Short Rider Auto/Fem, Kaya Gold Fem, Mr.Nice-Sour Grapefruit Kush


Active Member
My camera isn't working right but my girl took this with her phone. I'm real proud of how good they're doing. Right now i'm giving my girls 1 1/2 times the recommended amount of the Organicare veging fert(3-2-3 at 1/2 tsp per gallon) plus 1/4 tsp of Miracle Grow's organic nitrogen(molasses based 8-0-0) cuz they keep eating up all of it from the organicare by showing spots. Also 1 tsp of B1, occasionally 1/4 tsp of superthrive(the only 2 inorganic parts of my grow) and 2 tbsp of vinegar to correct the ph of my shitty CAP water in AZ.

Transplanted em all about 1.5-2 weeks ago into 2.5 gallon bucket/pots still using Whitney Farms Uncle Malcoms all organic potting soil and i added vermiculite to help retain more water.

About 3-4 weeks ago they all started showing preflowers so i can't wait to kick em into flowering



Active Member
Just fed the girls. I'm surprised at how fast they're eating up all the nitrogen i'm giving them. I'm giving them nutes every watering since the leaves after 2 days or so already look off green.

Dam i can't wait till payday so i can fully construct my box. Till then they'll just have to keep veging and eating up lots of N


Active Member
There's been a change of plan. The conversion of that desk has been put on hold or maybe even scraped since this rubermaid cabinet fell into my lap(figuratively haha) You've probly seen them at walmart or home depot. I got 2 cans of plastic primer and a Qt of semi gloss white paint and slathered it on with 2 good coats of paint. Looking all nice and reflective now tho i still have to take my jig saw to the center support shelf for the proper hight for all 3 plants to flower. As well as hole-saw a 3'' opening for the exhaust fan and mount my lights, its a work in progress... mean while they'll have to continue veging under my litte ghetto rigged setup in my room with the white paper, mylar wrapped plexi and small dry erase board for reflectors lol



Well-Known Member
Nice grow bro... your babies look really nice. ah the rubbermaid storage bin, I almost made a box out of one of those. I hope it works for you. keep up the good grow. stay high


Active Member
thanks shrxhky420 and laywoish12! :D this was a lot simpler and cheaper than my original idea which was to convert an old wooden desk my roommate gave me which weighs a ton cuz its solid wood. would've been almost $120 to fully inclose properly. this way the cabinet is already fully inclosed i just had to paint and now i need to caulk the seems and joints to make it light proof. sadly my work schedule and girlfriend have had me a bit preoccupied. i'll have the cabinet completed by next week...i hope


Active Member
how much do you figure you got from the short rider? how was it? what was the overall height of the plant when cut?


Active Member
how much do you figure you got from the short rider? how was it? what was the overall height of the plant when cut?
Overall i got 1 and 1/4 Oz between the 3 i grew. I've been private messaged about the 1st 2 being way small but i couldn't do anything about it since they started growing hairs after 3 set of fan leaves(about 10 days) though i had my lights nice and close and they grew nice a tight. The 2 only grew to 6" tall and the final topped 1 was 1'. I plucked the 2 when the trics were 50/50 amber/milky for a good body and head high.

Smoke rating was good, smooth with kind of a skittles like taste. I had awesome smoke sessions with my roommate and he thought it was a great body high. My arms felt nice and floaty lol i can't wait to pop them in my next grow(limited on grow space but since they're autoflowers i considered getting a couple outside but not till AZ daytime temps are in the 80's, right now we're still firmly in the 100's


Active Member
thanks man for the update on that, been looking for some shorter plants to grow as i have a limited space also. the current plant im doing wants to grow tall so im constantly lst'ing branches back down. thanks again


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As i've been rather short on $ and no real light proof structure to kick her into flower i resorected(spelling?? hi i'm high lol) last years large ghetto riged box to get this bitch budding WOOO! As she stands in her 5 gal bucket at 3ft, also the same height as my rubbermaid cabinet, so i did what i could with what i had :)

She's under 2x65w(4300L ea) 2x26w(1750L ea) 2700K and 1x26w(1600L) 6500k, seeing if she wants more now and add even more later, but either way i'll be putting 1 26w with a clip light down low inside for the lower growth.

As for the other 2, or dare i say, 3...fingers crossed. I decided to give my 1st shot at cloning, so far 1 out of 3 remain. If anyone can help out with that i don't know what the best techniques are??? Back to the other 2 they're fine tho dealing with is salt levels in our horrible C.A.P. water. They've experienced a little salt burn but i don't look at it as too bad cuz the leaves that died off i was gonna prune back anyways. I bought a couple gallons of distilled water to flush out the salts.

On a related suject here's my other garden out in my desert paradise. 3 tomatoes, yellow pear, celebrity and lemon boy. The other 2 are peppers, habinero and jolapeno. All being grown with the same organic soil and nutes and so far the celebrity tomato and jolapeno have produced anything in their 1st year of life.



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For some reason the jolapeno's didn't make it haha! You'll notice that it looks like shit only cuz my roommates dog decided to devour most of it for beakfast weeks ago :wall::finger: with 14 peppers growing on it, now only 1 remains to ripen :-(



Active Member
The big girl was getting too big to keep vegging. So now HAVING to kick her into flower i'm expecting some tasty buds in about 3 months...fingers crossed :weed: As for the other 2 they're still getting over the salt build up, and i'm awaiting a transplant for the 2 especially now that i have alot more room to flower them in the rubbermaid cabinet. I'm gonna LST at least the non-topped one, depends how bushy it gets after transplanting. Though considering how bushed out the big 1 is now after the switch. I had to basically LST the big 1 already, just for now but the darn thing grew both main stocks into the lights and slightly burnt them.

I have been reading a little more on salt burn, since i grow with all organics except for the Superthrive and B1 i occasionally give them to keep things happy. Anyone know if my using the 2 non-organic nutes every 3-4 nute cycles could've helped the salt build up or likely just my crappy filtered tap water?



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Things are going great, no light leak issues like last time i had to use this cardboard box. I also finally got both of the others transplanted in 5 gal buckets. After it grew right up into the lights after day 2 i had to find a box to extend the height and lined it with a mylar emergency blanket, also added 2 more lights to help with the lights being almost 12'' higher to avoid stretching 1 above and 1 down low.

Definately gonna have to LST them to flower in the rubermaid cabinet cuz as they are in the new buckets they stand about 32" and the cabinet is only 37" tall inside...

After more soil testing and research i concluded that the salt issue i was dealing with was only part 1 of 3 issues which i'm in the process of correcting. Apparently the salt gave me ph lockout and they were also needing zinc and manganese, so i tossed a good 1.5 tsp of soil sulfur to the surface and gave'em 1 Tbsp of B1 per gal to help with the deficiency and things have improved, no more leaves turning yellow and dropping off



Active Member
Hey lovinit, she looks awsome, how much do u PLAN to yeild from this auto
Well sadly these ladies aren't auto's, the Short riders i started my grow with this years were the only auto's i ordered. These 1's are feminized Kaya Gold. From this 1 alone i hope to get near an ounce. And thats not including the other 2 i got started 2-3 weeks after the big girl that over grew my current flowering box lol and i'm hoping to get close to the same yeild for each of them


Active Member
Just watered them all today. And as you can see from the pics i've begun LSTing the other 2 ladies cuz just like the 1 flowering right now they're getting a bit big for my cabinet...have been considering putting them(or just 1 outside to finish but IDK yet) outside tho i hear people often have problems miving them from in to out.

If anyone has any thoughts on my idea to move 1 or both outdoors to flower please feel free to chime in and comment




Well-Known Member
Lookin good brother!!! if you plan on moving in and out make sure you take some preventative bug measures first. I like how pic 1 looks, nice and bushy, great job stay high.