Short Rider Auto/Fem, Kaya Gold Fem, Mr.Nice-Sour Grapefruit Kush


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I was planning on putting up some chicken wire in case of and critters and drappining a huge piece of window/door screening for just a little sun protection and a tight mesh to also prevent bugs. Tho now that i've moved i haven't had hardly any of the bug problems outdoors with my tomatoes and peppers so i'm feelin good about putting 1 outside. Just haven't decided which 1 haha

Since its the end of september i figure it'll be done by late november to early december. And in My litte southern nook of AZ the temps will remain nice till the later end of december


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So now having my 3rd astronomically high elec bill and they've over grown, i chose to put both outside to flower. I'm not sure this is a slight case of shock from going outside or another deficiency i'm not recognizing....can anyone help me out?

I know...I know...should've taken full piics but only had time to get pics of the problem areas.



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Things are looking slightly better, i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna lose her but concerned with my yeild. The other day when i boosted her N and micronute with B1 i checked out the bottom of the bucket and i've got a handfull of roots growing out, so it looks like i'm looking for a cheep "pot" aka bucket, tupperwear, tub...anything that'll serve as a vessle to hold soil.

As a solution to my heat stress issue i wraped the bottom of the bucket with 2 layers of a mylar emergency blanket and now its soo cool to the touch and a small poece of wondow screen to lessen the intense sunlight till it gets used to it. Now its just the stress of the air temp which will be more favorable in day/weeks to come. The other lady is also in need of transplant and is still doing fantastic outside. There's been a lot of new growth. An ant mound tried to start under the bucket so i had to prop it up on this old paint bucket which also gave it a little more light.



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I scored 2 purple dominate clones from a buddy growing in my states capital. A Cherry Kush and Kryptonite. I just may start another journal for just these 2 but idk yet...

I got'em about 2 weeks ago as just little girls and wanted to make sure they'd survive the move accross the desert. Now that the've vegged out and needed a transplant the C.K. has stunted and i'm not sure why. They were rooted in a soiless mix and i've always used Whitney Farms uncle malcoms organic mix. Her color seems a little on the light side of green and getting these tiny tiny spots n the outter edge of these 2 leaves. I gave them a 1/8 ration of veg nute to kick off the transplant and for their 1st feeding ever since i got'em.



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The biggest plant is doing great, about half way thru flowering now, I should be clipping her within 7 days of halloween(before or after) so definitely I'll have a "good" thanksgiving by the time its dried and properly cured.

The 2 outdoors are also doing great and now are starting to bud. They've both gotten tall under the natural sun. Thus far no pests of any kind to worry about... I do need to transplant them both before they they get too far into budding cuz their roots are already growing out the bottom.

My 2 newest members however aren't looking too good. I COULD USE SOME HELP. They've both begun turning slighly yellow with dark brown spots which soon turn necrotic and get cris[y enough to crumble off the plant. At 1st i thought it was PH lockout like i delt with the 2 outdoor plants but sulfur hasn't done much, so then I looked it up. Seems like a Potasium or Zinc defficiency tho after boosting both the last time i fed them it doesn't seem to have had any now I just din't know what else to do



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The 2 baby's seem to be responding to the B1 and mild veg nute to help correct their deficiencys. As for the big girl indoors she's Almost to week 6. I'm soo stoked to clip her in a couple weeks, being a 7-9 week strain i can't wait till thanksgiving till she's dried and cured. The 2outside are great as well. The bushier topped 1 is covered with bud sites as for the other its a stage behind cuz of it not taking the sransfer to outside well at 1st


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Sorry if my thread followers have been missing my pics and updates. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, i got fired the other day from Ace after 8 hard working yrs as Dpt Hd of Garden. And the job hunt has been horrible...


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I got fuck'n robbed by some bum walking through my yard this morning!!!! I went to water my 2 outdoor baby's to find just pots full of soil. The only thing I have left is 1 broken branch with a few tiny dirty buds, so I'm gonna dry it all out and make butter with whats left. But GOD DAM IT that fucking pisses me off knowing it was some bum cuz all the footprints lead to some shopping cart track off in the lot next to mine.

I wish i had kept them close to the house but the other week Animal Control came over snooping around looking exactly where i would've put them but my roommate thought it would've been safer outback by the broken down RV. Sadly there was still 5-6weeks till i could've clipped

:evil: Karma will give that asshole whats coming to him



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I know it was the risk i took putting them outside but i thought i had everything all hidden pretty well but...

The thing i have to ask myself now is would this asshole have still taken them regardless of how tight i had things hidden cuz he went looking for something. Its like what they say about car thieves, if they want your car they're gonna get it no matter how much protection you have...


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Once my only Kaya Gold that's left of the 3 i had till yesterday is finished flowering, I'll be starting a new journal for the clones and my last 3 Short Rider Auto-Flowers seeds I'm now sprouting in light of my 2 being stolen

Pics of the big girl will come later today when I'm home to take fresh 1's


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What do you think everyone? Looking nice a frosty, I predict on Halloween day I'll be clipping her, before i begin her week (or so) long flush.

Also my salsa garden which aside from being outdoors has been running parallel to my grow op as far as soils, amendments and fertilizers that are all organic(except superthrive every now and then) The little tear drop shaped tomato's are Lemon Boy, the larger 1's are Heirloom Celebrity, and last is Jalapeno's. Sadly my other tomato and pepper plants (habanero and yellow pear) didn't produce anything but flowers and no fruit...



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Now that I'm pretty much out of my Organicare Veg nutes I went to this new hydro shop in town. I bought this whole box set of nutes called the Go Box from General Organics. Its a whole line (except 1 bottle) of vegan. The 1 product is called Bio Marine that has cold pressed squid.

This will be used on the 2 clones in my next journal



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Looks like my prediction to clip by Halloween was a little off. She was looking a little droopy so i fed her another dose of nutes and today i see a number of freshly grown hairs. The strain's rated a 7-9 week finisher, looks like my hopes for the 7 week mark but hopefully at week 8...

Pics coming soon


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Just fed her today she was looking hungry. I'm stoked, This will be the largest amount i've ever cultivated. And i don't plan to stopping here, i want a whole room/shed to fully grow in some day....some day....



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I'm now 3 days past the 9th week mark, as far as the strain is rated from Nirvana Seeds its a 7-9 week finisher. Now i've been going on the cloudyness of the THC, but with only this photographers scope to get a better look at it and it all still looks way clear. I'm thinking i might have a slight issue with light leak keeping her a little behing schedule...but idk

Any thoughts anybody?



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Well shoot...i was hoping maybe somebody experienced with Kaya Gold might have anything to say or suggest about my +9 weeks of flowering. I'd considered that since this is the 1st plant i've ever grown this large that size could be a factor, or again;...a light leak.

IDK, i'm probably worrying about nothing and should just clip her when her thc finally goes cloudy/milky


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I'm hoping by next week i'll be clipper her. But i know I've said that before lol. A friend of mine who's grown outdoors for 3 yrs now tels me that sometimes the plant takes longer than rated by the seed bank.

As you all have noticed I'm having a cal/mag deficiency though have been feeding 2tsp of Cal/Mag nutes every 3 waterings. At this point I'm watering her everyother day and feeding every 3 waterings.



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They look so delicious! I know that I wouldn't have patience to wait those trichs come cloudy. If those were mine, half would be smoked already :D


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Well dam! I got this awesome new 16megapixel camera on black friday but can't get it to uplaod pics....i hope my system isn't too far out of date that i can't use it...

Been getting antsy to upload news pics that'll be WAY clearer than my old 7.1mp camera


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Its official ladies and gentlemen my Kaya Gold has been chopped. 6 months of patients has paid off. As of Friday 12/9/2011 her life was ended with the help of a friend with more experience with trimming helped out. After 3 days of drying everything is jarred and the last 2 days I've "burped" the jars letting off a little more moisture before i close them off and shove'em in the back of my sock drawer to cure for about a month.

As I was trimming my mouth was watering over the nice spicey aroma. The day I was jarring it all up i scraped together the real dry flakes that fell on the table and its taste(as of then) tasted just like it smelled....DELICIOUS! I figure I'll breakout a nug or 2 on new years, that should be enough time till i can officially enjoy its truer taste. All together after drying it came out to 3.789 Oz

I'll post a smoke report in a couple weeks, but in the meintime follow my struggle with the clones at my other grow and please feel free to give any advice or constructive comments cuz THESE CLONES HAVE BEEN BEEN A BITCH!!!
Kryptonite and Cherry Kush Clones Grow

