shooting instructor gets second amendmented to death by 9 year old girl with full auto uzi

I hate to be such a pain in the ass, but would like to point out that the constitution conveys no rights upon anyone. The second amendment does not give you a right to posses a gun, it makes the government powerless to do anything to restrict that right. Rights cannot come from pieces of paper for if they could then the paper could be rewritten and then they wouldn't really be rights, they would just be temporary privileges. I think it is necessary to point out that rights come from being a human being, not from a piece of paper.

Sadly, an important distinction lost on most of those here, as is its corollary; with freedoms come the responsibility to protect them.
There are no such things as "rights". People can't give other people "rights". There is no one on this planet who has any authority over anyone else. No one is assigned that privilege. As a society we can observe certain "guidelines" or "morals", but nobody has any "right". There is simply no such thing.

There is if we agree there is. It's a pretty broad agreement. Come to my house to take away my 'non-existent' rights and I'll kill you on the doorstep. Here in Colorado, the jury will call it 'make my day'.
Reminiscent of the moron deliberately walking into harms way on the race track, that people are trying to blame Tony S for
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Don't get me wrong, DD. I like guns, and have bought at least 30 guns in my adult life. Browning O/U doubles are my favorites.

But for an adult "shooting instructor" to put a fully automatic weapon in the hands of a 9-year-old girl is asinine. Just asinine. He deserved what he got. Stupid is as stupid does, to quote FG.
thats just stupid for you to say he got what he deserved , nobody deserves to die for an honest mistake. you tell me you have never done anything that was stupid that could have costed you your life. ive done a ton of stupid ass stuff that could have ended my life, i either over looked it or just didnt think anything could or would happen. .
I hate to be such a pain in the ass, but would like to point out that the constitution conveys no rights upon anyone. The second amendment does not give you a right to posses a gun, it makes the government powerless to do anything to restrict that right. Rights cannot come from pieces of paper for if they could then the paper could be rewritten and then they wouldn't really be rights, they would just be temporary privileges. I think it is necessary to point out that rights come from being a human being, not from a piece of paper.

rights are NOT given, you are born with them.
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laugh at the death of a caring father....your a fuckin super duper douchebag motherfucker...YOU ARE WHATS WRONG WITH AMERICA TODAY!

No, no, no, you're doing it wrong. You just fed the troll. That's exactly the response the OP was hoping for. He's an idiot savant, minus the savant.
No, no, no, you're doing it wrong. You just fed the troll. That's exactly the response the OP was hoping for. He's an idiot savant, minus the savant.

and good job, muyloco, on coming to the rescue of yet another obviously racist sock puppet.

really clear pattern going for you now.

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thats just stupid for you to say he got what he deserved , nobody deserves to die for an honest mistake. you tell me you have never done anything that was stupid that could have costed you your life. ive done a ton of stupid ass stuff that could have ended my life, i either over looked it or just didnt think anything could or would happen. .

Anytime you do something stupid, you deserve what you get.

Besides, he didn't so some thing JUST stupid. It was way the hell beyond stupid. And he deserved what he got. Not that I'm celebrating his misadventure. I'm just commenting on it. And I'm right.
What?! The 2nd A and the NRA didn't force them to let a 9 year old use an uzi. They also didn't force the instructor to work there.

How many people get to die doing what they love?

I wonder if given the choice of being dead or alive, he would have chosen death at the hands of a 9-year-old girl?

and don't you have a plow to name on another thread?
I wonder if given the choice of being dead or alive, he would have chosen death at the hands of a 9-year-old girl?

and don't you have a plow to name on another thread?
He chose to put a high-recoil death machine in the hands of a 9 year old girl. I do not feel bad for him. I'm all for kids learning guns early, but there's no place for full-auto weapons in training a child.
and good job, muyloco, on coming to the rescue of yet another obviously racist sock puppet.

really clear pattern going for you now.


The troll is unhappy I spoiled his meal.

I saw nothing racist in the post I replied to. Like most normal people that aren't completely unhinged and batshit crazy, I don't keep or check a log of every RIU member's past posts. I do have a couple of yours I keep for extraordinary occasions that beg for their reposting.

rights are NOT given, you are born with them.

That's some funny shit right there.

You are born with nothing. Someone else "gave" birth to you. You were "given" a chance at life by those who cared for you. Your so called "rights" are given to you by a group of people who feel they know what's best. Who are they to judge? NO ONE is any better than anyone else. There is no such thing as "rights". "Rights" are nothing but made up rules.
"the only thing that stops a bad 8 year old girl with a fully automatic uzi is a good 8 year old girl with a fully automatic uzi Sniper rifle, perched in an as yet unnoticed location..."

Yep, 9 year old girl + Uzi = obviously high risk of needlessly endangering one or more living beings. I find it perplexing how an "instructor" could have overlooked this.

At least she didn't try to grow pot! THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TERRIBLE!
That's some funny shit right there.

You are born with nothing. Someone else "gave" birth to you. You were "given" a chance at life by those who cared for you. Your so called "rights" are given to you by a group of people who feel they know what's best. Who are they to judge? NO ONE is any better than anyone else. There is no such thing as "rights". "Rights" are nothing but made up rules.

in the meta context, i agree. But in the context of constitutionality, rights are inherent, merely preserved by the constitution and bill of rights, not "granted" by those documents. The "self evident truths" are that everyone has the right to their own life, and this is part of the social contract that was intended to unite us as vigilant free humans. Too bad it didn't work out as intended.

But then again, back on the other end of things... we're really all just animals, doing whatever we do until we cease to exist forever.

edit: actually no, we're not all equal. Ask anyone if i'm equal to their favorite person; i bet they'll say i'm not!