shooting instructor gets second amendmented to death by 9 year old girl with full auto uzi

Here you are little girl. BANG!
Here you are little girl. BANG!

How do you feel about the all the innocent children that the USA's imperialism has killed not by accident, but by deliberate acts of aggression?

You could start with the domestic killings of Indians and then move onto the various wars etc. There are too many wars to list, but you get the point.
"jeff Frichette, director of training for the Range 702, another shooting range in Las Vegas, told the Review-Journal the incident would never happen at his facility, where there are trained safety officers. Children need to understand the concept of safety and must be “physically and mentally prepared” before shooting a fully automatic weapon. Frichette’s range has a 4-foot height minimum and requires kids to master other weapons such as a semiautomatic .22-caliber rifle before they’re allowed to shoot a fully automatic."

yeah because its totally the kids fault....:roll:

The instructor shoud be able to tell if a child (let alone a 9 yr old GIRL) can handle a fully automatic weapon. He should be trained to handle those types of situations and be able to tell if someone can't handle the firepower.

A little girl has no buissiness shooting a 1940's type assualt rifle....

Thanks shooting gallery, mom and dad, i just bagged my first human.
How do you feel about the all the innocent children that the USA's imperialism has killed not by accident, but by deliberate acts of aggression?

You could start with the domestic killings of Indians and then move onto the various wars etc. There are too many wars to list, but you get the point.
Calm down Racist Rob. How about making me a sandwich? Turkey bacon swiss on sourdough extra mayo. Ranch on the side.