That is pretty damn funny. Not the death of anyone... just the fact that you equate DEATH BY DOCTOR a form of natural selection. Sorry friend I think you just made someones stupid list. Your safe with me though I happen to think anyone with a brain can learn, and therefore NOT stupid. Stupid is a choice born from ignorance, not a condition. Ignorance comes from both lack of information and misinformation. Who is to blame? Certainly not the ignorant, but those who would keep them in ignorance. So who is stupid, REALLY?
Hummm...interesting you would interpret my comment about health care that're a little off though, actually I was stating that it's unfair that only the rich have access to health care in America, this interferes with natural selection since rich does not always equal smart, (ie: the last occupant of the White House).
Although...U.S. hospitals do cause 195,000-250,000 deaths every year, through error, the 3rd leading cause of death...that is impressive. Seems someone was too stupid to put a limit on the number of hours doctors and nurses are forced to work, they get tired, and oops, you're dead. But that's a whole other topic.