Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

Feeding to runoff is like flushing every feed. The bluemats don't feed to runoff, they maintain a level of moisture. The feed level was already low because bluemats. But with bluemats in coco you should flush them periodically with a low ppm feed to prevent the salt buildup.
True, yeah im not real keen on blumats. They need a certain level of dryness in the medium to function and coco should always be very wet.
Makes a lot of sense why people setup like yall do, was wondering. Have not read that anywhere but I do not research comprehensively, I am more hands on. I still have everything I need for the most part. Two 25 gallon flexi tanks.

Does this look usable? Is cloudy a sign of bacteria and to ditch it asap? I think so but double checking. I could use a break and feed it just once right now and refill it later.


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I did one gallons before for 60 days, the plants did not get that big and flowered them and not got that big either. I chopped early but for the most part they werent projecting to grow as big as your guy’s.

This setup was more based on everything I learned hands on. My plants at the time 60 days into a 3 gallon where 2-3 times bigger. An auto in 3 gallon grew enough to fit in this 2.5x2.5 setting. I see people use larger pots for coco. I just did not know the rootbound small pots were a good thing, I thought it could give you issues.

Just a note I had to self up til now.
I did one gallons before for 60 days, the plants did not get that big and flowered them and not got that big either. I chopped early but for the most part they werent projecting to grow as big as your guy’s.

This setup was more based on everything I learned hands on. My plants at the time 60 days into a 3 gallon where 2-3 times bigger. An auto in 3 gallon grew enough to fit in this 2.5x2.5 setting. I see people use larger pots for coco. I just did not know the rootbound small pots were a good thing, I thought it could give you issues.

Just a note I had to self up til now.

If they are fed what they need, they will do better. That said, if you grow 2 clones sid3 by side, 1 in 1 gallon, 1 in 5 gallon, the 5 gallon will get bigger every time. (As long as they are fed accordingly and they are healthy plants)
Cloudy doesnt always mean bacteria. It often means one or more elements have 'fallen out' of the solution.

Could just be the picture but it looks like a lot of sediment at the bottom. If it smells tho, I would dump it.
If they are fed what they need, they will do better. That said, if you grow 2 clones sid3 by side, 1 in 1 gallon, 1 in 5 gallon, the 5 gallon will get bigger every time. (As long as they are fed accordingly and they are healthy plants)
I agree with this but only if you veg for months and months to put all that coco to use.
I did one gallons before for 60 days, the plants did not get that big and flowered them and not got that big either. I chopped early but for the most part they werent projecting to grow as big as your guy’s.

This setup was more based on everything I learned hands on. My plants at the time 60 days into a 3 gallon where 2-3 times bigger. An auto in 3 gallon grew enough to fit in this 2.5x2.5 setting. I see people use larger pots for coco. I just did not know the rootbound small pots were a good thing, I thought it could give you issues.

Just a note I had to self up til now.
9 weeks veg in a one gallon with multifeeds, they shouldve been fucking huge.
Not to push back, just saying which I guess has some truth to it. Maybe if I use my large tubs for preparing coco to break apart and reuse coco it would even out the efficiency of use.

I will say had my auto not molded up I would of at least checked the rootball and see how it filled in but from what I recall from above the top surface was loaded with roots, squeezing. Wish I saw if it filled out nicelt but I was so bummed out from the mold I just wanted it gone.

One of my best lst plants ever too. Maybe a structure I could use in this tent since it created 60 shoots. I will consider smaller pots, I guess I am just that much furrther from figuring out what will work for me and my goals.


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9 weeks veg in a one gallon with multifeeds, they shouldve been fucking huge.

I think it was a real indica, short bushy and smaller nugs yield. Have not grown a lot but I had a few plants grow spears, double or triple in size but like now I have a plant I am working with that grows like described. Not sure I want to keep it, I only want to make rosin from this and it aint very frosty but cool heritage. Not sure if it will yield less rosin from less sugar. Sounds like it does.
Yeah thats a nice thick trunk.

I still cant believe youre going through 95 litres in two weeks. Something aint right there dude.

More like a week. It was holding up longer with just two plants but now it is feeding 4 other plants in 1 gallon, one of them a 2 gallon. My guess is simply being 3 gallon, it physically needs about 1.25 gallons to feed it. A little less if to feed on time with less dryback.

Then being coco like I guessed, it just will dry back regardless of pot size if it was 3 or 10 gallons. Or that is how I see it currently.

I will admit last time was 86F often and lung room 35% rh which dried out beans in paper towell way faster than usual. Small space being vented on max exaust setting. That something had to accelerate dryback last time from that.
Just over 3 weeks old. Way bigger than my hand and it is still growing. Trunk already established. Thing is exploding.


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The expenses just keep coming. I guess for a decent water chiller I need 400 per reservoir, so two unless I just do one for the bigger reservoir if it ends up being useful. So with auto ph it will be 800 to finish setting up minimally. I want a gas generator for outages and then I am set but that is another 400 or more. I am not rich at all, this will take time.

I just am willing to do it because I spend a lot monthly with weed use anyway. Is 71.5F water temp too warm? Would you get a water chiller? What would you recommend? The solution is cloudy yeah but also a little smelly for just 2 days old.
The expenses just keep coming. I guess for a decent water chiller I need 400 per reservoir, so two unless I just do one for the bigger reservoir if it ends up being useful. So with auto ph it will be 800 to finish setting up minimally. I want a gas generator for outages and then I am set but that is another 400 or more. I am not rich at all, this will take time.

I just am willing to do it because I spend a lot monthly with weed use anyway. Is 71.5F water temp too warm? Would you get a water chiller? What would you recommend? The solution is cloudy yeah but also a little smelly for just 2 days old.
The room my grow is in is between 70-80°F pretty consistently. If you run a sterile res, you should be fine. Adding the bleach was a huge improvement for me. I haven't personally run pool shock, bit a lot of people do with great success.
Got some issues idk need feedback.

This shelf should have two more shelves on it with one of them just above ground. It cannot go low enough to fit the 60 gal bin. Ok just realized the 60 can go up top and two 25 gal underneath but will it be any more stable with two shelves, one of which near the bottom instead of the three, one of which is in the middle?

It can hold 600 ibs a shelf but what if you configure it with just one or two. Does the weight shift to handle less per shelf depending on how many shelves used?

It is very wobbly, like a computer desk but worse. You put plastic bushings in slots that do not go very low. Space is so tight I guess I cannot do the original idea and even if I did, I am sensing this is still not a good idea. It feels like the legs can buckle two or three times easier.


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1. You definitely want to put one of the shelves at or near the bottom. That will help contain the legs and keep them from doing the splits.

B. I would put the top shelf as low as I could but still be able to use the bottom shelf without interference.

3. I would be more worried about the weight the floor can hold over approximately 4 square inches, since that is all that will be sitting on the floor. You can put the shelf on a piece of plywood or something to distribute the weight a bit.

D. I would consider some sort of strap to the wall. Preferably into a stud. Just as a reassurance. If 60 gallons of water starts sloshing for some reason, it can easily pull down the shelf.
I inhabit the space and wow, cannot live with the initial idea. Way too much space taken up. Also feeling the overkill that was suggested but 25 gal is not really enough unless I down size pots. I saw others say 3 gal was their fav size and I saw why, you get a monster in 60-90 days.

I could make the 60 the feed and one 25 gal as drain tub and just drain more frequently since that dont take as long or as tedious.

Yea I will get a sheet of wood, I was going to for the shelves originally but then again it would be 125ibs per beam and thought that was ok but what every yall recommend, I just wouldnt of thought of anchoring it to a stud, good idea. Is why I asked, I am willing to follow.

I want this as sound as possible. I know I did better with the flexi tanks instead of a trash bin, made to hold water.
Im just taking down the shelves and seeing if I can return them. Just put the reservoirs on ground and not worry. Crap what a crappy day. Its like measure twice cut once all over again.

It wont fit on shelves and would be pita to reach to check ph or what ever. The whole idea to have one above the other just aint worth it. You could try but it is just something else to worry about.

With them all layed out they will take up about the same space. Barely saves any space. I think Im gonna just setup all the tubs and see how they sit and take one down if it is too much, they are very easy to work with.

Need to hurry up and see if I can use smaller pots and / or setup the veg tent in another room but no space, would have to make some and may not be an option. Damn, I feel like I could make it work some how.