Sendin maryjane through the mail... possible?

Does the hot wax not melt the plastic? I'm just wondering because I used to hang around this bitch who was real dumb when it came to smoking and she'd always throw the whip from the vape one top of our weed baggies and the god damn glass part would always melt a huge hole in the middle, it drove me crazy
I've done this many many times with great success. Take a scented candle, carefully hollow out the middle on the bottom end. Usually there is a sticker on the bottom, keep it intact so you can put it back on when you're done. I usually compacted the pot as much as I could and used plastic wrap to wrap it tightly. once it is inside the candle, melt the wax and pour it back in. Do this carefully and smooth over the bottom with the back edge a butter knife or something similar and put the sticker back on. Put it in a gift bag with a couple of other things like soap or lotion or anything else that would make sense that you can buy for cheap. Use the post office and send it overnight, give them a fake name and address for the return address and you're good to go.

My buddy in vegas showed me this.....its pure genius. :D:D:D:D

from my understanding ups and fedex can go through your package if they suspect anything..... most people say to use regular usps mail..... i'm with them ;)

This is some-what true. Ups and Fedex CAN open your package, usually only if its already damaged, or they suspect a threat of any kind. USPS needs warrants to open mail.....most of the time.

All in all... mailing is never safe...come on now :D Look at those people in florida who opened their 70 pound "computer box" and found a bunch of pot :D

I sure wish I received 70 elbows by accident :D
I mailed some pot once by doubling up the baggies and then hollowing out a jar of peanut butter. Put the bag in the center of jar and refill with the peanut butter. Place the lid on tight and place in a pan of boiling water for a few minutes to create a vacuum seal. The peanut butter should remelt in jar and give a good vac seal.
I understand the whole peanut butter/candles idea.... but my logic is many times the best hiding spot is right out in the open...... besides, who the fuck, in america at least, cant buy peanut butter locally??? I'd just be really damn nervous about that one.... esp since peanut butter has been a stoner standard for a few decades.
i send it in a curing jar. its air tight, keeps the buds nice, and when boxed with bubble wrap its durable. it has never failed me.
Does the hot wax not melt the plastic? I'm just wondering because I used to hang around this bitch who was real dumb when it came to smoking and she'd always throw the whip from the vape one top of our weed baggies and the god damn glass part would always melt a huge hole in the middle, it drove me crazy

That used to happen to me before I started using jars. The wax doesn't get hot enough to melt the plastic. If you don't use enough plastic wrap there is a chance you'll get wax on the pot though.
I did that once coming from Seattle on a bus. Lol. After the trip I realized I didn't have to do that. It's just some candles are heavy and more expensive to ship. But this is an excellent method.
overnight throws up a red flag. who needs peanut butter by tomorrow? plus the jars are sealed with seal you have to peel off to get to the peanut butter once you take the lid off. then you got a huge mess trying to get it out.

3 day is best. :)
i send it every where just by an post. (im in ireland). i dont do anything fancy i just pop it in and send it to mates in england. i always put a alias on the package so if it gets intercepted then my mate can say his name isnt ben dover. that was the guy who used to live here. etc etc. good luck anyway.
Stick the bud in some coffee grounds or peanut butter. Pre wrapped of course =). Send as a gift basket with other stuff. I dont do it myself and never tried it is too risky. Otherwise id be having cali green all day. Interstate traffic is a serious felony. Just get your friend a plane ticket to fly out and smoke. The reason you get good stuff in ID is because you have 3 major hubs surrounding idaho with excellent buds. Canada, Cali, Oregon, Colorado and you are in the center of it all. I used to live by Ohio and I know the shwag you speak of.
Here in Canada i have sent it regular mail quite a few times, just wrapped or jarred up tight and tucked into a "gift" like a cheap ass tourist tshirt etc. just put a fake return address on, or maybe a return address of someone you dont like !
here's a great method. buy a big thing of wax. cut it in half, hollow it out, put some weed in there (in airtight bags), and melt the wax back together.