Sherbinski's Community Journal


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WARNING all ACAI JELLY growers, mine is a banana factory on day 33 of flower. Sorry I can't post pictures of proof but I have found two sets of nanas on lower buds. I first noticed some in my water at the top of the pot as I watered they were floating. Then on further inspection there are separate sets under lower buds. I have removed the plant from the room and into the bin. It's a bit sad cos it smelt amazing and looked great too. It's a hard game sometimes and there is a lot of risk attached as you probably know. I'm disappointed with the expense of the seeds as I paid for my Acai Jelly. I now know why they (seedbanks) are handing the Acai jelly away like sweets as freebies. I mean when do seed banks ever give away £17 seeds????? I'll tell you when......... When there a piece of junk hermie. Oh well back to the cheaper shittier seeds for now. I hope it only happens to me and I'd like to see others get theirs over the line in one piece. I have read others have successes with the Pink Sunset and Polar Gelato so there's hope there at least. Peace and all the best guys.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
That's terrible and thanks for the heads up. Mine is a little behind yours, going to give it a close look.
I have been feeding biobizz and seaweed only and used a 300w lumatec led. I have maintained good temps throughout and I am confident in my set up. The other three strains have been OK but may have been damaged by the Acai Jellys nana's but they might not be too bad as there is no fan blowing around but the others are in close proximity so yeah there will be "probably" seeds. Not good. I was thinking at the start which strains I dare run alongside the Acai Jelly in fear of them ruining it. How wrong was I. Turns out the fancy, expensive plant turns on me. I have to say that barring the bananas it was ABSOLUTELY EXOTIC!!!!!
The trichome production, the sugars which came early as I've seen and coated to the max! I can only describe the smell of the plant as like a good dessert included chocolate and jam with a rubbery smell like the scented ones at school. It didn't smell like a typical ganja plant at all. There is magic in there for sure and I'd like to hear that yours all turn out great cos if they do then I can almost assure you that you will be extremely happy! Peace everyone.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
WARNING all ACAI JELLY growers, mine is a banana factory on day 33 of flower. Sorry I can't post pictures of proof but I have found two sets of nanas on lower buds. I first noticed some in my water at the top of the pot as I watered they were floating. Then on further inspection there are separate sets under lower buds. I have removed the plant from the room and into the bin. It's a bit sad cos it smelt amazing and looked great too. It's a hard game sometimes and there is a lot of risk attached as you probably know. I'm disappointed with the expense of the seeds as I paid for my Acai Jelly. I now know why they (seedbanks) are handing the Acai jelly away like sweets as freebies. I mean when do seed banks ever give away £17 seeds????? I'll tell you when......... When there a piece of junk hermie. Oh well back to the cheaper shittier seeds for now. I hope it only happens to me and I'd like to see others get theirs over the line in one piece. I have read others have successes with the Pink Sunset and Polar Gelato so there's hope there at least. Peace and all the best guys.
Can confirm. >:(



Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry to see that you have encountered this issue too Laughing Grass and I hope that the damage is minimal. There is a chance sometimes that the nana will be hollow and infertile. Let's hope this is the case. I know some growers whom clip the nana off and continue with optimism, but I prefer to remove the plant as you have. I'm genuinely gutted for you and all the best. After discovering my bananas I cheered myself up by cracking more new seeds. I have however avoided the Sherbinskis Silent collaborations for now until I see some success from other growers. I still have faith in the Pink Sunset and Polar Gelato as they aren't being given away as freebies and some people on here have got good reviews for those two. Peace.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry to see that you have encountered this issue too Laughing Grass and I hope that the damage is minimal. There is a chance sometimes that the nana will be hollow and infertile. Let's hope this is the case. I know some growers whom clip the nana off and continue with optimism, but I prefer to remove the plant as you have. I'm genuinely gutted for you and all the best. After discovering my bananas I cheered myself up by cracking more new seeds. I have however avoided the Sherbinskis Silent collaborations for now until I see some success from other growers. I still have faith in the Pink Sunset and Polar Gelato as they aren't being given away as freebies and some people on here have got good reviews for those two. Peace.
To be honest that was my initial plan. It wasn't until I lifted the leaves and could see them forming at each node.

I'm not too heartbroken over it and I appreciate the heads up. I should have trusted my gut and killed it when I saw these. A few days later it started throwing out pistals so I assumed I was mistaken.

I put down six of @curious2garden's SSH earlier this week.

Easy come easy go.



To be honest that was my initial plan. It wasn't until I lifted the leaves and could see them forming at each node.

I'm not too heartbroken over it and I appreciate the heads up. I should have trusted my gut and killed it when I saw these. A few days later it started throwing out pistals so I assumed I was mistaken.

I put down six of @curious2garden's SSH earlier this week.

Easy come easy go.

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One could run the clone & clean lowers during flower. These might be pure fire as no way to know till the end then again if you have 4 flower limit makes it hard.
Sucks about nanner's on seeds that costly.
No wonder it is in stock lol