I inhabit the space and wow, cannot live with the initial idea. Way too much space taken up. Also feeling the overkill that was suggested but 25 gal is not really enough unless I down size pots. I saw others say 3 gal was their fav size and I saw why, you get a monster in 60-90 days.
I could make the 60 the feed and one 25 gal as drain tub and just drain more frequently since that dont take as long or as tedious.
Yea I will get a sheet of wood, I was going to for the shelves originally but then again it would be 125ibs per beam and thought that was ok but what every yall recommend, I just wouldnt of thought of anchoring it to a stud, good idea. Is why I asked, I am willing to follow.
I want this as sound as possible. I know I did better with the flexi tanks instead of a trash bin, made to hold water.