Why bother with synthetic substance when there's greater natural better buzzes
ohh some people say they are the same and others think shrooms are better vice versa. i think i will get my hands on some shrooms if possible. how much is acid anyways? like enough to make u tripim talking about nbomes and 2ci ect...and you never had clean acid if you cant go to sleep/have a bad comedown..impurities cause that..but to each their own..i used to love mushrooms till i found out what tripping really was...
hmmm i think im going to get shrooms, ive always thought better of it mainly because its natural and a shorter trip which is preffered for my situationshrooms make you very aware of your own character. If you hate yourself or have severe insecurities, they will surface on shrooms. It may actually help you sort out some issues, but beware.
^that's what I've heard from friends who have done it. I've only done LSD, so I only know about that firsthand
I don't know about ur product, but here lsd is in tabs. And one tab can really fuck with ur brains especially the first time. I never heard of anyone taking 12 "hits" although i'm not sure what you mean by it.i ate 2 hits of acid my first time..i had smoked pot only about 5 times at that point..first time tripping..later fell in love with mushrooms for awhile UNTILL i took a real dose of lsd(about 10-12 hits,was unlined)..then i changed my mind and have been in love with lucy ever since...
and pay wat you feel for your fun time,ive overpayed plenty on a number of occasions..i was just giving you the reality of the lsd be a hypocrite if i said ive never overpayed for a substance..hence all those 9 dollar beers at every show ive gone to![]()
I only talk about lebanon which is in the middle east.btw,the good stuff is imported from sweden,or,most likely,northern California...