Shower Cubicle Set-up


Well-Known Member
The cat in the ceiling is watching me masturbate!!! LMFAO!!! Brilliant - that really made me laugh longlive!! haha! Great avatar!

It's 0745am here at the moment - I'm just of to work (bloody stock-take). As soon as I get back at 12, I'll get that wrapping paper up!

Thanks for the supportive comment buddy - I really appreciate it!

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I went to a hardware store and bought some hard-board. I'm currently 'wrapping' these sheets of board with silver wrapping paper, nice and tight. I wrapped the boards so that a) the wrapping would be nice and tight and b) so that I can angle the boards when the plants get bigger to reflect the light up to the bottom leaves.

Does this sound like a plan? Methinks it'll be good, but then again, I am a novice :)

I'll post pics as soon as I'm done. I'd love to know what you think people!


Well-Known Member
Please could you give me a heads-up on the question I
asked on the previous page:

The largest plant here has stretched a bit due to the distance of the lamp (I know it's a bit far away). Can I add top soil to the pot to 'bury' some of the stem? (to make it 'shorter' and more sturdy)???

I'm about to re-pot and I need to know.

Thank you



Well-Known Member
Please could you give me a heads-up on the question I
asked on the previous page:

The largest plant here has stretched a bit due to the distance of the lamp (I know it's a bit far away). Can I add top soil to the pot to 'bury' some of the stem? (to make it 'shorter' and more sturdy)???

I'm about to re-pot and I need to know.

Thank you

yes, you can bury some of the stem to get rid of the stretch.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so here are some photo's of the new boards:

They're about a billion times more reflective than the tin foil. You can see the difference (I left the tin foil on behind the boards):

Another pic to illustrate the difference:

One more:

And a happy lil' plant:

Moral of the story: Don't use tin foil. It's shit.


I'm off to get pots from B&Q.

Lemme know wot u think people!


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right email- it was all I had at the time. I have now learnt the error of my ways! Hopefully any noobies will see my pics and actually see for themselves that foil aint no good.


Well-Known Member
Yay!!!! I'm no longer a stranger - I'm learning how to roll!! I guess I'll be using a bong until I've learnt!

Plants are well this morning. The biggest one has really moved on. You can clearly see the new leaves forming :)

Didn't get round to re-potting the smaller ones last night. I'll try and do it today.


Well-Known Member
very sweet're gettin organized and moving forward, the gro is on!....great job!


Well-Known Member
I got my copy of 'Buds for Less' today :)

What a fantastic book! I'm very very happy with it - it'll be my bible :)

My biggest plant made some good progress over the last 24hrs. These 2 photo's illustrate the growth nicely:
20th Jan 08:

21st Jan '08:

I noticed this though on one of the smaller plants:

The tip is slightly curved upwards and has started to yellow at the very tip. I think it might be heat stress because it was pretty close to the lamp at one point. Can anyone confirm that?

I do suspect that the soil is a bit alkaline - around 8. My gauge isn't very reliable I don't think. Despite being new.

Today is day 8 for the bigger plant, day 5ish for the smaller ones.


Well-Known Member
Personally. I would prefer an on-suite shower than a shower grow. But... Whatever floats ya boat.

Nice grow tho, nice plants. I would suggest getting more lighting, a few lower power CFL's around the plants will help a lot.


Well-Known Member
ha! Strangely, the shower unit is in the spare (small) bedroom. If it was in the master bedroom, I'd probably use it properly! There's a perfectly good shower in the bathroom :)

A friend of mine has some HPS lamps for me to use - but in this veg. growth, I think you're right mate.



Well-Known Member
If you have the option of HPS, put them in too! You cant really go wrong when it comes to lighting! The more the merrier! You cant actually overdose the plants on light, considering the sun puts out about 10,000 lumens per square ft!


Well-Known Member
Yea throw in as many lights as possible. HPS + cfls would be very nice! And if you have many of them, put them around the plants as well, not just over them. Lookin good though


Well-Known Member
It'll be nice to get some serious lighting. I couldn't agree more. I hope to f*ck one of these is a lady :/

Still, this is only a practice grow really. Random bag seeds from a mate. I got some Misty strain seeds for after this trial :)