Serious Anxiety

Sheeeeeet… ever dab? A big dab hit will send you to the moon and back, and then back to the moon again. I have been smoking tough for..shoot like, 12-13 years and these days if I smoke to much at the wrong time I get anxiety and don't enjoy my high. What I have personally found is that it is situational for me. If I am already anxious about something, like my job, or garden, smoking does not take the anxiety away, it actually amplifies it for me. For a good year or two I was in self denial and I would try and smoke my anxiety away. For some that may work, but for me, most of the time it makes it worse.

I know some of my buddies can smoke day and night and say they have 0 anxiety, but I have just come to realize that I get anxiety with certain strains or situations. My suggestion to you is to identify what causes your anxiety and just understand that you either need to smoke less or not smoke at that time. How functional or what fun is smoking weed if you can't enjoy it? When I was younger it was all about who could smoke the most weed and blah blah, but I'm over that now. I like to smoke to improve my well being.

As far as the cigarettes… I smoked for 4 years. Quitting was the best thing I ever did and you couldn't convince me to smoke another cigarette if you paid me. Save your money and your lungs.
I'll take a guess, you got a hold of some C99 or another racy type sativa strain. Not everyone can handle those as opposed to couch lock kush etc.

Nah, it was Diesel. Just straight Diesel, which is I believe an 80/20 sativa dominant (might be 70/30, not sure).
Might be a little daring... but I'm gonna toke this up again later. I'm convinced that the anxiety attack wasn't directly related to the bud. I had quite a bit on my mind going in, which wouldn't usually be a problem, but I was having uncomfortable physical symptoms. The anxiety stacked on top of these symptoms and made me start to think I had ticks on me, or was dying (I literally thought my nails were purple, but it was just the lighting). The nausea probably stemmed from the major anxiety. My heart would go from pounding, to normal, to pounding, to me thinking "Am I seriously having a panic attack? This sucks." Minutes later, my mind wasn't even able to talk.

Seriously, marijuana isn't a playtoy if you have no say in what type of strain you're getting... All I used to smoke was sativa, so I guess it'll take some time to get used to. If this happens again I might just stop all together unless I'm smoking something purple.
Smoked a blunt last night, same shit, and was fine. Was even able to enter an abandoned movie theater and climb a tree on to a roof.

I'm convinced by now that this anxiety attack was more therapeutic than harmful. I haven't been letting my thoughts bother me even sober. I actually don't feel quite normal still... can't say I mind :P
I'm on a lot of medications for my anxiety and sometimes I have to take tolerance breaks to lower the anxiety I get from smoking a ton... I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure Zoloft and Wellbutrin increase a persons tolerance to a drug (Wellbutrin idk because that's used for drug withdrawal) so I feel like I have to smoke more to get the effect I used to, but at the same time with more negative effects. I also get heart palpatations a lot, and getting those repeatedly while you're really stoned kinda makes you think you're going to die lol. Major anxiety buzz kill attack.

But anyways, if you've never dabbed, try it. For some reason, taking a hit from my friends vape pen NEVER gives me anxiety (even though it gets me incredibly stoned). Neither do joints or bowls. But huge coughing fit bong hits and blunts usually do.... Maybe just in my head or something, but try to find what works for you and try to find patterns in the way you feel or smoke before you felt anxious.
Next time I smoke a bong will be the real test. It's uncommon for me to get paranoia from any other smoking method, and it seems that the bong delivers the high way too intensely. In fact, it's uncommon for even bongs to do this, but my friends bong is fucking absolutely gigantic (two percolators tho). I'll have to see if the bong is the reason.

Last night, I did try smoking a cigarette after the blunt. It started to make me feel dizzy, tired, and paranoid. It's clear that a cigarette during the come up is a terrible way to kill my buzz. I'm going to quit them altogether, it seems that the previous anxiety attack actually cured my addiction (literally, it's crazy but at least something good came out of it).
Next time I smoke a bong will be the real test. It's uncommon for me to get paranoia from any other smoking method, and it seems that the bong delivers the high way too intensely. In fact, it's uncommon for even bongs to do this, but my friends bong is fucking absolutely gigantic (two percolators tho). I'll have to see if the bong is the reason.

Last night, I did try smoking a cigarette after the blunt. It started to make me feel dizzy, tired, and paranoid. It's clear that a cigarette during the come up is a terrible way to kill my buzz. I'm going to quit them altogether, it seems that the previous anxiety attack actually cured my addiction (literally, it's crazy but at least something good came out of it).

Everyone has different levels of dopamine and serotonin in their brains, sounds like you're trying to find the right combination.

Good luck
Anxoety gone im fucking high off prescription drugs woooooooohoooooooooo ( I have to take them when I travel)
UPDATE: It's happened again, but in a much different way...

On July 7th, I became very sick. Fever/body aches/sore throat/sneezing/diarrhea. This lasted several days, but I've felt fine lately. With the exception of upset stomach, extreme fatigue, and slight dizziness. Last night my friend picks me up to smoke and drink, of course, I sit out on the drinking. The immodium I took for shitting means I haven't shit in 5 days, so my stomach kinda hurts even now.

I take one toke of the bong (the hit by the way did NOT taste like marijuana, it tasted like straight ash/battery acid). My friends kept telling me it was hash oil, then salvia, I didn't know what to believe. Next thing I know I'm waaaaaaay too stoned. At this point I haven't smoked in 5 days, so I figured that was it. But soon I started to feel a bit nauseous. This could've been from the few sips of beer I had (referring back to my stomach, drinking is something I shouldn't do), but I'm not sure. Nausea sets off paranoia/anxiety for me normally, so I couldn't tell if it was that or JUST weed anxiety. I don't want it to be, because I don't want my relationship with Mary to end this way.

In conclusion, I felt really shitty after I smoked. Apparently smoking while even slightly sick is not a good idea for me.

EDIT: It's worth noting that at one point, I was literally walking around in circles trying to calm myself. I played along with this in my head, considering it a 'panic attack roller coaster', it was random as hell. I started to feel better soon after tho, but I need to take it easy.
UPDATE: It's happened again, but in a much different way...

On July 7th, I became very sick. Fever/body aches/sore throat/sneezing/diarrhea. This lasted several days, but I've felt fine lately. With the exception of upset stomach, extreme fatigue, and slight dizziness. Last night my friend picks me up to smoke and drink, of course, I sit out on the drinking. The immodium I took for shitting means I haven't shit in 5 days, so my stomach kinda hurts even now.

I take one toke of the bong (the hit by the way did NOT taste like marijuana, it tasted like straight ash/battery acid). My friends kept telling me it was hash oil, then salvia, I didn't know what to believe. Next thing I know I'm waaaaaaay too stoned. At this point I haven't smoked in 5 days, so I figured that was it. But soon I started to feel a bit nauseous. This could've been from the few sips of beer I had (referring back to my stomach, drinking is something I shouldn't do), but I'm not sure. Nausea sets off paranoia/anxiety for me normally, so I couldn't tell if it was that or JUST weed anxiety. I don't want it to be, because I don't want my relationship with Mary to end this way.

In conclusion, I felt really shitty after I smoked. Apparently smoking while even slightly sick is not a good idea for me.

you shouldnt be drinking when youre slightly sick, anyways if oyu go back and read my posts you'll find them helpful anxiety issues dont go well with anything that alters you, so alcohol included, plus you were sick, like give your body some rest time holy lol
True true... Alcohol seems to end all anxiety for me though, especially in combination with weed.
The last few times I had smoked before this, it was all good, no panic. I'm just going to assume the weed hit me too hard and the fatigue/dizziness I was already feeling caused me to feel worse because of how immensely high I was. I'm going to wait until I'm 100% better to have another toke.
True true... Alcohol seems to end all anxiety for me though, especially in combination with weed.
The last few times I had smoked before this, it was all good, no panic. I'm just going to assume the weed hit me too hard and the fatigue/dizziness I was already feeling caused me to feel worse because of how immensely high I was. I'm going to wait until I'm 100% better to have another toke.

there was a study ill try to find it for you that a high % of people who suffer from anxiety self medicate with alcohol and theres a very high high% rate of people who are alcoholics because it "helps" with anxiety it was quite sad and shocking to see the numbers of people who are alcoholics because of their anxiety problems so just watch with alcohol. I went through it , in the end it ends up counterproductive
I'm not worried about becoming dependent. Every so often after a night of heavy drinking, I say "wow, I'm done drinking for awhile", and I actually am.
I agree with fungus gnat. Your going to die. And if you dont die march your whiny ass down to the doctor and get checked in cause theres somthin wrong with you. Were not doctors.
If the south pole is irony... What does that make you?

I'll go about this my own way, thanks for the reminder.
i would suggest seeing a doctor as well, catch it and fix it before it gets out of control.
If the south pole is irony... What does that make you?

I'll go about this my own way, thanks for the reminder.
Hows that? Your going to keep telling us how your weak and cant say no to your friends offering you beer??? Wtf man. Were adults, wedont want to hear about the fact that you cant drink but do anyway. Go tell a doctor and spare everyone the melodrama. We dont care, just being honest. Now if you can tell me if buying a UV light is worth the money ill listen to everything you have to say ;)