning of white powdery mildew on my plants.. there's these white mold spots popping up on the fresh growth.. I'm trying to post a pic but it won't let me.. what should I do if it's PM? Also SM don't leave behind white moldy spots do they? I've heard that before wanna clear it up If it's a myth..
It is easy to tell if you have spider mites!!!
I've never had this problem before but i think I might have the beginning of white powdery mildew on my plants.. there's these white mold spots popping up on the fresh growth.. I'm trying to post a pic but it won't let me.. what should I do if it's PM? Also SM don't leave behind white moldy spots do they? I've heard that before wanna clear it up If it's a myth..