Big P
Well-Known Member
She said yes! How a sap like me landed her I don't know, but she said yes and has the ring on! Thats all, just excited had to post it!
congrats Guts,
for the guy whos been married 5 times at 33, i gotta say holly shit. I got one ex wife and 2 kids and im 33 and trust me thats enough lol
so guts, how old are you and how old is she?
give us the details homey.
How long have you been together, & how long have you guys lived together?
getting married young is a bad idea in this age for plentyful horny bitches and long life spans.
only way i would ever get married again is if she made more money. Other than that, getting married is just a peice of paper that says she gets half your shit no matter how good or bad of a wife she was.
only other reason to get married besides the other person having more money, is if you are reaching older age and losing your looks and are truly ready to spend the rest of your life with them.
other than that theres really no logical reason. gurls who would leave you for simply not tying the knot are def not the ones you wanna marry anyway

the fun part of marrige is the beginning and then later also, having the kids, its amazing. but you can do that out of wedlock too.
just make sure you dont take her for granted and that she doesnt take you for granted. thats when people stop trying they think they got you on the hook forever,