Settle this for me please


Well-Known Member
I have no where else to grow but in my spare bedroom and the smell is getting intense enough that it's starting to cause probs. I don't have deep pockets for air scrubbers and such so I am investing in some Ona and possibly an air purifier. I've been trying to explain to my spouse that smelling plants growing cannot make you high but he doesn't believe me. Could someone here PLEASE spell this out in a way that I can make him understand?
There is no way in hell that the smell could even get you the slightest bit high. even ingesting a nug, a plain one not cooked or any thing, would not get you high. THC has to be heated up to a certain point or extracted into a oil, hash, butter, for it to have any physiological effect i.e getting high. For your smell issue Ozone Jr. 60 bucks on amazon or a hepa filter. Depending on how stinky it is a cheap air purifier wont work to well in my experience.
Can't get high. Though my wife did complain about the chlorophyl odor giving her a headache. I too tried Ona but it smells pretty strong. I bit the bullet with an inline fan, carbon filter, and muffler (tent is in my office) and have no regrets. No odor and way better exhaust out of tent with it.

By the time you are done buying Ona, realizing you need a fan or something to make a Ona bucket, and buying a purifier with expensive filters that need to be changed often, you may find it is not much more to do it right. Only speaking from experience as a guy with a gallon of Ona liquid sitting around as a bookend.
5gallon buckets filled w pine a fan blowing across the will mask the smell
You are married to someone so stupid they think the smell of a growing plant will get them high?

If he has such an issue with it, ask him to work out a filter for you. It is really simple and can be pretty cheap.

I use a 12.99 bathroom CFM fan from Lowes/Home Depot and a T connector. I turn the T connector upside and fill it up with carbon I get from Petco. For about 30 bucks or so you can make your own filter that works wonderfully.
To explain it... You need heat to get high off of weed air. Unless it is 160 degrees in there, it ain't vaping :-)
Just to play devils advocate, IMO if the odour bothers him or anyone in the house it should be fixed, but no it wont get you high, and really, growing without a proper filter and extraction is just asking for trouble both for you and the house re high humidity, off gassing of any soil supplements, and possible mold issues. You really need to setup a proper air exchange system if possible. I am lucky that I can grow outside the home and have no issues with it affecting the house envolope.
You could always just run to your local hardware store and buy a cheap (whatever specific size you need) filter for your hvac system. Then take a couple dryer sheets (3 or 4) and safety pin them to the filter. Insert the filter and just let it run if your heat/air is on... if not turn your fan on.. it will remove the smell typically a day at a time..

When the smell of the dryer sheets gets weaker you can replace, or I actually sprinkle some liquid air freshener on it, I think that works better than the dryer sheets.

I've actually heard of people putting a half a solo cup of fabric softener in their vents..never tried that though....

Remember though none of these will remove the smell.. just a cheap alternative to "cover" them up
You are married to someone so stupid they think the smell of a growing plant will get them high?

If he has such an issue with it, ask him to work out a filter for you. It is really simple and can be pretty cheap.

I use a 12.99 bathroom CFM fan from Lowes/Home Depot and a T connector. I turn the T connector upside and fill it up with carbon I get from Petco. For about 30 bucks or so you can make your own filter that works wonderfully.

no he isn't stupid, just worried because he is a Class A CDL driver. Once the filter is put together how do implement it?
You could always just run to your local hardware store and buy a cheap (whatever specific size you need) filter for your hvac system. Then take a couple dryer sheets (3 or 4) and safety pin them to the filter. Insert the filter and just let it run if your heat/air is on... if not turn your fan on.. it will remove the smell typically a day at a time..

When the smell of the dryer sheets gets weaker you can replace, or I actually sprinkle some liquid air freshener on it, I think that works better than the dryer sheets.

I've actually heard of people putting a half a solo cup of fabric softener in their vents..never tried that though....

Remember though none of these will remove the smell.. just a cheap alternative to "cover" them up

I don't have a central unit, just window units and a propane heater in the living room that heats the whole house (my house is only a 2B/1.5Bath)
Did not read the thread real close but how you gonna burn anything without him knowing?

Can't imagine living with someone trying to hide the fact that I toke, let alone a spouse/mate.