Shower Cubicle Set-up


Well-Known Member
Cheers Kilik! Appreciate your words mate!

Did anyone have any ideas on the yellow tipped leaf? Possible heat stress? That's my suspicion.


Well-Known Member
Update: 23rd Jan 2008.

The 2 plants in smaller pots have been re-potted in large terracotta pots. I did that last night at 0100am. I had intended on doing it earlier that day but forgot we had guests that evening. I did it as soon as they left :)

They seem to be okay. They're on day 8 of their life. They don't seem to be growing too fast compared to the oldest (day 10) plant.

I'm a bit concerned that the PH of my water is too Alkaline. My soil testing thing is saying that the PH of the soil is very almost 8. I'm not sure I can trust it though. I did a tester on some unused soil by pouring vinegar onto it and measuring. The meter barely moved despite having used lots of vinegar.

My priority is to sort this shit out and get a proper water test kit. I reckon an aquarium center should sell this kinda stuff? Agreed?

Anyway, here's a pic of the oldest plant, day 10:

It's a nice stocky plant :)

What do you think people?


Well-Known Member
Here's a good photo showing 24hrs growth:

The other 2 smaller plants didn't survive the transplant. I think the sterilised 'top soil' I used wasn't good for my plants. The big one you see above was planted in different soil. I think for my next grow I'll look more carefully into soil types. I was surprised at the number of brands of soil there was at my local garden center.

So now I'm down to 3 plants. The main big one (which appeared first on the 13th Jan) and 2 smaller ones (which have been too far away from the lamp up until now).


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps.

The PH of my soil is really Alkaline. It's almost measuring 8.8 on the PH scale. My plant (above) seems to be fine though, although I don't know if this level of alkalinity is sustainable?.

I just did a test on a pot of soil (only soil). I had to pour a shit load of neat vinegar over the soil to bring down the PH level to 6.3.

My Question:

Should I try and address the PH imbalance or should I leave it alone? Should I pour shit loads of vinegar around the base of my plant?


Well-Known Member
I dont think the vinegar would be a good choice.....but at the same time not sure what to you...except maybe prepare new soil that have more suitable pH and then repot? I don't know...I wish I could say more....but I believe 8.8 soil pH needs to be addressed...?


Well-Known Member
Photo Update: Day 14.

Here's 3 pics of the latest developments of my largest plant:


And one more:

The smaller plants are also doing very well now. The transplant was successful :)


Well-Known Member
Photo Update: Day 17.

Here's 3 photo's of my big plant. This is day 17 of the grow....


One more.....

So far so good. I'd love to hear your feedback.

Ta peeps.


Well-Known Member
My brother-in-law very kindly gave me his PH testing kit yesterday. I tested the soil PH level and contrary to the probe meter I had, shows that the PH level is perfect!!! :)

The probe meter I had was clearly shit. It was telling me that my soil was far too alkaline, but it isn't the case. I'm very pleased.

I also unscrewed the florescent light from under the kitchen cabinet and put it in the grow area. My missus wasn't too pleased but hey, it's all in the name of science ;)

I'm very pleased with the progress of my plants. The big one is really filling out and the smaller ones are starting to make better progress. Here are some photo's. I'd really like your feedback, good or bad. It all helps.

Thanks people. Happy tokin'

DAY 21. 3rd Feb 2008:



Well-Known Member
Okay, this update is mainly for myself to look back on, seeing as people have turned mute.

Day 22 photo update:


I would really like to start the 12/12 flowering process for the big plant, but I need to wait until the smaller plants are a little bigger. The sooner the better methinks.

Anyone have any feedback?


Well-Known Member
They're all the same age?? That's amazing. That big one looks absolutely perfect. But you definitely need to wait for the others to catch up.


Well-Known Member
Hey people. This is just an update for day 26.

I'm still looking after my little plants with all the care in the world. They're doing very well methinks. Just to clear something up Kilik2007, they're not all the same age. The 2 smaller plants were planted about 3 days after the big one but were originally too far away from the lamp. 3 weeks into the grow I moved them much closer (because the other two which were closer died). They're starting to catch up now, slowly but surely.

Here's a few pics...

The big mamma (and her 2 daughters):

One of the little ones:

And a side shot of the big one.....

When I check on them and open the door, you can smell them now! That makes me very happy! I keep them at 27 deg's during the day, and at night it drops to around 15.

The PH level of the water I use is 6.2 and the soil remains 6 to 6.5. I'm lucky to have such good water.

I want to start a 12/12 cycle as soon as possible. The small plants are still too small right now. Maybe another week.

Please let me know what you think people.

Happy tokin'


Well-Known Member
Seeing as my missus is out, I decided to spend a little bit of time this evening shuffling about my plants.

I decided to move the large plant a little further away from the 'sweet spot' of the lamp so that I could get the smaller plants closer to that spot. I want them to get a hurry on so I can induce flowering.

Here's a couple of pics....

Overhead view:

As you can see, I planted the smaller plants (in the terracotta pots) off center. I did this so that they can both be placed directly under the Envirolite lamp.

Here's another shot:

You can see that I put an additional flouro lamp near the big plant - to try to increase the light on that side.

I checked underneath the big plants pot and saw that a little bit of root is showing out of the drainage holes. Is this a problem?

Lemme know what you think please peeps.



Well-Known Member
I just put together this collage of my babies from day one to today, day 26.

...I feel emotional..





Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Looking good man. Did your buddy ever get you that HID light or do you just plan on using the 1 CFL for flowering? So far though looking good for Day 26, I like the big one. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate! My buddy is a bit of a stoner and seems to have forgotten. I need to remind him but don't want to appear pushy. I'll drop him a line when I start to flower- I really need to be using HID for this. actual fact, I think I'll call him this weekend!

I appreciate your comments matey!


Well-Known Member
3 Photo's for today. The 2 smaller plants are coming on nicely after moving them into the direct light....



Well-Known Member
Hey, this is looking pretty good. Plants look really healthy, too bad you don't have and HiD lamp pushing them, I think they'd just explode if you did.