Sending off paperwork certified mail today....desparate, need advice


Well-Known Member
My wife is in recovery from radiation therapy for a cancerous tumor and is suffering some ugly side effects from the constant vomiting and malnutrition. She's been using the herb we had on hand to deal with the nausea and appetite stimulation so that she can eat since the drugs the doctor prescribed don't do shit. We ran out 3 days ago and she's right back to being constantly nauseous and won't eat. I can't do anything to help her because I don't know anybody here, so we're driving a 2 hour round trip to lansing today to get her approved and I'm sending off the paperwork to the state certified mail by this afternoon. I know the dispensaries won't sell to you until you actually have a card in hand but would she be able to go through a caregiver or patient provided that we have a copy of the doctors recommendation & certification on hand along with a copy of our check to the state and a the certified mailing receipt? I'm fairly desperate at this point to get her help so if anybody can offer assistance please PM me. We're located in the Grand Rapids area.


Well-Known Member
Man sorry to hear bout your wife I hope she recovers quickly. As far as getting her some meds if I where you I would see what you can find on the streets till you get the paper work into the state. Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for resopnding but I don't have any resources on the street...just moved here recently so I'm kinda SOL on that one.The paperwork will be in the mail as of this afternoon immediately after seeing the doctor & I will have copies of everything on hand but I'm guessing by your reply that even with all that, we'll still have to wait 21 days?
Dude I did not see a similiar post from you just 2 months ago i wqould feel more compassion somehow...Now My bullshit meter is pegging see "whats with these $200 referrals? Either you are seriously disorganized or something else is not right here...

Forgive my sense of questioning these types of posts....I did in all fairness offer previously ot help out Go in Peace


Well-Known Member
No shit dude. Would you say that was about 6-7 weeks ago? That's how long radiation treatments take. She was just beginning her treatment so fuck your bullshit meter and thank you so much for your understanding. You know what happens when you go through radiation? I'm guessing you don't. How about I send you a fucking picture of my wife's blistered neck that looks like a blow torch scorched her. I was trying to find a cheap doctor because guess what asshole, we have no fucking money since we as everybody else lives paycheck to paycheck and when you lose half of your household income for 2 months money tends to get a little scarce, asshole. And of course her piece of shit oncologist refused to sign the recommendation because he claims "it's still in research". I'm now borrowing money from a family member to get this done. Again, thank you for your compassion and understanding and you just let me know if you want to see the goddamn pictures to satisfy your fucked up bullshit meter. I hope I've been able to adequately satisfy your bullshit meter now but you just let me know if you want to see the gory picture of the effects of radiation.


Active Member
Hi Jonny, I would be more than happy to donate meds to you and your wife, unfortunately I live in CO. Surely there is SOMEBODY on these threads that grows and wouldn't mind helping you out. Best of luck and hopefully your wife gets well soon!


Well-Known Member
Hi Jonny, I would be more than happy to donate meds to you and your wife, unfortunately I live in CO. Surely there is SOMEBODY on these threads that grows and wouldn't mind helping you out. Best of luck and hopefully your wife gets well soon!
Thanks very much for your words of support. From what I've read, Colorado is a wonderful place for the medicinal marijuana patient. Sure wish things were as progressive here in MI.
Sure wish things were as progressive here in MI.
Just because you dont have the resources to find medicine dosent mean the whole State is behind the times and not as "progressive" as CO.
Look into your local compassion club and try and find a guy named BlueBerry in GR. Start with the MMMA website.
Good Luck
Wow nice rant and to be perfectly honest and fair ..I offered to help you out on your last post but never heard from you. Its cool and I understand completely your frustration.. I withdraw my earlier comment


Well-Known Member
Wow nice rant and to be perfectly honest and fair ..I offered to help you out on your last post but never heard from you. Its cool and I understand completely your frustration.. I withdraw my earlier comment
Sorry to fly off the handle man but this has been an incredibly frustrating and emotional experience so my apologies for not conveying my thoughts in a more reasonable manner. The reason I didn't get the card back then in the beginning of her treatment is because we at the time had a friend to go to which saved us $200 that we really couldn't afford for the application process & doc visit, but our friend has since moved north and now we're scrambling to get this card application process completed as quickly as possible.
To be perfectly honest..I understand completely and bear no ill will. I had it coming really. There are so many greedy people out here it is getting hard to take people at face value. Sorry it has become such a circus for you and it is heartbreaking. I have personally experienced the plague of cancer and the devastating effects it has on families. Chemo is a tough choices and even harder course to follow. The pure financial stress and the side effects are unimaginable.


Well-Known Member
I called alternative care this morning to confirm that the doctor was available today before we made the 1 hour ride to lansing but the doc won't be in until Saturday....bummer. I will say the receptionist was very polite and professional so I have a pretty good feeling about these folks and my wife and I are definitely looking forward to the visit :)


Active Member
I hope you get some meds for your wife soon ... I work in healthcare and have seen the effects of chemotherapy too many times for my taste ... I am very sorry you and your wife have to go through all this to get her some meds - and please Don't let a few people reflect the riu community as unsympathetic ... most of are better than that . I wish I knew someone in your area but I don't ... otherwise I would help you anyway I could .... best of luck and sorry for the lack of empathy shown from a few .....


Well-Known Member
I have read both pages. The thread is over. I live 20 minute north of alpine. This is your wifes chance to meet a real caregiver.

You have earned this oppurtunity because of your honesty. May you reap what you have sown.
Your a good man hic I dont know how to rep but I would if i could... If I was closer to this couple I would have been happy to add her as a patient at no expense. They seem like good people in a bad spot.

Peace to all Michigan listers. Lets do the right things and the rest will take care of themselves


Well-Known Member
I wish the law read that I could grow an unlimited amount of marijuana because I can a would grow enough for every cancer patient in MI.


Well-Known Member
spoiler and guys are a true inspiration to me and everyone else out there in this community about what compassion truly is and I hope that when our financial situation improves, I can offer the same compassionate assistance to others. It's been so long since I've run across such decent people....I'm almost at a loss for words so the best I can come up with is offering a genuine and sincere THANK YOU!


New Member
I got your back jonny. I have the cure for cancer in my pocket. How can we cure cancer if its illegal? They think they can make a pill..did you know they've been making marinaol for years.early 80s