Should free speech apply to those who don't hate Whites?

I dont comment on this crap offen as were I will as far as I'm concerned we are all equal (NZ),
as the saying goes no such thing as an atheist on a sinking ship we all pray and we help each other

Get sick to death of hearing about white supremacy (its only in country's were they are multicultural)-- what about Black supremacy its riff world wide.
Another thing the USA is good at invading country's because of Religious/Nutters with guns( maybe take a good at them selfs they are also religious nutters with guns also)..
I dont comment on this crap offen as were I will as far as I'm concerned we are all equal (NZ),
as the saying goes no such thing as an atheist on a sinking ship we all pray and we help each other

Get sick to death of hearing about white supremacy (its only in country's were they are multicultural)-- what about Black supremacy its riff world wide.
Another thing the USA is good at invading country's because of Religious/Nutters with guns( maybe take a good at them selfs they are also religious nutters with guns also)..
I think you shot yourself in the foot with that black supremacy thing.
nah mate when you can walk down the street at get spat at and abused for been white - dont think so.. its world wide these days , not just in USA
Free Speech is an abomination. Nobody should be able to say what they think regardless of race, color, or creed.

Everyone should be issued speech manuals that tell you what you can and can't say. Some things should never be said by anyone. For instance, saying "I'm going to the Britney Spears concert" for anyone older that 16 years of age should bring a penalty of a minimum 2 days in jail. Or a minimum of 16 hours picking up trash along the highway.
This thread presents a dilemma for anti-whites

they keep flooding the thread with spam to try to prevent people from seeing their responses being wrecked by me.

but all it is doing is bumping up the thread to the top of the list lmao
It's been hot and we don't have AC so cooking dinner inside is frowned upon by she who must be obeyed.

I've been using this:


Ooni 16" Koda gas pizza oven. It's OK at cooking pizza. But its very nice for grilling vegetables and kebabs. Use a cast iron skillet or cast iron baking pan. Pre-heat the pan for a few minutes before placing food to be grilled on it. Kebabs are done in 6 minutes. Vegetables like carrots take 10 minutes.

I like this marinade for kebabs:

Spicy Satay marinade (Sate Bumbu)
country of origin: Indonesia

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 tablespoons Kekap Manis - Sweet soy sauce
2 tablespoons tamarind liquid or lemon juice
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon laos powder or 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled
1/2 teaspoon sambal ulek (hot chili paste) -- to taste
1/2 teaspoon black pepper -- ground
1/2 teaspoon dried shrimp paste (trasi or blacan) -- optional
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 stalk lemongrass or zest of one lemon
2 teaspoons brown sugar

To use as a simple marinade:

Coarsely chop ingredients as needed

Blend or use food processer to grind ingredients to a smooth paste

Pour over protein to cover. Works with chicken breast, chicken thighs,
pork chops. Marinate for 30 minutes to four hours.

For kebabs, cut into pieces before marinating. Thread pieces onto skewer
after marinating

Boil unused marinade and reduce to thicken. Makes a nice sauce. Brush cooked food with the thickened sauce for added flavor.
You can always tell the uncultured sheltered self hating Whites
They are the ones that scream that white people who don't hate themselves must hate all the non-Whites

These kinda self hating whites think that if they pathologically lie & demonize their family, kids, ancestors, race - that eventually they'll meet a brown person that will like & respect them

but the fact is - NOBODY LIKES A TRAITOR

From what I've seen, nobody likes you, and I don't blame them

Are you an actual masochist?