Should I Flower?


First Time Grower
Grew some bag seeds in a DWC
I use organics
Everything went well until 2 months into veg
I got Root rot on my plants ( I got it from Those F@#king Fungus Gnats I think, Killed em with dunks and yellow cards)
I've used a number of different methods to eradicate the problem
H2o2 (separate flush) , AquaShield , Hygrozyme, Everyday Flushes
Some plants lower leaves are starting to yellow and show deficiencies, I'm keeping them alive by foliar feeding... Barley
I was thinking that since this project is basically just practice anyway should I just flower them and see what I get or what?
Any help will be appreciated ( I just want to smoke some home grown that I grew myself) This is a great learning experience but it still hurts to see your plants suffering even if they are just bag seeds and possibly males idk yet)


Well-Known Member
Might as well flower em.

When your changing nutes, put your plants in a clean bucket of water and wash the roots thoroughly.

Also, before you pour in the the nutes, make sure the scrub the bucket,air stone and lines to the fullest with hot water.


u should b able to tell if they r male of female 2 months into veg, look up perflowering. If u still cant tell, put some pics on here and im sure someone will b able to help.


Well-Known Member
Just flower them before they die haha
It seems like you have some humidity control problems though.. Are you growing in a basement or something?
Seems like you have a lot of spores flying in the atmosphere near your plants.. keep everything clean! spray your area with disinfectants/cleaner sprays! DOn't let them spores eat your babe up! good karma will reward you well in the future.
