should it stay or should it go


i have been noticing white fuzz on a few fan leafs 6 weeks into flower is it a wash or do i keep them around how serious is it ? hummidity is down to 52% it was in high 70"s for about two weeks until i bought a decent dehumidifier. what do i do they look so nice


Well-Known Member
its prbly powdery mildew., if it is mix sum milk wit water and only spray ur leaves try not to git any on the buds, 1 part milk to 9 parts water


Active Member
Ive has that issue and I use Safer garden just fine...kills fuzzy shit...which yes is the beggining of Mildew....kill that shit or it will generous in your application of Safer...and stay on top of it..really look closely to make sure its all gone...cause if you humid day will spread that shit like wildfire...


its ok to spray so late into flower just try not to get on buds i guess thanks . i will have to hit the grow shop and some type of spray the milk thing sounds kind of weird need to hear more about it. right on