So I came across some pictures that almost dead on resembles my situation, What do you guy think?
brown spots
yellowing from bottom up
when ever I did into the middle? The soil around is dry but right around where the roots seem to be they seem to stay moist. Thinking about repotting the weak looking ones and adding more peatmoss. only because they don't seem to be making a lot of progress the healthy one seem to grow a new node about every week. Most of the others...:/ notta lotta
Sooo 1 and a half in this is whats what.
brown spots
yellowing from bottom up
when ever I did into the middle? The soil around is dry but right around where the roots seem to be they seem to stay moist. Thinking about repotting the weak looking ones and adding more peatmoss. only because they don't seem to be making a lot of progress the healthy one seem to grow a new node about every week. Most of the others...:/ notta lotta
Sooo 1 and a half in this is whats what.