Shrooms- Are these the right types?

View attachment 4679047View attachment 4679050 best to look for them early in the morning/day as they are greasy and very destinctive, only after you spot them at this age can you better guage if a mushroom is a true liberty cap or witches hat
Look at that beautiful view!

What u mean only after u spot them at this age? There is many ways to make sure its a liberty cap.
And I surely do NOT go for a picking session when it's wet. The best time is when there have been little humidity and the hats turn bright and yellow. Makes picking super fast and easy. When it's wet the hats go brown/greenish and blend much more in with the scenery(u can't really crouch down and see them popping up through the grass over a distance for example).
@m99smith I'm guessing you've never picked these kinda mushrooms before? If so use forums for identification before ingesting anything, mushroom poisoning is no joke and can creep up on u.

I can add a few things I do/look for to make sure its liberty cap:

Grows on a field.

Roll the hat! There are many look alikes but none of them is as leathery, durable and sticky like liberty cap. Lookalikes will fall apart.

Check colour underneath the hat. Should be purple/blue.

Twisted thin stems.

If it got all this and look like liberty cap, that is what it is. U can pm me whenever for identification, happy hunting!
I'm not sure about across the pond but in the Uk there's nothing looks like them, once you get your eye in you can spot them at 20 paces.
The photos go kid posted shows them dark and wet and light coloured when dry.
Sorry I haven't been active a couple days and I was looking up more stuff about shrooms and I'm not sure if I will be able to find the right ones here I live in Manitoba Canada and some posts say they might not grow here there is like no info for shrooms other then the normal edible ones here. Can anyone tell me if they even grow around here.
Magic Mushrooms That Grow in Manitoba Canada is home to a number of species of magic mushrooms, but there is a lack of findings specifically to Manitoba. Some of the more common species such as Psilocybe silvatica and Panaeolus subbalteatuswhich are known to grow in the surrounding regions of Manitoba, may also be found within the province.

Magic Mushrooms That Grow in Manitoba Canada is home to a number of species of magic mushrooms, but there is a lack of findings specifically to Manitoba. Some of the more common species such as Psilocybe silvatica and Panaeolus subbalteatuswhich are known to grow in the surrounding regions of Manitoba, may also be found within the province.

Psilocybe silvatica. I've looked that one up and am not sure if they are like liberty caps I can't find much info on them and most sites just talk about liberty caps so if anyone can tell me how to properly ID them that would be great since those would be easier for me to find around here and if anyone can post some good pics that would be amazing.
I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I found some shrooms but they might be lookalikes. I don't wanna eat them without knowing. If they are the right shrooms they would be wavy caps and liberty caps but I'm not sure.View attachment 4679030View attachment 4679031
I think you can send them to an official society . I cautionary note , One of the world's leading expert for decades , died from mushrooms that he thought he had identified correctly . If it were me , I would buy and animal that is known to be a good animal to test mushrooms on . Sometimes it takes weeks for people to die from eating the wrong mushrooms and it might be a delayed effect . You can also learn how to use chemistry and make so reaction test , but sending off to people involved in societies . Personally I would take a trip to Northern Cal and find someone that lives along the ocean beach , and find someone that been using mushrooms from a known patch that has been growing in the same patch for decades .
Me I would rather grow cactus and make my own mescaline .

Hope I didn't offend anyone by this posts , but I have read several books on the subject from the library,

Respectfully Halman9000
Let's not overcomplicate things though mostly I agree with u @Halman9000 . Thing is u may not even realise by the time u get sick what got u sick. If you are ever in doubt what it is - never eat it.

That said there is no problem with picking liberty caps and look alike, have a forum help out with identification and still be able to proceed safely. It is too unique to get wrong.

In my early picking phase I started with working a field with a friend who had done this before. Then I picked on my own, and used a forum to identify them. Spread them out on oven paper and numbered them all. Some users helped me out and told me what was what. Now I got the eye for it and know the feeling of it and I can assure u I will never get it wrong. As I said earlier I can help u identify, but that applies to liberty caps only.

If u have someone with experience that can come with would be perfect. But if not, going by urself with some assistance after identifying is perfectly fine. Happy hunting
Psilocybe silvatica. I've looked that one up and am not sure if they are like liberty caps I can't find much info on them and most sites just talk about liberty caps so if anyone can tell me how to properly ID them that would be great since those would be easier for me to find around here and if anyone can post some good pics that would be amazing.
These are all the same mushroom: liberty caps in different stages of growth and humidity.
71391758.jpgfleinsopp02.jpgfleinsopp-psilocybe.jpg146339620-liberty_cap70.jpgPsilocybe semilanceata 4.JPGpost-13626-138186323699.jpg339008272-IMG_1435.jpg339007702-IMG_1426.jpgpsyllies.jpg71391758.jpg
Mentioned how they feel/look like in post #23.

Edit: didn't notice u wanted pics of another mushroom when I posted.
I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I found some shrooms but they might be lookalikes. I don't wanna eat them without knowing. If they are the right shrooms they would be wavy caps and liberty caps but I'm not sure.View attachment 4679030View attachment 4679031
Wrong ones... what area are you in? Also, Liberty Caps or Ps. Semilanceata, are a fall mushroom here in the PNW, but they grow all over our world. It is early yet. In addition, visual identification is not enough to ensure you have the right ones... Liberty caps have a skin over the cap and many will turn blue when bruised, especially the stem. This bluing reaction is caused by the oxidation of psilocybin, but the best way to identify is via a spore print. To do this, pinch or cut the stem off right at the cap then place the fresh, undried, and not rotted cap gills down on a piece of white paper. Let it sit for several hours or until you begin to see a spore print on the paper. The spores must be purple or purple-brown for Liberty Caps. Some PS. species will have a lavender to lavender-brown, which would be your Ps. Ps. Cyanescens. Hey, I will help you all I can with identification, keep being smart by not consuming anything until you know for sure. My best advice is to take an experienced picker with you on the hunt. I am quivering with anticipation of the coming season.... Ps. Azurescens, or know simply as Azures, epicenter is 70 miles from my abode. If you want to do shrooms that are certainly up a notch or two from the regular ones, try Azures, Baeocystis, and or Cyanescens. These will take you to the cosmos! Peace and cannabis to all
I have been foraging for mushrooms of all types for over 40 years.

I have NEVER found a single hallucinogenic one (save amanita) on my own. A guide or directions were the only way I have come across them.

Now I never foraged in Florida or Mexico but I have been directed to places in Oregon and Washington and even in Northern California.

My little moral is this.

They are not so plentiful that your odds are anything but infinitesimal in discovering them in your area.

Best increase those odds by...growing your own. Unless you live in a known area

Oh, what I do know is that indiginousalien is pretty much spot on.

Never, however, take the description of a mushroom in one continent and apply it to another. Lots of people die doing that. In the America's, if you have a blue staining flesh and a purple tinted spore print, you have a psychoactive mushroom.

Be aware though that there are others that may grow alongside the ones you seek.

A less than absolutely observant voyager can easily scoop up a few of these along with the others.

And consequently find themselves in need of a new liver.