Serious Anxiety


Well-Known Member
Hows that? Your going to keep telling us how your weak and cant say no to your friends offering you beer??? Wtf man. Were adults, wedont want to hear about the fact that you cant drink but do anyway. Go tell a doctor and spare everyone the melodrama. We dont care, just being honest. Now if you can tell me if buying a UV light is worth the money ill listen to everything you have to say ;)
Anxiety sucks. No need to be a dick about it...

Anyways, sounds like you didn't smoke weed... but I don't know how you didn't notice - didn't you light the bowl? Salvia is some horrible shit so if that's what it was, your reaction isn't surprising at all. Hash oil can also be very sketchy.. I had a friend who mixed his "hash oil" with opium and made no mention of that. Even if it's really high quality, it can easily get someone with a lower tolerance very uncomfortably high. Also, don't smoke if you don't want to... if you're worried about it, you'll panic after you smoke and just have a negative experience. Don't smoke until you feel a really strong urge to IMO.


Well-Known Member
Also ditch your friends op. Anyone that gives you drugs and lies about what it is isn't worth keeping around. Wait till they trick you with something heavy duty. Don't let the way you interact with drugs be their entertainment. Tjats fucked up and real friends don't do that.


Staff member
OP seems like hes just too into partying to care about his health, and i aint trying to be a dick we all go through it,


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to be a dick about nething. Im just sayin, this is aweed forum, not a doctors office and this kid needs some professional help in my non professional opinion. Its like comin on here and sayin " my dog just ate my stash man, what do i do? ".........the answer is take the dog to the vet and step away from the computer, duhhhhh rotfl :):):)


Well-Known Member
I get anxiety too, alot every time im "stoned" ... im in the 25% that gets it bad when they smoke, strangely when i get giggly high i dont feel it till im laying to sleep.