I am not directing this post to you Snowhite - I am posting to all those who still consider PF tec - this is what happens, one tends to stray from the art and science fo growing mushrooms because the PF method is flawed - it does not follow the natural life cycle of the fungus and so people tend to believe that the next step is too big, too difficult, too involved when in actually it is the exact opposite. SnowWhite can grow PF tec for ever and ever and probably not really come into alignment with the organism. One syringe, a bag of popcorn and a few bins would yield many times the amount grown with 60 half pints and the grower will come away with a fundamental understanding of the life cycle of this species.
In realty it is this method that is "bulk" entailing actions that actually inhibit the full fruition of this amazing organism.
Again Snowwhite, luck to you, but I hightly encourage you to look at "bulk" not as another step in your journey but as the basic way to understand what the mushroom wants - and from there perhaps grow other more challenging species.