SH Bubbleponics grow, 400w MH/HPS, 3 Sour Diesel, 3Northern Lights


Active Member
Sounds to me like you need to get another dishwasher, I know mine was giving me a little lip last wk so I told her to pack her bags !! I was worrying about having no more room to raise my lights too, but then 3out of 4 were males now I have plenty of room !! The males were towering over my little more...
That damn dishwasher better not go out, the house is only 2 1/2 years old so I'd better not start having those troubles yet. The kitchen faucet was so cheap that it's leaking already and I have to replace that. Someone's going to hear if I have to replace the dw too!

Sorry about your 3 males, that's part of the reason I went with clones, right now I need to be hitting 100%, can't afford the males right now.


Active Member
Speaking of clones... I started 6 clones last week, cut them on Sunday and put them in the rockwool and res. on Tuesday. So far no roots at all. I don't know how much longer I'll have to wait, but I don't think I can afford to wait any longer.

It's been tough getting clones around here. I go in to the dispensaries and they all say sure they can get me all I want, just give them a few days notice and they can help me out. I go back in to give them notice and they tell me next week. I go back in and they tell me next week. I've tried other dispensaries and the same story, I'm not impressed with the level of service these guys are giving. Most of them only sell pot.

That's why I tried my own clones. It probably would have worked if I had given myself enough time, but it's too late now. I won't throw these out, I'll put them in my neighbors res. He's getting set up with a diy system. He's doing great but is having trouble starting the seeds.

He's made a couple of mistakes, he is germinating White Widow Max and White Lightening, he told me last night he re-read about the seeds and discovered the White Lightening was a sativa strain, those aren't going to work together. He is germing the seeds in rockwool in a covered plastic container, should be a good chamber. But he's over-anxious, as soon as two of the WWM popped out of the rockwool he put them all into the res. Well his cute little kitten found the two sprouts irresistible, now he's down 2 WWM.

So, I think I should put my clones in his res and let them go, He's got a 600w HPS to grow under and has a good ventilation system. I'm thinking this is my best bet for now. He's a registered care giver also, between the two of us we're trying to get this thing off the ground. At least my first grow is going unbelievably! More pics tomorrow.


Active Member
Sounds to me like you need to get another dishwasher, I know mine was giving me a little lip last wk so I told her to pack her bags !! I was worrying about having no more room to raise my lights too, but then 3out of 4 were males now I have plenty of room !! The males were towering over my little more...
Hey man, I've been following your thread about your budget vape, sounds good to me. You just need to pay attention and learn how to use it. This may be another piece of advice I take from you, I bought the TDS meter on your recommendation too.


Active Member
Wow, I just got back from taking the dogs for a walk, what a trip. We went down to the river, the elk herd bedded down there last night. We have a herd of about 300 elk living in the area and the stay here frequently, they are quite the site when they are all here. The dogs went crazy with all the scents. That little Golden of mine was having quite the day, seems she finds elk poop rather tasty. No kisses for you today girl!

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you wake up high just from where your at , than get toasted ! damn thats the life FryingPan !! Sounds like a great way to start the day !!


Active Member
Sounds like you wake up high just from where your at , than get toasted ! damn thats the life FryingPan !! Sounds like a great way to start the day !!
It is quite the area really. 6 world class ski resorts within 50 miles, dozens of 14,000 peaks in the area and I'be lived here for 35 years. I know some areas like the back of my hand. I can take you up for an afternoon where we don't see another person all day. I lived up in the hills for a long time, only stopped burning wood for heat two years ago. Then I built this house in this new development. Great place, there's this box on the wall I can turn and the house gets warm by itself! What will they think of next.

Last week I was walking the dogs and there was an immature bald eagle flying overhead, she perched in a tree rigt across the river from us, there about 20 yards away was a deer carcass, that's why she was there. But they don't normally feed on carrion. The pups and I sat and watched for a while and left her alone. It's a pretty quiet place, just down river from a Great Blue Heron rookery.


Active Member
Hey guys, I was having some fun learning and searching these forums first for the information and then for the camraderie of our common goal. But I have to admit that in the past week there seems to have been a serious departure from that perfect little world I was constructing where I found all these people who were of like mind in their achieving their goal. "Let's all work together and we will all be the better for it". I agree, let's spread the knowledge, in knowledge there is power! But there are those who are jealous of those who have achieved some level of power due to their experience and ...

Okay, gotta stop this bullshit. I just had an asshole insult my 79 yo mother on another thread, I appologize for the improper way in which I responded. Time for me to take some time off. I'm with The Roseman. No problem with the mods, I just think I'm not cut out for the ignorant slander so prevalent on these boards. Too old I guess. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Arguing on the internet is kinda like the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still a Retard :wink:


Active Member
yea never take it serious, just laugh at peoples stupid lives that live to spam boards to try n piss ppl off
Arguing on the internet is kinda like the Special Olympics, even if you win, you are still a Retard :wink:
Ain't that the truth! I was pretty pissed last night, and I see where he's continued it even further.

But the more I think about it the more I pity those poor wretches who choose to live in such a world. I'm not going there, I guess I'll just start rejecting some of those people and stick with the people that are decent and caring.

Thanks for the notes guys.


Active Member
Fuck all that other shit.

Fry how is your space issue going my man?? New pics please?
Let's just say they aren't growing out any, just up! I've still got plenty of height, but it's getting to be a pain in the ass since the light is so high I look into it when I'm trying to look at the tops. I have to stand on a step ladder to see the tops, they are close to 42" tall now. I'm still planning to lower the base so I can drop everything down. Just gotta get off my lazy ass and do it.

But for now I need to refill the res, they are drinking about a gallon a day and I've been boosting the nutes a little with each added gallon of water. They seem to be drinking it up! The roots are now so massive they have filled the res to my 5 gal. mark (I calibrated it at 3, 4, 5, and 6 gallons, I'm pretty anal about information), when I lift the lid I have to push down on the roots to see the 5 and 6 gallon marks!

I'll post some pics after the fill.


Active Member
Here they are, the latest and greatest!

The first and second pics are of two tops on one of the sour diesels, the third and fourth are of the same top from one of the northern lights. Not too many pistils yet, but they are really consolidating and getting thick, what is this, like 7 weeks left? I can't wait!

I've upped the ppm concentration, a little each day, aiming for 1200 by next week. Hopefully my new tds meter will be here by then. Right now I'm flying blind just adding what the bottle says, and I'm more than a little uncomfortable with that, not enough information for me. But so far I see nothing to alarm me on the leaves, the lower leaves are still healthy, I've lost a couple but they look to have dried up, not yellow at all. So I think I'm doing fine with the nutes.

I'm trying to push them, we're not growing naturally here, we're looking for steroid type of growth here. Roseman always pushed the limits so I will too.

Keep up the good thoughts guys, we all need the good karma!



Active Member
Wow!! looking super healthy Fry. Those are gonna be big buds my friend. And remember as long as your ph is good the ppm should not be too much of an issue as far as salinity goes, but when flowering things do get a little more complicated for the plants as they grow and absorb nutes so I can understand the worries.

Impressive Most impressive


Active Member
Wow!! looking super healthy Fry. Those are gonna be big buds my friend. And remember as long as your ph is good the ppm should not be too much of an issue as far as salinity goes, but when flowering things do get a little more complicated for the plants as they grow and absorb nutes so I can understand the worries.

Impressive Most impressive
Hey man, thanks for the love, it feels good.

One thing I was wondering, whenever I add water w/ or w/o nutes I add it into the front left corner, where it's open in the last pic. Notice how the plants all seem to be doing better on the left than the right, I'm thinking I need to start using the right side more, I wonder if that would make any difference at all. Always thinking about something.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Fry! Glad to see those jerk offs didn't keep you away like Roseman. I was beginning to think we'd never see you again. Your girls look absolutely beautiful my man! I noticed the same thing you are, the plants closest to where I watered seemed to grow at a faster rate. Keep doin' what you do!


Active Member
Fry! Glad to see those jerk offs didn't keep you away like Roseman. I was beginning to think we'd never see you again. Your girls look absolutely beautiful my man! I noticed the same thing you are, the plants closest to where I watered seemed to grow at a faster rate. Keep doin' what you do!
Hey, thanks Lt, always glad to see your posts. Those jerks are troubling, when that guy was insulting my mother that was about it for me and to see those other jerks dissing the Roseman behind his back... Let's just say I have no respect for those types.

But I have a pretty selective memory, I tend to forget those types and only remember my friends, and I consider you one of them, you've always been friendly and helpful with me. Not to mention the ignore button, the first time I've ever used that, most of the time I just look for another forum.

It is crazy about the plants like that, I'm going to try Ghost's recommendation of moving the watering spot around, can't hurt anything. But I'm afraid I may be too late to make any difference, they are almost done with their flowering stretch, they've grown close to 12" since I went 12/12 and that's been close to 2 weeks. All I really care about now is seeing those pistils popping!