Shroom grow!

I saw an awesome thread a while back of Research Kitty and how big she does literally everything and wanted my own piece of the pie - So I decided since I had a wonderful shroom grow last year I would try again, and this time up the anny just like she did. I just innoculated 68 jars using the PF tek method and decided to share my grow with yall!

Haha yeah thats what I told my girlfriend after I ordered my syringes - Had 2 days off of work and did nothing but prepare for my grow =X. I Probably have 15 hours already invested of labor into this so far.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah thats what I told my girlfriend after I ordered my syringes - Had 2 days off of work and did nothing but prepare for my grow =X. I Probably have 15 hours already invested of labor into this so far.

But... but.... WHY? Why would you do this? why would you go through all that trouble and time and effort and go in pretty much completely the wrong direction in order to grow your product? I just can't understand it. 20 lbs of popcorn and a few hours of time would be all you would need to far exceed the yield you are going to get from your efforts now.
I don't think I am ready for bulk yet - I tried casing a while ago and failed. I just think I need to get some grows under my belt before I would even consider it, I guess it's just me haha.


Well-Known Member
I am not directing this post to you Snowhite - I am posting to all those who still consider PF tec - this is what happens, one tends to stray from the art and science fo growing mushrooms because the PF method is flawed - it does not follow the natural life cycle of the fungus and so people tend to believe that the next step is too big, too difficult, too involved when in actually it is the exact opposite. SnowWhite can grow PF tec for ever and ever and probably not really come into alignment with the organism. One syringe, a bag of popcorn and a few bins would yield many times the amount grown with 60 half pints and the grower will come away with a fundamental understanding of the life cycle of this species.

In realty it is this method that is "bulk" entailing actions that actually inhibit the full fruition of this amazing organism.

Again Snowwhite, luck to you, but I hightly encourage you to look at "bulk" not as another step in your journey but as the basic way to understand what the mushroom wants - and from there perhaps grow other more challenging species.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna say that I've done the PF tek once. It was very easy but my yield wasn't that impressive.

After only one run through the Pf tek I tried rye grain in qt mason jars (can't seem to find the tek) and this casing tek
I had great success was just as easy. While I learned how to care for a terrarium from the pf tek, I learn how to grow shrooms with Ryche Hawks method. And apparently there is even easier ways to go.

I'd compare One flush from one casing to 12 pf jars flushed out when comparing yield. The pf tek yields are just insulting. I was getting a QP of dry mush off of 4 casings in one terrarium in one flush. I had a different strain in each casing if that matters.,,??


Active Member
I Agree with Canndo bulk is much easier tried pf tek once and my cakes contamed before fruit. I then decided that to do WBS to coir in a 12qt Dub tub and I just pulled 3 ozs off the 1st flush of a golden cap tub i did and its much quicker. but gratz to you on all those jars though your going to have your hands full come fruit time


Active Member
anyone ever watch the dvd Let's Grow Mushrooms!? great learning tool.. oh how i miss these days.. pounds of hawiian boomers!! glad people are still into it.
Yeah, it's actually where I learned everything so far. Rodger Rabbit ( Lets grow mushroom's guy " is amazing at everything mushrooms.
Quick update on my grow - Most of my jars are getting small signs of mycellium in all the Innoculent points, should be a couple days before I full know if I have any contaminates or not, but I highly doubt I do =). I also started a LC and am gonna experiment with the popcorn tek once it is established. Pics will be up soon.


Active Member
do you have a link to growing with popcorn? gonna order some spores and give it a shot, first time. i dont want the small yields from pf tek lol would like atleast a few ounces. btw i dont have a pressure cooker so im just gonna use a big pot to sterilize. any tips?


Well-Known Member
do you have a link to growing with popcorn? gonna order some spores and give it a shot, first time. i dont want the small yields from pf tek lol would like atleast a few ounces. btw i dont have a pressure cooker so im just gonna use a big pot to sterilize. any tips?

Get a pressure cooker. You can't do well without the roper tools, a pressure cooker is an essential tool. Would anyone attempt a hydro grow without a ph meter?


Well-Known Member is probably the best one I have seen, and with my limited experience you do not need a pressure cooker for bulk but its defiantly recommended. I would also start with a liquid culture for quarts/bulk or else your colonize time will be incredibly slow.

Colonization time is virtualy no different between one innoculation point and a dozen, you don't need liquid culture if you are not doing a bunch of jars or bags - if the only reason you are doing lc is to accelerate your colonization.