Should stupid people be allowed to breed?

Should stupid people be allowed to breed?

  • No, there are already 3 times to many people here causing bad traffic, let's neuter them

    Votes: 44 68.8%
  • Yes, the queers can adopt them

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Yes, I envision a wonderful future living in an overpopulated landfill

    Votes: 11 17.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
If 90% of the planet is really going to die in 3 years, then why is anyone wasting the last 3 years of their life working a day job or paying taxes?
because we are SLAVES, because in the end only the rich will survive the only species to survive a world crisis of the likes are cretures that can live in water or want to survive you better build your ass a bomb shelter, and learn to survive

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
fuck yea then who are we going to take advantage of ? trust me every one is stupid so if you want the world to keep going then fuck cheap labor..hmm come on think about it stupid people make the world go around there smart even thoe there stupid .........and i have heard the poor people in the world are better off in the world


Well-Known Member
No one is going to whip out the Aztec calendar? The "gods" they were referring to were probably aliens. If something bad is truly going to happen to earth, (besides the unsurmountable damage we're doing ourselves) I love how we're wasting billions and billions killing innocent people in the middle east instead of doing anything about it.


New Member
Octomom fears that the hospital will not release the babies to her, because she knows that the hospital knows that she has no way to take care of them. It's also public knowledge that her parents house where she mooches is in foreclosure.........

Now what are they going to do with those kids? Is one foster family going to take them, or will they be split up and tossed to the winds?


Well-Known Member
Octomom fears that the hospital will not release the babies to her, because she knows that the hospital knows that she has no way to take care of them. It's also public knowledge that her parents house where she mooches is in foreclosure.........

Now what are they going to do with those kids? Is one foster family going to take them, or will they be split up and tossed to the winds?
thrown in the pen with all the other crack babies.


Well-Known Member
Ha, if people want children they should prove that they can properly raise and care for a dog first, having a dog is like having a child, only the dog requires less effort. Seriously, think you want kids? try handling a dog or 2 first.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, saw the "Should queers be allowed to adopt" poll and couldn't resist.

Currently, with more than 3 times the sustainable number of people on the planet , thousands of children dying of starvation and lack of clean water every day, and humans causing a massive planet-wide extinction with their stupid, selfish behavior...should stupid people be allowed to breed and multiply?

Not everyone may have had the same upbringing as you or the same education, so this thread is pretty stupid!


Well-Known Member
i think she was never smart enough to become a school teacher .....
so she just made her own class instead :)


Well-Known Member
I have a silly question. If people are stupid, who decides what qualifies as stupid?
Nature used to, I'd like to go back to that...seems to work well for everything else here. Let's stop interfering with natural selection, take those bike helmets off of kids, make seat belts a choice again, and give everyone health care, instead of just rich people...that would be a start.


Well-Known Member
Nature used to, I'd like to go back to that...seems to work well for everything else here. Let's stop interfering with natural selection, take those bike helmets off of kids, make seat belts a choice again, and give everyone health care, instead of just rich people...that would be a start.
That is pretty damn funny. Not the death of anyone... just the fact that you equate DEATH BY DOCTOR a form of natural selection. Sorry friend I think you just made someones stupid list. Your safe with me though I happen to think anyone with a brain can learn, and therefore NOT stupid. Stupid is a choice born from ignorance, not a condition. Ignorance comes from both lack of information and misinformation. Who is to blame? Certainly not the ignorant, but those who would keep them in ignorance. So who is stupid, REALLY?


Well-Known Member
That is pretty damn funny. Not the death of anyone... just the fact that you equate DEATH BY DOCTOR a form of natural selection. Sorry friend I think you just made someones stupid list. Your safe with me though I happen to think anyone with a brain can learn, and therefore NOT stupid. Stupid is a choice born from ignorance, not a condition. Ignorance comes from both lack of information and misinformation. Who is to blame? Certainly not the ignorant, but those who would keep them in ignorance. So who is stupid, REALLY?
Hummm...interesting you would interpret my comment about health care that're a little off though, actually I was stating that it's unfair that only the rich have access to health care in America, this interferes with natural selection since rich does not always equal smart, (ie: the last occupant of the White House).

Although...U.S. hospitals do cause 195,000-250,000 deaths every year, through error, the 3rd leading cause of death...that is impressive. Seems someone was too stupid to put a limit on the number of hours doctors and nurses are forced to work, they get tired, and oops, you're dead. But that's a whole other topic.