Ursus marijanus
The answer might not be intelligible.LOL we'd need to ask SF for that answer. My guess is in some circles yes.
The answer might not be intelligible.LOL we'd need to ask SF for that answer. My guess is in some circles yes.
Make everything 100% legal, in designated areas. Basically you set up a small camp, with social service workers and recovered addicts. Set up beds, showers, and have dedicated medical personnel. It sounds expensive, but its a bargain compared to the damage being done to our society everyday.
Drugs are symptoms, not a problem. For someone to feel so lost, unwanted, or forgotten that they would throw their life away for a momentary escape is heartbreaking. Instead of forcing these lost souls into the cracks and crevices of society, we need to bring them to a place where they can begin to heal. We're gonna have to set our egos aside and offer grace to those who may not deserve it.
That's an answer too.The answer might not be intelligible.
Rip sf. Dyjvdyjkkkgdergbnoi! I just try to think of before we went off the railsThe answer might not be intelligible.
Alcohol is legal, but drinking on the street, pissing in someone's yard and general public intoxication are not.It's gotten crazy. They've taken over the parks, school yards, shooting up out in the open. They're harassing people, stealing everything in sight, and now with the defund police nonsense they don't even respond here in Portland to burglaries, theft, car thefts, etc... Unless it's an active shooting and someone has a gun don't even bother calling the cops. The addicts are free to steal as they please and shoot up wherever they want even right in front of a passing cop. They don't even bother to give them the stupid $100 ticket which is the penalty here because it's a waste of time.
I'm biased and I'll admit it. I don't give a damn about the addicts. But I do give a damn about the hundreds of thousands of households here in Portland and the parents that want to just raise their children in a decent environment. They can't do that because the addicts have taken over. I've watched this once beautiful city become a cesspool of scumbags, their trash, the crime they bring, the needles they leave everywhere, it's disgusting.
They decriminalized heroine, cocaine, meth, etc... here in Oregon. It hasn't done anything but bring more addicts here. Their goal was to get people into treatment and that's been as dismal a failure as the success rate of these worthless treatment programs that are nothing but a revolving door and a waste of money.
Anyone that thinks legalizing hard drugs is a good idea then how about you letting them come to your neighborhood to steal and urinate in front of your house. It's all fine and dandy until they set up a tent in front of your house. Which they don't at mine as I run those vermin off if I see them slowing down with their shopping cart full of garbage. Since the City won't do anything myself and a few neighbors don't hesitate to take matters into our own hands. Some will say that we can't do that and these people have rights. I don't care about their damn rights. How about my right to work in my front yard without worrying about used needles in my landscaping? A few have tried to setup camp on my street. They were met with swift determined opposition and will be anytime they think they're hanging out on my block.
I was just at my neices softball game there a couple months back. They have to needle walk the fields before games. I forget the parks name but there is a dicks nearby and a marina. Parts of Wa is the same.It's gotten crazy. They've taken over the parks, school yards, shooting up out in the open. They're harassing people, stealing everything in sight, and now with the defund police nonsense they don't even respond here in Portland to burglaries, theft, car thefts, etc... Unless it's an active shooting and someone has a gun don't even bother calling the cops. The addicts are free to steal as they please and shoot up wherever they want even right in front of a passing cop. They don't even bother to give them the stupid $100 ticket which is the penalty here because it's a waste of time.
I'm biased and I'll admit it. I don't give a damn about the addicts. But I do give a damn about the hundreds of thousands of households here in Portland and the parents that want to just raise their children in a decent environment. They can't do that because the addicts have taken over. I've watched this once beautiful city become a cesspool of scumbags, their trash, the crime they bring, the needles they leave everywhere, it's disgusting.
They decriminalized heroine, cocaine, meth, etc... here in Oregon. It hasn't done anything but bring more addicts here. Their goal was to get people into treatment and that's been as dismal a failure as the success rate of these worthless treatment programs that are nothing but a revolving door and a waste of money.
Anyone that thinks legalizing hard drugs is a good idea then how about you letting them come to your neighborhood to steal and urinate in front of your house. It's all fine and dandy until they set up a tent in front of your house. Which they don't at mine as I run those vermin off if I see them slowing down with their shopping cart full of garbage. Since the City won't do anything myself and a few neighbors don't hesitate to take matters into our own hands. Some will say that we can't do that and these people have rights. I don't care about their damn rights. How about my right to work in my front yard without worrying about used needles in my landscaping? A few have tried to setup camp on my street. They were met with swift determined opposition and will be anytime they think they're hanging out on my block.
We tried something approaching that, its been shitty. It killed off my sympathy for the issue, at least in terms of how it exists locally.
RTD union calls Denver Union Station a ‘lawless hellhole’
The union that represents RTD and First Transits, RTD’s largest fixed-route contractor, is alerting the community of unsafe and unhealthy conditions at Denver Union
I remember hearing how Portland was a homeless methy heroin hellhole in the early 2000s. It was like the mecca for every junky I knew. They would get hooked here, not be able to afford it, catch a greyhound out there, become hardcore punk rockers for whatever reason, then prostitutes, then rack up a bunch of arrests, then move back.That's just disgusting but I see plenty of that same crap whenever I leave my house. I won't say what I would have done to that punk that blew the meth smoke in that lady's face in the video. That looks like half of Portland.
I remember hearing how Portland was a homeless methy heroin hellhole in the early 2000s. It was like the mecca for every junky I knew. They would get hooked here, not be able to afford it, catch a greyhound out there, become hardcore punk rockers for whatever reason, then prostitutes, then rack up a bunch of arrests, then move back.
If they are legalized, supply and cost will no longer be the issue they are, especially if government operates subsidized dispensaries.Hard drugs ruin lives in general. But the drugs are the precursor to the real issue. How the drug addict behaves when out of drugs and money. This is when stealing and violence can take over.
When Michigan legalized pot the prices sky rocketed. Black market went down due to the supply being more than the demand. The legal price stayed up there because of taxes, licenses, and overhead of all the hands that touch it have to make a profit before it is sold to the consumer.If they are legalized, supply and cost will no longer be the issue they are, especially if government operates subsidized dispensaries.
The great advantage will be cutting off the massive revenue stream to the organized criminal enterprises currently profiting from prohibition.
Interesting that you don’t touch the big benefit: undercutting the black market to the tune of billions per annum.When Michigan legalized pot the prices sky rocketed. Black market went down due to the supply being more than the demand. The legal price stayed up there because of taxes, licenses, and overhead of all the hands that touch it have to make a profit before it is sold to the consumer.
You can say what you want, but when our government is arresting and charging people with crimes, then "legalize" and they become the non-criminal drug dealer making tons of profit via taxes, whos worse? The revenue just shifted from one shady person to a shady politician. I don't see that as a win.