shooting instructor gets second amendmented to death by 9 year old girl with full auto uzi

She's 9, dipshit.
You have to realize that this is coming from Bucky the Math Major, someone who cannot even do simple arithmetic, let alone understand even the most simplest of tenets of kindergarten math. Ask bucky what would the product be of increasing 1 by 120%. He will tell you the answer is 1.2. He's an idiot. Plenty of Bucky posts where he can't do even the simplest of computations.
Most weapons have a magazine safety.

Don't get me wrong.. having your finger on the trigger is bad form.

What’s interesting about that picture is that both safety’s appear to be on;

In order for that to happen the bolt has to be cycled, which means if they had a loaded mag attached at the beginning a round would be captured. Interesting, wonder why they went through the bother to have the safty’s on. And yes, these weapons can be discharged without the mag.
LoL this makes me think of Fallout!

Unfortunately, me too. What kind of fucking idiot "shooting instructor" puts a fully automatic weapon in the hands of a 9-year-old girl?

It's simply evolution in action. I'm glad his dumb ass genes are no longer capable of being passed on.

But I do feel sorry for the little girl. She did absolutely nothing wrong, but will forever live with the memory of what happened. Her parents should be tarred and feathered and put on display for all to see how stupid they were for allowing their daughter to be placed in that situation.

Don't get me wrong, DD. I like guns, and have bought at least 30 guns in my adult life. Browning O/U doubles are my favorites.

But for an adult "shooting instructor" to put a fully automatic weapon in the hands of a 9-year-old girl is asinine. Just asinine. He deserved what he got. Stupid is as stupid does, to quote FG.
I own a Browning Citori, so I am right there with you on Browning doubles.

I agree it is silly to put a full auto in the hands of a 9 year old. Sometimes bad shit just happens.
i say the girl promoted local business , the funeral home , florist , bleach and paper towell mfg. the grave digger , headstone maker ,casket maker , the beautiton to put the guys head back together for open casket , the preacher they hired to say some comforting words and golden corral where everybody went to gorge themselves afterward and ease their pain .win ,win , win.
LOL, it is Las Vegas. I'm surprised this got out, I always thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, shit just isn't like the old days I guess. Enough money and that instructor's body would have ended up in the desert and the family on their merry way in a different time.

too much's everywhere now..just ask james foley.
This isn't news, this is a tragic accident. Let it go.

absolutely want the privilege to take a 9-year-old to a firing range? take the good with the with it that the 2nd A and NRA killed that man.

why don't we let a 9-year-old:
go to war?
consume and purchase alcohol in public?
smoke and purchase cigarettes?

along with a host of hundreds of other things they cannot legally do?

why don't we?


EDIT: i must of missed the lure of guns..i always took my kids at that age to chuckie cheese's for their birthday.
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