SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Wow Fry! I haven't check out your thread in a while. They are looking really good man. Tried to rep you again but RIU wouldn't let me. Keep up the good work man.


Active Member
Damn I'm having a good night. First a neighbor invites me over to a Hannukah (sp?) celebration, 2nd night. I've never been to one before. There were all the young kids having a fun time singing the songs and enjoying being with each other. That's what it's all about people, it's the little ones.

Then I get home and online here and I get these nice vibes from my friends online, well, it's a good night. I hope yours is as good as mine. Happy holidays!


Well-Known Member
yep.detroit,mi anyone who worried about me sayin where i live,im fine i have my mmj card finally,lol took 2 fuckin months to get it tho.:finger:

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Robbie1313, Congrats on getting your card its like a pass to Willy Wonkas ganja factory. I've had mine for months out here in Ca. It's about time , and I think it'l be completely legal in a few more years !! So Robbie now you need to go out and get Michael Moore high and get him to do a documentary on the possitive aspects of Marijuana...he's your neighbor go turn him on ...


Active Member
I got mine last summer, it just feels good not needing to worry about getting busted. It still feels kind of funny walking out of the dispensary though, it's going to take some time for me to get used to it. After 40 years of hassles finding the stuff to now be able to just drop in on the way home is unbelievable!

I like the thought about Michael Moore ol hippy!


Well-Known Member
Had to get mine also. When I heard about an acquaintance, who got stopped and let go (smell in vehicle) with a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, I figured it was time (I don't smoke in a car or in public).

Now I an a Farmer LOL

Peace - :peace:


Active Member
Hey, I have a question. I've been 12/12 for a week now, I'm using Advanced nutes, Sensi Bloom parts A & B. I've been adding ~11 tsp of both parts to reach the 800 ppm as it says on the back of the bottle. I don't have a ppm meter so I'm flying blind here. I also have Big Bud to add but only started a low dose yesterday.

So here I am in week 2, I was just on Advanced's site reading up and it has a chart showing how you ramp up the nute concentrations. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing, adding more every week, then it looks like you taper off toward the end.

My question, what ppm are you shooting for in what week, then how do you add it all up? I want to throw the big bud in on top of it all. Do I use the Big Bud in the ppm calcs? How do I know how much of the Big Bud to add?

Any help in this are would be appreciated. If any of you know of a good thread for me to read please let me know where to find it.

Thanks everyone!


Active Member
I just occurred to me that I haven't posted any pics for a bit. Here's the latest and greatest! They are bushes, I think I outgrew my grow space here. I probably should have started flowering earlier, but these tops are just waiting to explode!


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Wow they look great! How much more vertical room do you have? As for the nutes, I would say follow the chart that you found but IDK what to tell you about the Big Bug. Hopefully someone who has actually used it can help you out. Keep up the great work!


Active Member
Wow they look great! How much more vertical room do you have? As for the nutes, I would say follow the chart that you found but IDK what to tell you about the Big Bug. Hopefully someone who has actually used it can help you out. Keep up the great work!
Fortunately I'm in good shape with the vertical space, got another good 3' to go. but at that point they would be awful damn hard to see the tops.

They are good and healthy aren't they! They are very green and lush, these pics under the hps don't do them justice! Thanks for the kind words, it's always nice to hear from you guys.


Well-Known Member
wow fry there HUGE!!! i haven't seen my girls in over a week,i would have to say that veggin under floro's has its disadvantages..your plants have to be a foot taller then mine..idk not for sure..haven't seen em,in a while,i snaped a shitty pic of the bud sites to give ya a idea how there doing here ya go...not thread jackin ya fry just sum friendly bud porn ...they went 12/12 the 27th i think


ol hippy

Well-Known Member
FryingPan, Wow there lookin great ! Mine were lookin pretty damn good too untill I found 3 out of the 4 were females !! What a mess trying to get out 3 and not kill the forth !! But shes doing ok... As far as nutes go I've been using Botanicare pro grow and bloom. I just follow what they say ml per gal etc. When I check my ppm meter it's around 17-1800 ! no nute burn and they were lovin it drinking over a gallon a day. I got a Hanna ppm meter at a local hydro shop for 30 bucks . It works fine and doesn't seem to be very finiky and for that price if it gets too bad I'll just get a new one ! cheaper than paying 200 bucks and needing to have them recalibrated etc... Thank gd I picked up a job for a few days I'm getting cabin fever sitting around all day on the pc, staying buzzed. Your grow looks great FryingPan hope your Christmas is good take the doggies out for a walk and enjoy the mountains...

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Well the mailman just came and droped off my new VaporGenie I will be back with a review in a short while ...