Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)


Well-Known Member
Bagseed grown in the Aero Garden under 2 42 watt , and 6 26 watt warms

growth ceased due to heat stress... so i dont recommend all those lights in a closet set-up with no ventilation! You live and you learn i suppose... the first pic 19 grams wet... the 2nd also clocked in about 19... and it smells like some flamboyant shyt... peep the scissiors mid way through...




Well-Known Member
Sw33t BUD mastakoosh nice man give me..!!! give me..!!!
thank you, better hurry up i am smoking the last jar now lol.:mrgreen:

Cfl all the way first grow here, white rhinos. 3 of them gave me 76 grams dried using 10x 40 watts cfls. (2 plants) (3 plants) :D enjoy!
awesome doc.:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Yh same i used them for the first two times .. with decent results
But now ive gone to the hps when flowering ...

Dr High

Well-Known Member
man i am loving it 36 days of growth from left to right

soil grown bio bizz all mix
bio bizz bio grow
bio bizz bio bloom
bio bizz top max
and 2 X 200 watt enviro lights 2700 k
why dont you show your buds when they have real results? there not close to being done.:-|


Well-Known Member
why dont you show your buds when they have real results? there not close to being done.:-|

why such the negativity i was only showing people what 36 days look's like with cfl's god mate you have just finished your first grow and you are going on like god. i am very happy with my grow dont try to put me down. we are all here to learn have fun and incurage people to get better and always look up not down!