Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana

You are living in a first world country and arguing with another first world citizen. None of you ideas apply outside of our protected borders. Try telling this to MS-13.

Letting others define our reality can be dangerous. For instance, many political borders tend to be imaginary lines....

I don't like geo-political borders, but I do recognize many people "believe" they exist. How can a consensus of people believing in something that is largely imaginary make it real?
He's an anti-Gov't socialist...

You can't get much moar retarded than that.

I agree, his position does seem to rely on a contradiction and the existence of a central authority doesn't it?

In his defense, I don't believe he's a Wendy's patron though, so it could be possible to get even moar retarded..
Speaking of contradictions, if you're so opposed to socialism, why do you often quote socialists like George Orwell and Lysander Spooner?

It's not contradictory to acknowledge a good idea, even if the person espousing it doesn't measure up to your ideals in every other way.

For instance I could acknowledge someones gardening skills, without embracing their fast food bathroom habits.

Plus Spooner had a cool beard.
It's not contradictory to acknowledge a good idea, even if the person espousing it doesn't measure up to your ideals in every other way.

The actual reason is that anarchism is a form of socialism. There is no such thing as Anarchocapitalism. You want to quote anarchists, but they're all socialists.
The actual reason is that anarchism is a form of socialism. There is no such thing as Anarchocapitalism. You want to quote anarchists, but they're all socialists.

Quoting a person isn't a blanket endorsement or rejection of them, is it?

I believe that coercion in a system makes that system suspect, regardless of what people call that system. Do you?
Private property is not free or consensual.

Okay. Then humor me for a bit.

A person travels to the other side of the mountain, which is uninhabited. He builds a cabin, creates a garden and begins to make various other improvements, animals, tools, etc. Does he "own" that space that he is improving? I say yes, he mixed his labor with natural resources and the fruit of his labor is owned by him. Also, importantly, no other person was there first, doing the same things.
When you use the words of a socialist to express your views, you are either endorsing their views (socialism) or pulling something out of context to distort their views.

Not really. You might coin a good saying, that doesn't mean by repeating what you say in that instance, I am embracing every other thing you say or have said, some of which I might find objectionable or inaccurate.
So you concede that my point is valid.

Notice that I don't acknowledge your hypothetical bs because we live in reality.

I concede nothing in that instance. I said okay as a figure of speech and acknowledgment of what you said.

I live in the forest and chew bark, eat grubs and howl at the moon. Yet you, have "liked" some of my posts, does that mean you want a piece of my bark and will forego your usual cheetoh breakfast, because now you embrace every other thing I've said?

Have you been smoking marijuana again young man?