Sendin maryjane through the mail... possible?


hey guys Ive been trying to research this for about a month now but really havent came up with any help... Without any helpful information its a pretty risky operation. I just recently moved from Ohio to Idaho and the bud is RIDICULOUSLY better out here.... All the best out here and in Ohio it was rare to find some good high grade bud. I try to explain how good the bud is out here to my buddies back home and i would much rather like to have them experience it for themselves... I would like to mail them some bud but dont know how to go about it... anyone ever successfully sent green through the mail???? Please explain how..
Mail it. Just don't put your name anywhere on the envelope. You won't get caught you friends will, if they are willing to risk it. I don't think they check, but im probably wrong.
hey guys Ive been trying to research this for about a month now but really havent came up with any help... Without any helpful information its a pretty risky operation. I just recently moved from Ohio to Idaho and the bud is RIDICULOUSLY better out here.... All the best out here and in Ohio it was rare to find some good high grade bud. I try to explain how good the bud is out here to my buddies back home and i would much rather like to have them experience it for themselves... I would like to mail them some bud but dont know how to go about it... anyone ever successfully sent green through the mail???? Please explain how..

My Dad used to tour across the country with his band. Once a week I'd send him a half. I would take a prescription bottle (kinda big one) without the entire label and stick the green inside. I would spray some tissue with cologne or whatever and put it inside on top of the green. Then I would tightly close the lid. Don't put your name on it. Don't package it at the post office, pick up the package take it home, follow my instructions, seal the package, and take it back for weighing. ONLY USE OVERNIGHT DELIVERY OR ONE DAY SHIPPING, whatever you call it. It doesn't allow "them" much time to check it and no one has time to second guess a thing. I've done this for years, also an associate of mine recieves a pound of chronic a month from cali, overnight mail.

Always remember though, it's not a question of "will I get caught?" it's "when will I get caught?" It's always risky, keep that in mind.
Mispell your friends name so that in case they get caught they can legally say that it was not for them.

don't send it from wherever your computer posts because im sure the Government monitors these websites.
Mispell your friends name so that in case they get caught they can legally say that it was not for them.

don't send it from wherever your computer posts because im sure the Government monitors these websites.

not to mention his ip adress to will show on line to
Your weed needs to be air vaccummed and Saran wraped many times. Thats the only way all companies that ship out of state screen for drugs. Shipping any drug across state lines is a felony. Ship it to your buddys, but don't let them kno. Leave off a return address. If it gets found they don't come to you and your buddies will have no clue. lol Idk if u wanna do that.
Mispell your friends name so that in case they get caught they can legally say that it was not for them.

don't send it from wherever your computer posts because im sure the Government monitors these websites.

Are you serious?
Weed would be risky I would think pills would be only thing to airmail. All are bad ideas tho.
not putting a return address would be the first way you fucked up..... draws attention... vacuum seal it, put in 2-3bubble wraps, send via regular mail... no express no next day.... Pray.
vacuum seal the pot. Get a jar of professional ONA (no scent) cram pot into the middle of the ONA, seal with duct tape. Send a couple of bogus items with it. UPS. ONA will literally eat the dankeness.
from my understanding ups and fedex can go through your package if they suspect anything..... most people say to use regular usps mail..... i'm with them ;)
not putting a return address would be the first way you fucked up..... draws attention... vacuum seal it, put in 2-3bubble wraps, send via regular mail... no express no next day.... Pray.

vacuum seal it, put in 2-3bubble wraps, send via regular mail... no express no next day.... Horrible Advice. Regular mail takes longer more chances to check it. More chances to second guess things as they pass. I always used overnight shipping no problems.
I've done this many many times with great success. Take a scented candle, carefully hollow out the middle on the bottom end. Usually there is a sticker on the bottom, keep it intact so you can put it back on when you're done. I usually compacted the pot as much as I could and used plastic wrap to wrap it tightly. once it is inside the candle, melt the wax and pour it back in. Do this carefully and smooth over the bottom with the back edge a butter knife or something similar and put the sticker back on. Put it in a gift bag with a couple of other things like soap or lotion or anything else that would make sense that you can buy for cheap. Use the post office and send it overnight, give them a fake name and address for the return address and you're good to go.
I've done this many many times with great success. Take a scented candle, carefully hollow out the middle on the bottom end. Usually there is a sticker on the bottom, keep it intact so you can put it back on when you're done. I usually compacted the pot as much as I could and used plastic wrap to wrap it tightly. once it is inside the candle, melt the wax and pour it back in. Do this carefully and smooth over the bottom with the back edge a butter knife or something similar and put the sticker back on. Put it in a gift bag with a couple of other things like soap or lotion or anything else that would make sense that you can buy for cheap. Use the post office and send it overnight, give them a fake name and address for the return address and you're good to go.
seriously...i find this to be a brilliant fucking idea :D
A friend of mine used to do something similar with her husband when he was in Iraq. She would open up some peanut butter,scoop some out and put the weed in. Heat up the jar a little in the microwave so the peanut butter goes back to being smooth on top and then glue the seal back on. There were several marine wives that did this apparently.

but the candle idea seems the most legit. just sharing