Shed Cure?

Unless the bait is strong stinking enough to drive you out of the shed it'll be fine to dry there as Cannabis has a powerful stink all its own.

Just dry slow. At this time of year with low humidity it can over dry hanging buds real fast like in just hours. It never fails when I have plants harvested and hanging we'll get a winter Santa Ana wind event with cold stone dry air in the single digit humidity blasting in from the high desert and out to sea. It has wrecked things more times then I care to count.

Hang only until the small popcorn starts to firm back up.
View attachment 5245187

Remove buds from branches and cut all colas into nothing bigger then a golf ball.

View attachment 5245190

I place it all into cut down 3 inch tall paper shopping bags.

View attachment 5245188

I stack the bags of weed in a new clean trash can at night and put them out a few hours a day gradually reducing the time exposed to the low humidity air during the day.

View attachment 5245189

At then end of 7 10 days it should be down to 65% and safe to jar with no burping needed.
Squeeze the Charmin. Your fingers will tell you what it needs.
Soft and mushy feeling = Needs more dry.
Firm and almost crisp = Needs more Can time.

Below 55% all biological activity the Cure depends on stops and will not restart.
Think of drying Cannabis like Cooking a fine Steak. We want Medium Rare not Well Done.
Exactly like that Steak we only get one chance at getting it right. There are no do-overs with this.

Good technique BNW.

I am 7 days from hanging my latest batch of CBG Destroyer.
Unless the bait is strong stinking enough to drive you out of the shed it'll be fine to dry there as Cannabis has a powerful stink all its own.

Just dry slow. At this time of year with low humidity it can over dry hanging buds real fast like in just hours. It never fails when I have plants harvested and hanging we'll get a winter Santa Ana wind event with cold stone dry air in the single digit humidity blasting in from the high desert and out to sea. It has wrecked things more times then I care to count.

Hang only until the small popcorn starts to firm back up.
View attachment 5245187

Remove buds from branches and cut all colas into nothing bigger then a golf ball.

View attachment 5245190

I place it all into cut down 3 inch tall paper shopping bags.

View attachment 5245188

I stack the bags of weed in a new clean trash can at night and put them out a few hours a day gradually reducing the time exposed to the low humidity air during the day.

View attachment 5245189

At then end of 7 to 10 days it should be down to 65% and safe to jar with no burping needed.
Squeeze the Charmin. Your fingers will tell you what it needs.
Soft and mushy feeling = Needs more dry.
Firm and almost crisp = Needs more Can time.

Below 55% all biological activity the Cure depends on stops and will not restart.
Think of drying Cannabis like Cooking a fine Steak. We want Medium Rare not Well Done.
Exactly like that Steak we only get one chance at getting it right. There are no do-overs with this.


Jarring 65% with no burping lol

Awful advice

10/10 would not listen to a word this guy types.
Been drying in another room really works fine.

I was thinking of the Shed because it will be cooler and Humidity is just naturally down this time of year.

Not even thinking about smell. Seems like if I'm not drying in a Tent the smell is very strong.

Last Summer I was drying. A guy was down wind Weed Eating at a Cops house. He thought the Cop was growing.

No the Shed will not help as far as smell.
Jarring 65% with no burping lol

Awful advice

10/10 would not listen to a word this guy types.
Z jars.jpg

At the end of 7 to 10 days of dry it is at the correct range to Cure and 60 days in Half gallon Mason Jars with a large 62 gram size 62% Bovida humidity pack insures a good cure every time.

10 Years I've done it this exact way. Always smells great. Never a hint of Mold.
Works in Southern California conditions.
Adjust as needed for local humidity.
I'm going by the girls when I see some wilt then I water.

I tried watering more often but found it didn't work with the roots.

I have about 100 more stashed someplace if you run out of reading material. Mind you this is what works here in the hot and dry Southwest. You need to tailor your dry to local conditions. This is a general guide and not intended as a one size fits all dry-cure. I simply give a general set of guidelines to work from.

Things like below 55% all biological activity stops and no cure can happen is a bit harder to find but enough searching will turn this stuff up. My first grow was 1976 so I've been at this a while. One summer set in those early years. I didn't get real serious until 10 years ago when i started knocking out 4 harvests a year outside. With 40 harvest dry and cures in the last decade I've had plenty of chances to nail down exactly WTH was going wrong.

If your in the Florida Everglades with 100% humidity you'll need a radically different method involving sawhorses, all the window screens off the house and the AC cranked down to 50 degrees.
