should all drugs be legalised?.

Why wouldn't you stay wrecked to the point of not functioning if you had all the whatever drug you wanted for free? The pull on abusing something like coke or heroin is too strong IMHO, I think most people would just be on the nod all the time. They feel too good, weed and alcohol aren't really strong enough to make an average person choose them over damn near every other aspect of life.
Thing is are states legalizing weed because it's a low level drug lower than alcohol. Or is it for the tax revenue. Look at how much wa brings in every year since legalizing.
Why wouldn't you stay wrecked to the point of not functioning if you had all the whatever drug you wanted for free? The pull on abusing something like coke or heroin is too strong IMHO, I think most people would just be on the nod all the time. They feel too good, weed and alcohol aren't really strong enough to make an average person choose them over damn near every other aspect of life.
Most people are unlikely to go that way. The best antidote for drug seeking is “having a life”, doing rewarding things. Places that have tried decriminalizing did not see the use spike you suggest.
Nobody's moving back once they get here. They're all staying these days.

I was born here and have lived here all my life. I've never seen things this bad and never thought I would. Portland's always had it's seedy areas like any other large city but now instead of this street here and that street there now it's the entire city it seems like.

I'll say one thing, I'm not alone here when I say enough of this shit. Something needs to be done and legalizing drugs isn't it. People here are at their breaking point. Previous talk of defunding the police isn't popular anymore. Liberal Democrats that were anti-gun are buying firearms in record numbers. The riots and the crime have changed many people's minds. As it should. When faced with their own safety and quality of life people tend to rethink things.

What really sucks is that just years ago Portland was ranked as one of the best cities in the country and was a destination for travelers from all over the world. It was a thriving beautiful city. The fall from grace has been brutal leaving us Portlanders in disbelief at what's happened in such a short amount of time. I'm both sad and angry.
Like I said before, make the drugs legal and make the stupid stuff they do while on the drugs illegal. I think a big part of your city's problem is they were the first to legalize all drugs. You made yourself the hard drug 90s Amsterdam. The rest of the country is still all wacked out. I'm from ground zero of the pharm / meth epidemic. I smell thick burning rubber when I walk out my front door about once a month. The paper is full of drug busts everyday. It's pretty much all that's in the criminal section.
Why wouldn't you stay wrecked to the point of not functioning if you had all the whatever drug you wanted for free? The pull on abusing something like coke or heroin is too strong IMHO, I think most people would just be on the nod all the time. They feel too good, weed and alcohol aren't really strong enough to make an average person choose them over damn near every other aspect of life.
Real talk, they would probably all be dead in a year.