Shroom trip?

Don't do any dissociatives on shrooms either, like DXM or ketamine, it's just uncomfortable and better experienced separately.
If it is your first trip,
try 3 and half grams of dried weight, or 7 grams of fresh weight.

Do NOT do them alone, have a close friend with you. STAY AT HOME in a familiar enviroment. Lay around and listen to music. have some hard candy to suck on like life savers or mints.
Do them on an empty stomach, the nervosuness and first time tripping can make you throw up. On an empty stomach, there will be some stomach cramps and posible naseau. Drink water with them, but no food or drinks.
As soon as you eat them and get comfortable, your mind is going to say
"what if I ate the wrong kind and I ate posionious mushrooms?" Just remember that you are going to get paranoid and your mind will play tricks on you. It is not as bad as acid, but be prepared for the paranoia and fear of death.
For your second trip, eat 7 grams (1/4 ounce) of dried weight. Enjoy the colors!
I like what Roseman said about fear of death.

It's like your first time smoking powerful mj. Me: my vision tunneled, colors got a little funny, etc. and I thought I was a gonner if my heart kept up the way it was going.

Just go with the flow. That's the key with psychedelics (besides dosing and setting). If you fight it, it'll lay your ass out and steamroll it. If you explore, have fun, etc. you'll love it.
To be honest, I would wait until you are a little bit older; but if you're deadset on doing it, there are quite a few things to know and keep in mind. A few other posters have touched on a few of these subjects.

First of all, this is not an experience where one just tries to get "fucked up". It's not remotely like marijuana, and these little fungi are VERY powerful. Although some use them recreationally, they were never originally used that way, and all of the people "in the know", including psychedelic researchers, psychonauts, shamans, and everyone else strongly recommend against using them just to get intoxicated. There are quite a few reasons for this, but primarily this is one of the reasons people have "bad trips". They don't realize the how extensive of an effect these little mushies will have on your brain, your sense of self, and even the very ideas you hold to be true. Prior to the 1960's (and even more so, the 1980's), these were used primarily for spiritual purposes. That's why they go under the label "entheogen", which is basically Greek for "God [born] within".

But, if you're looking for a real experience, don't let that scare you away. There's no concensus on the appropriate age for people to take entheogens. Just like an asshole, everyone has an opinion, including the most knowledgable people. The only reason I caution (but don't deter) you from taking them this young is that however mature you think you might be, your ego (or sense of "self") isn't as fully established as someone who's entered into adulthood. And the magic thing that entheogens do is that they fragment your ego, or even obliterate it (called "ego death"). That's why people smoking Salvia think that they are in fact paint drying on the wall, some people on LSD have difficulty distinguishing themself from someone else, etcetera. You become very attatched to your sense of "self" and it can be frightening when it's being torn away from you. People often start obsessively contemplating their own mortality in more direct way than they ever have before, and some people even convince themselves they're probably dying when it's coupled with the paranoia the drugs produce.

But, there's nothing to fear if you just give into it. Dive right in, push away your fear, and do so in a comfortable environment with people you implicitly trust (called "set and setting"). The other posters are right. You will feel uncomfortable around people who aren't tripping, because they can't possibly comprehend your state of mind. But sober trip-sitters keep you safe. All of this paranoia and fear is caused by the drug's effects on your parasympathetic nervous system. This control multiple functions of your body and psyche, among them, urination and fear. Every little sensation will effect you in some way. You'll probably see hallucinations, and they will probably amuse you. But the amazing effects are the ones it has on your mind and your thoughts. It doesn't just cause fear... it also causes you to evaluate your life, your actions, your connections to others, sense of self, sense of God and your perception of the world around you in general. And if you go with it, it's not a bad thing at ALL. It can be one of the single best experiences of your life, next to say... bringing a child into the world. And no, I'm not kidding. And that little ego-death thing I mentioned before? That's the goal of a lot of psychonauts... To see the world without any preconceived notions and realize that "who" you are is not "what" you are. People often compare it to nirvana and a sense of "enlightenment" and even being "one with God" in certain religious traditions. It's pure consciousness.

But, those kinds of effects mainly come from what's called a "heroic dose". More accurately, with natural hallucinogens, it's somewhere near the original dose that people used them for when taking them for spiritual purposes. In the case of psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, that would be the Aztecs, Mayans, Mixtecs (all basically in Central America), certain South American peoples, as well as Tibetan and Thai Buddhists in rural areas. These people still ingest them at these doses for these purposes. A "Heroic Dose" for shrooms is roughly 5-10 grams dry. Most people recommend seven grams. This makes the peak approach quicker, last longer, and everything is more intense. Except the fear, really. It goes away pretty quickly when you plunge right into the void. But keep in mind, at much higher doses, you might eventually loose the ability to understand and use language, understand basic concepts, and interact with the world around you in any normal way. You're on a completely different plane of existence, and things like "feelings" and "concepts" don't really matter much anymore.

If you're going to eat a half an eighth, or even an eighth, you're not going to get the indescribable spiritual effects from it. And for first timers, that's almost always a good thing. You'll probably get deeply introspective though, and you'll probably also be giggly, confused, have flushed skin, have some stomach cramps, and probably some nausea (also your sympathetic nervous system, not just the shrooms themselves). Along with some trippy visuals. You'll probably also want to reform your life in some way the next day (pretty common... people sometimes want to even give up any drugs for a while because they want to just "live"). But chances are, if you're where you're comfortable, you'll have a good time, and get something out of the experience. Just remember that wherever the experience starts to lead, don't fight it. Follow it, and just go with the flow. Putting up a fight to the effects of the shrooms, rather than just accepting them, will likely result in a bad trip. If you're not outside in public, and you don't do anything stupid yourself, you're not going to die (no one ever does from just taking entheogens, despite what you've been told), and you're not going to get caught. Just thought I would try to be a little bit more detailed and give you an idea of what these things are really "supposed" to do, and why they have the effects they do as a result.

Remember, don't do them if you just want to get fucked up. But if you want a genuine EXPERIENCE, whatever that may turn out to be, go for it. But remember to be safe, and be positive. Also, smoking a little bit of bud close to the peak (when the effect get their strongest) will intensify the experience, and probably mellow you out a bit. Also helps with the nausea. :joint:

Hope this helps.
i tell ya what, i took mushies for the 2nd time a week or two ago. it was the first time ive ever taken them alone though. anyways i took 2.5 grams and after about 20 minutes i felt sick to my stomache and wanted to shit them out... 20 minutes later i was comatose and couldnt spit out more than 3 words without relapsing the sentence and sayin them over again..

dont be scared if u dont feel right its how they are...
Haha. Been there, jPalms. I eventually got to the point where when my friends were talking to me, I could not understand what they were saying. Just garbled nonsense. And I couldn't organize my thoughts verbally. Any thoughts I was having could not be translated into words. Words just seemed completely arbitrary, though I wanted to communicate. Apparently, the few words I said, repeatedly, are "this is the way it is", "isn't that the way it always is?" in response to questions (and this was not a relevant answer to what they asked, I'm told). Not to mention my friends' faces were morphing into one another, and I didn't know to whom I was speaking. Though... I didn't really care at that point, as I considered them all basically the same person. This was on seven grams of some particularly potent stuff. Sounds like you got stuck in a "time loop" though... Which is extremely confusing while it's happening. Like deja vu x 100. That happened to me, just prior to my attempts at conversation.

There is something to be said for taking shrooms alone. This is the way it was originally done, and even a lighter dose (like what you described) can rocket you into another world if you're in some sort of isolation. Plus you're not always worried and obsessed by how you appear to others. Though... I'm still a bit hesitant to try it the way the Aztecs did it- in a room, completely alone, 7-10 grams, and in total darkness with no sound. Apparently it produces unbelievable effects, but that sounds a little bit too isolated to me.

The last few times I've done mushrooms (which is rarely), I've stuck to very, very low dosages. Partly because they stuff that I've had is extremely potent, and one heroic dose was enough for me for a while, though I wouldn't necessarily shy away from it if I felt there was something more I could get out of it.

Last night i had shrooms for the first time. I ate an 8th and half of my buddys 8th. we went to the movie store to get a movie right after eating them cuz they werent "suposed" to take effect for a little while. I was standing at the counter about to pay when the side of the casheers head began to swell. I looked at my friend and his pupils were so big you couldnt even see the color of his eyes. We got the movie and i started driving to his house. i didnt want to be driving but i knew if we waited it would only get worse. on the way to his house i did my best to stay under hte speed limit. i thought i was doing good but when i looked at the speedometer i realized i was going 52, the speed limit was 25. we got back to his house and i started throwing up in the grass. The grass turned into snakes and when my hands touched the grass i couldnt understand why they werent getting bit was the worst feeling of my life, if i had had a gun i probably woulda shot myself. After i got done throwing up i looked up and saw a light on the other side of his yard. It was just a little light but i could feel the warmth from it. I stood up and walked over to it. once i got there i felt completely fine. I actually felt amazing. I just stood a few inches away from the light for about a half hour. After that a friend came and got us and took us for a drive. we went up into the mountains and built a snowcave. it ended up being an amazing night. i cant wait to try them again
i just bought an ounce of red devils for 10 bucks. they are cheap. i have been trippin for like 3 hours. pretty cool. if you are a positive person then do it. it is social in small doses and you can barely talk in doses higher than 4grams. i am listenin to music.. lights seem to move with the music. you think a lot about everything. i am typing this but ive erased a lot of it several times cuz i dont think it is good. i couldnt see myself having a bad trip on anything. i am drunk too but i am capable of doin shit. driving gets distracting because trails of light are constantly in your peripherals. just do it n have fun trippin!


recommended with beer n weed
i still say take the whole eighth. cuz if you dont and you dont trip you will be disappointed and either not wanna do them or do too much the next time. this way when you take the eighth you can judge how much to take next time. i could weight 180lbs and you could way 100lbs and have the same fat percentage as i assume they are fat soluble. not really sure but just going by what i know from weed. its not gonna kill you or impair you so much you cant do anything. trust me you will be glad you did the whole eighth.

dude, don't do a whole eighth.. you could be setting up for a crazy ass scary trip that could be too intense. if you do have a trip that's too intense, chill out with some psytrance, and keeping your mind busy looking at crazy fractals, which may help your trip. I say get maybe a gram of psylocybe cubensis(more chilled out medetative trip), or a half gram of Copelandia Cyanenscens (if you want a more visual trip). this will not give you an insane trip, but will have you feeling the effects well enough to judge if you may want to do more next time. an eight will definatly give you a very good trip.
Relax and have a clear mind before trying shrooms. I will recommend watching something like pink floyd the wall. Good luck and have fun dude =]
ya man shrooms are the fuckin best man but ive only done the wild mushrooms that grow here on the island of P E I the best shrooms ever man they grow anywheres and u dont have to a cent for them but if ur talkin bout the chemical inhansed shrooms i havent done them but i heard there not to bad 3 of thos will get u fucked but here on the island it takes bout 40 but the mushrooms here are bout a size of a dime the chemical inhansed are the size of a toonie or bigger but thats my input on them so enjoy
ya man shrooms are the fuckin best man but ive only done the wild mushrooms that grow here on the island of P E I the best shrooms ever man they grow anywheres and u dont have to a cent for them but if ur talkin bout the chemical inhansed shrooms i havent done them but i heard there not to bad 3 of thos will get u fucked but here on the island it takes bout 40 but the mushrooms here are bout a size of a dime the chemical inhansed are the size of a toonie or bigger but thats my input on them so enjoy

Chemically enhanced shrooms? No such thing, my friend...

I'm not trying to be critical, so no worries. I'm just here to stem the tide of disinformation if I can, and there is a lot of it floating around from every corner. For example... what you're referring to, I believe, is wet weight, not dry weight. For example, assume your forty mushrooms are ten grams each. Dry, they'd be about four grams... Around your average dose. Most mushrooms have a conversion ratio during drying of about 1:10. You don't want someone eating 40 bone-dry mushrooms based on that advice. That's too wild of a ride for most.

You're probably also referring to two different species. Most "magic mushrooms" are cubensis, especially in the States. In the southern hemisphere, it's a different story.

So, no "chemical inhansed" (sic) shrooms. You can manufacture other tryptamines by infusing the mycelium with their chemical precursors, but since that's neither common knowledge nor easy to do, I assume that's probably not what you meant. Mushrooms are mushrooms, and are usually grown completely organically- virtually without exception...

And I know you're probably familiar with what the mushrooms that you eat look like since they grow so abundantly in your area, but please be careful friend! There are a lot of look alike species.

i did an eighth and i made tea with them then ate the shrooms i made the tea with after that i went to wendys to get some food and thats right when i started to trip i couldnt stop laughing at the old people around me i felt like they were everywere and i felt like i was in world war 2 lol after i left wendys i went to my friendds house because his room is trippy lookin so i just chilled there looking at everything after that i had to walk all the way back to my house trippin i kept hearing people calling my name but nobody was there i kept turning my back yelling at nothing i started swinging my fists like i was fighting something but nothing was there and i was right in the middle of an apartment parking lot lol then when i got back to my house i got into REALLY DEEP thought about everything it was pretty crazy
Chemically enhanced shrooms? No such thing, my friend...

I'm not trying to be critical, so no worries. I'm just here to stem the tide of disinformation if I can, and there is a lot of it floating around from every corner. For example... what you're referring to, I believe, is wet weight, not dry weight. For example, assume your forty mushrooms are ten grams each. Dry, they'd be about four grams... Around your average dose. Most mushrooms have a conversion ratio during drying of about 1:10. You don't want someone eating 40 bone-dry mushrooms based on that advice. That's too wild of a ride for most.

You're probably also referring to two different species. Most "magic mushrooms" are cubensis, especially in the States. In the southern hemisphere, it's a different story.

So, no "chemical inhansed" (sic) shrooms. You can manufacture other tryptamines by infusing the mycelium with their chemical precursors, but since that's neither common knowledge nor easy to do, I assume that's probably not what you meant. Mushrooms are mushrooms, and are usually grown completely organically- virtually without exception...

And I know you're probably familiar with what the mushrooms that you eat look like since they grow so abundantly in your area, but please be careful friend! There are a lot of look alike species.


thats esactly what i was talkin bout for the chemical mushrooms and man i havest them i no what to look for ive been doing it for year
I would suggest taking the whole 8th if you want to have a good trip. The first time i did shrooms I took a half 8th and it was pretty good, but not too strong, so if you want a mild trip take a half 8th but if u want something a little more than take the whole 8th.
Hey everyome, I have never done shrroms before. I am gettting an eighth tomorrow, and plan on injesting them to watch a laser and music show at a placecalled stone mountain. Im kinda nervous, and dont know entirely what to expect. I think i wanna make te and freeze it to save till we take em, but i am prolly gonna split them with a friend. with the show be to intense?
Eat it all mate, I just came back from the easter vortex party, and have been handing out fungi like an easter bunny gone wrong all weekend.
I have a policy of if you don't at some point think you took took much, you didn't take enough!
I had a couple of guys on friday who I saw this with, they also never had shrooms, and at about 1 hour were pretty out of it and worried that they took too much, at 2 hours they were haveing a ball, and by the next morning they went through conciderable effort to look for me to thank me for the experience.

P.S. with the tea it is going to hit much faster and stronger, but for a shorter period, maybe 3 to 4 hours. It comes on very fast and hard though, so if you are inexperienced this may be a little intense.