Shipping Question


Active Member
OK... um... well... i found this forum... and since i've been longing to ask this question to someone i figured why not here?

So... I have the wonderful privilige to take a trip to Amsterdam this summer... i was wondering if there was anyway i'd be able to ship hash, weed or shrooms back to Canada from there without getting caught... i have a P.O. Box near my house which i would obviously use... another idea i had for bringing back shrooms or hash is that i could simply put them in my luggage surrounded by the massive amount of chocolate i would bring back from my stay in Switzerland.... i dont really know if either would work though... any thoughts?? thanks!



Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo i wouldn't man. not worth the risk. i had a real close escape comin into uk. i think canada wud be alot worse. swallow the hash!


Active Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo i wouldn't man. not worth the risk. i had a real close escape comin into uk. i think canada wud be alot worse. swallow the hash!
hmmm ok... well forget bringing it back with me... but even if i ship it from another country? like... Germany for example?

lol swallowing would probly work tho...

the widowman

Well-Known Member
vacuum seal the hash cover it in talc and vacuum seal again, vacuum seal again if desired, then post to your destination (preferably without your address on it ) and to a country thats pretty o.k about cannabis.


Well-Known Member
its your choice. but if you get caught you have to pay the consequences!!! and it won't be good. don't just think your get a smack on the wrist!!