Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Nat and Snow both breed? Thats way cool guys.
Sometime along the way I would love to try that so perhaps I can hound you both down and pick your brains.

Sound ok?:lol:

But seriously, I'd love to try it.

And I am definitely purchasing some jack seeds.

Then nobody can say "I don't know jack." :roll::oops:

Ok ok it was stupid.:?

LMAO you need to go back to bed:hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey Lacy...I have not tried creating my own strains day for sure though. Nat has been breeding his own strains for a while though I believe. So he is ya man.


Well-Known Member
thanks snow white i owe you big time. I have asked the question alot with no response. I figured posting it on your journal would help because your grows are flawless and you got alot of view/posts. thank you once again man for responding/being cool with me interupting your jounal for my own problem.


Well-Known Member
Orite SW... just passing... don't log in much these days.. had to terminate otha grow... managed to save 9 out of 21 plants in the move... Ur plants are really something... take ages they do... worth the wait i read.... I'm looking after 53 cheese atm... i didn't give up, i've gone bigga... 32 are ready to switch so i will prbly switch em and move 21 to a separate veg room then do a staggered 53 plant effort maybe 2-4 weeks difference... The special guest is doin fantastic!! Getting nice and big under 250 mh & 600 hps combi in veg, goin to re pot to a 15L bucket today, may take a pic...

When's the big day for harvest? I could have knocked 2 cheese grows out in the time this Jacqueline Herer has taken lol.. I'd consider this strain in the bloom room maybe during the autumn... I'd do a full room with around 50 JH... Between now and then I think I'll continue to knock a harvest of cheese out every 50-60 days..



Well-Known Member
yo h.g! good to hear from ya bro. Glad to hear your keeping things running man. And very glad to hear Jacqueline is doing well. Yes mate....take some pics please, I want to see her.

I chopped one of mine down last week. She could of done with another week, but needs must...ya know! and fuck me, yeah do these take a long time, but boy it is worth it. The one I chopped last week yielded just under 1.5oz, plus all the little branches I snipped off prematurely, so she could of given me 2oz I reckon. She was 188gms wet when cut, what was left of her! Not bad for only 4 week veg from seed.

One of my other big girls is done and I will chop her on Friday before I go away. The final one, (my special one) will be another week. This plant is going to be soooo special though, I just know it.

some pics to follow shortly......


Well-Known Member
sorry I've not been updating much lately, been away a herer's some pics to catch you up.....

So it's, something, Im loosing it! Day a very long fucking time anyway. I think I'm coming up on 11 weeks now. I'll work it out in a bit...too stoned right now!

Here's some pics.....enjoy! :joint: I am! :blsmoke:

and here's one ounce of my very own Jack's getting me so HIGH! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
hey snow, they look awrsome mate. the big one your sp one yea? very nice! :)
hey zed, thanks man. Nah not that one, well she is special obviously, but the REALLY special one is in the back corner so I can't get a decent pic. But wait till u see some close ups of her when I chop her down and you will see why I think she is so special. She's gonna go 12 weeks I think! Making me wait for it.....BITCH! LOL :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so I've looked back to remind myself and it's 72 days today. Just over 10 weeks.

Here's another pic...i'm chopping this one on Friday....



Well-Known Member
Thanks very much Nat. I'm really pleased with these Jacks. The waiting is not soo bad now as I have some nice weed to smoke :mrgreen: That big fat bitch is coming down tomorrow though. I'll post pics and wet weight after harvest and then I'll leave her hanging to dry for a week while I'm away.


Well-Known Member
yo LB, thanks man. The one I chopped and dried already tastes and smells amazing and its really fucking strong. hehehehe! Lovely smooth Sativa smoke :blsmoke:
Can't wait to sample the other 2 phenos I have. They are gonna be so lovely too! Worth 150? ummmm, probably not to be honest, I do think it's a bit of a rip off. But let me put it this way....I have NO regrets. I'm cloning my money's worth out of these babies, for sure! It is not really a strain for commercial or new growers though, takes too long and there is too much variation in the phenotypes to make for an easy first grow. But I love the variation, just not so keen on the long flowering time.


Well-Known Member
Hey snow, 10 weeks! definately not long to go now, how have you found the high of the one you chopped, has it got that sativa sazzle to it? im growing a little bullbegum/ak47 cross it only 11 inches high but as lik 12 nodes, like a little bayleaf tree haha! what was the full weight of the first plant u chopped, many ounces? :D
awww yeahhh


Well-Known Member
hey Jolly. Sativa Sazzle? hahahaha, I like it :) but yes, that's one way to put it. It blows my mind man. First spliff of the day is fucking lovely. Gives you a really strong/up head buzz, really quite motivating. After the 3rd/4th spliff, any motivation I may of had is well gone and all I want to do is eat all the food in my house and watch movies or listen to music while napping on the sofa :joint: So it's all good. Can't wait to sample my other phenos as well to compare. The 2nd one is getting chopped today :mrgreen: at just under 11 weeks. My final heavy Sativa pheno will get chopped at 12 weeks. Such a long time!

I got about 1.5 oz dried from the one I already chopped at 9 weeks. But if I add all the early buds I snipped off her as well, it would probably be more like 2oz.


Well-Known Member
MY GOD, nice and fat.. did you use anything like big bud or any of those nutes, or did you stick with good ole molasses?
Hey bassguy, thanks for stopping by man. No, no big bud or molasses, just regular grow/bloom nutes, bit of guano and some BioBizz TopMax.


Well-Known Member
ok, I'm a bit rushed today as I'm going away again, so here's a quick update on the plant I harvested this AM. Just under 200gms wet after manicuring. The buds are now hanging in my drying box.

One more to go from the the 3 JH girls I got from seed. She will come down when I get back in a weeks time! :joint: