New Member
Again Ive gotta address you fucking retarded redneck logic...
Honestly how stupid are you? Oh yeah I forgot you cant even pick vegetables at a level suitable to maintain employment.
the red mercury sting was run by MI-5 not the FBI
Youve been watching too much TV poof-chop I cant even believe youd bring this up!
the toner cartridge plot was uncovered by an MI-6 informant
Wrong Again - Saudi Intelligence tipped off the Agency.
the underwear bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist.
Wrong His father gave him up not to mention he was attending a university that is a know terrorist breeding & recruiting ground. Kind of like the AQ hotel in Wana. The CIA added him to their watch list.
The second incident involved a double agent working for the Saudi & US intel. At this stage its unclear if the SIS were involved.
the shoe bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist
Also seeing as his mate, Saajid Badat was under surveillance too, Reids name would have been known to them.
the surgery plot was revealed by yemeni inteligence and MI-6 (and is so far just a pipe dream)
I think its another of YOUR pipedreams
pretty amazing how these plots can all be blamed on america, the cia and j edgar hoover (who is long dead) in your insane dimwitted troofer universe.
See operation able danger. And yes when your agencies fuck up they should be held accountable - individuals should face indictments.
Furthermore, the FBI is a law enforcement agency, not an Intel agency. There are big differences between the two, namely the FBI takes on cases it has a high chance of successfully proscecuting in a court of law. Whereas intelligence is not concerned with criminal proceedings. You obviously don't understand how the two work or co-exist.
Hoover's legacy still cripples the FBI to this day. They should be disbanded because all the fuck ups are not worth the money.
Now I've rectified your bullshit - STFU.