Show Me What You Got LST?


Well-Known Member
aaaand i was wrong... just a lanky ass bed genetic having female... hopefully I can give it away. haha
why give it away if its a female just flower her out.

:weed:3or4,more than that my friend I'm at 7 and counting main colas,I want her to be one fat a$$ bushy amazon beiiitch.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

and i still only se 3 0r 4 main tops, theri are some others in theri but theri not the main shoots. either way she will be a nice lil bush thatyou want she is gonna be gettin big here in another week or 2


Well-Known Member
Nah, just keep her and don't clone the ho. Her buds will still be as smokable as the next girl's. Love the avatar, btw
it still could be a killer strain, some strains are just more lanky, and it depends on how theri grown, but yes i would keep it

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I'll try this AGAIN......(just wrote a long post and lost it because I HAD TO SIGN IN AGAIN!!!) This effing site is driving me bonkers!

Anyway... The 2nd pic is a G13 Haze that is recovering from an accidental Azatrol overdose. 1st pic is Blue Venom, 3rd is LA Woman, 4th is my own "home" strain, a cross of Thai Super Skunk & Super Skunk, the last is a Sharks Breath. I also have a Red Dragon, Rock Lock, Bubba Kush, Chiesel, Chocolope, and another home cross of Thai SS & Diesel. Good luck & grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
burger boss, and everyone having probs wit having to sign in over and over. on the home page, at the top right there is another log in thing. click "remember me" right under it, and it wont sign you out any more.

just thought this might save a bit energy for a few ppl lol


Well-Known Member
How many colas do you count on this plant Mcpurp? (Pic 1) And then there is this one. (pic2) This should keep you busy for awhile! lol peace bro......
yes i can see them and am i glad i can, those are some beauties you got theri,they are gonna be monsters when they really start to bud. very nice work. and i got to about 30 tops before i lost count and where i was at. plus rep yo you my friend and please keep us updated on this


Well-Known Member
yes i can see them and am i glad i can, those are some beauties you got theri,they are gonna be monsters when they really start to bud. very nice work. and i got to about 30 tops before i lost count and where i was at. plus rep yo you my friend and please keep us updated on this
Thanks, and good for you calling them tops and not colas! lol Actually the second pic is about a month old. I will get a newer pic up this evening when the lights come on. The first was just taken yesterday. Go to Riddles call all newbs thread. I posted some info on it yesterday there. Or you can check my journal, to topp or not. Its there also.


After a week and a half in flower. Whee.


Damn miracle grow. Once this little thing gets sexed and either buds out or gets chopped, I'm not going to be as much of a cheapskate with my eventual 2nd attempt.


Well-Known Member
After a week and a half in flower. Whee.

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Damn miracle grow. Once this little thing gets sexed and either buds out or gets chopped, I'm not going to be as much of a cheapskate with my eventual 2nd attempt.
Nice job LSTing. But back off the water a bit and dont be so down on MG. You get through this grow with it and you will have learned way more than someone with 'premium' supplies their first time around.


Well-Known Member
After a week and a half in flower. Whee.
Damn miracle grow. Once this little thing gets sexed and either buds out or gets chopped, I'm not going to be as much of a cheapskate with my eventual 2nd attempt.
I use Miracel Grow, and miracel grow only! It really works great if you know how to use it! I don't know why so many people bad mouth it so much, it's not that bad!

lol, Here's a couple of my Miracle Grow plants. Used nothing but Miracle Grow, molasses, and CFL's for lighting. Oh and 'maybe' some superthrive at some point. I very rarely use it tho!

All I'm saying is, it may not be the miracle grow that's your problem... It's possible though.



Well-Known Member
I use Miracel Grow, and miracel grow only! It really works great if you know how to use it! I don't know why so many people bad mouth it so much, it's not that bad!

lol, Here's a couple of my Miracle Grow plants. Used nothing but Miracle Grow, molasses, and CFL's for lighting. Oh and 'maybe' some superthrive at some point. I very rarely use it tho!

All I'm saying is, it may not be the miracle grow that's your problem... It's possible though.
Thats what I am talking about Chronic. There is no amount of money you can spend to grow good crops. Skills, patience and paying attention to your plants needs is what grows a big crop. Even then you will fall down from time too time. Thats when you get humble and learn how to crawl again.


Well-Known Member
Nice job LSTing. But back off the water a bit and dont be so down on MG. You get through this grow with it and you will have learned way more than someone with 'premium' supplies their first time around.
Much agreed.

I use Miracel Grow, and miracel grow only! It really works great if you know how to use it! I don't know why so many people bad mouth it so much, it's not that bad!

lol, Here's a couple of my Miracle Grow plants. Used nothing but Miracle Grow, molasses, and CFL's for lighting. Oh and 'maybe' some superthrive at some point. I very rarely use it tho!

All I'm saying is, it may not be the miracle grow that's your problem... It's possible though.
ya alot say not to use it but ive seen people get great results using it including yourself. i think its just cuz its strong is why people dont like it and they usually give it to much and cause probs.


Yeeeeah. I've only been watering it once every week and a half, over the last three or four weeks. The leaf tips are still yellowing, though. And I'm not even using the miracle grow plant food. Just the soil with the water released nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeeeeah. I've only been watering it once every week and a half, over the last three or four weeks. The leaf tips are still yellowing, though. And I'm not even using the miracle grow plant food. Just the soil with the water released nutes.
well then i cant imagine it being over watered if u only water once a week. i cant even think really what the prob is now. have you ever checked the ph of the water you give it and or checked the soils ph


No. I have no clue what the pH of either is. I use regular tap water, that I let set out for 24 hours in an open pitcher, before transferring it to a sealed jug. I haven't really gotten all that fancy with stuff. It's health could be improved, no doubt. Still exploring the hue of my green thumb. Ha.


they have a pretty acyrat cheap testes for about 6 dollors, only good for testing the water though
Yeah. I may keep giving the MG soil a go, the next time around (since I still have alot of it left, anyway). And try to get my hands on some pH testers for my 2nd grow. See how much an improvement I can make. That 2nd grow is still a few months away, so we'll see. Ha.