Senators ask Obama for legal basis for targeted killings of Americans

Should the president/king be allowed to kill/detain american citizens without trial

  • Yes, Presidents should be judge, jury, and execut as decided behind closed doors.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Kind of, As long as it is Obama I trust his decision, not sure about future presidents/kings.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do not trust Obama but maybe if we get a republican president/king.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, because the bill of rights and consitution.

    Votes: 19 95.0%
  • No, except in "special" circumstances and I trust them to decide what those are on the fly

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Again I’ve gotta address you fucking retarded redneck logic...

Honestly how stupid are you? Oh yeah I forgot you can’t even pick vegetables at a level suitable to maintain employment.

the red mercury sting was run by MI-5 not the FBI

You’ve been watching too much TV poof-chop… I can’t even believe you’d bring this up!

the toner cartridge plot was uncovered by an MI-6 informant

Wrong Again - Saudi Intelligence tipped off the Agency.

the underwear bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist.

Wrong – His father gave him up not to mention he was attending a university that is a know terrorist breeding & recruiting ground. Kind of like the AQ hotel in Wana. The CIA added him to their watch list.

The second incident involved a double agent working for the Saudi & US intel. At this stage it’s unclear if the SIS were involved.

the shoe bomber was on NOBODY'S watchlist

Also seeing as his mate, Saajid Badat was under surveillance too, Reids name would have been known to them.

the surgery plot was revealed by yemeni inteligence and MI-6 (and is so far just a pipe dream)

I think it’s another of YOUR pipedreams…

pretty amazing how these plots can all be blamed on america, the cia and j edgar hoover (who is long dead) in your insane dimwitted troofer universe.

See operation able danger. And yes when your agencies fuck up they should be held accountable - individuals should face indictments.

Furthermore, the FBI is a law enforcement agency, not an Intel agency. There are big differences between the two, namely the FBI takes on cases it has a high chance of successfully proscecuting in a court of law. Whereas intelligence is not concerned with criminal proceedings. You obviously don't understand how the two work or co-exist.

Hoover's legacy still cripples the FBI to this day. They should be disbanded because all the fuck ups are not worth the money.

Now I've rectified your bullshit - STFU.
lol like being a member of the us government? If you go to another country and bomb them, your defending yourselves. But if you blow up someone from the organization in your country, your a terrorist?


members of the foreign service know quite well that they will be targets of assasinations, kidnappings, terrorism etc etc etc... thats why they get the big bucks.
members of the military are well aware of the possibility of getting shot. even on an army base in texas.

your point is as elusive as your grammar.
if somebody plots to attack the us government through embassies, US military installations, US warships, or other places where dudes in military uniforms with guns can shoot back, thats not what i would call terrorism. thats war.

if somebody plots to send a retarded kid to the smithsonian museum with a nail bomb in his backpack, thast terrorism, and if his plot gets busted that guy deserves to get got.

IF that guy is running his plot in baltimore maryland he will get busted by the FBI, go to a regular federal jail, get regular federal prison food and receive a regular federal trial. BHO has already determined that.
IF that guy is running his plot in london or paris or berlin, or any place where the civil authorites can nab him, awesome. they can catch him and we can extradite him to guantanamo for some watersports.
IF that guy is in east bumfuckistan surrounded by a personal army of hajis, and hidden in a network of caves, well... thats when a 2 ton FAE bomb becomes "optimal" for his retirement from terrorist service.

IF you want to be a terrorist plotter, come to america, run your plot HERE and when you get caught youll get handcuffed for trial rather than blown up by a missile. seems simple enough...
(useless twaddle snipped for brevity)
Wrong Again - Saudi Intelligence tipped off the Agency.
wow even a stopped clock is right twice a day.. amazing.
still wasnt a cointelpro plot by the cia to create a new false flag operation or whatever troofer lie your selling today. so, you were WRONG in your initial claim of fbi/cia involvement in that one. were you mistaken or were you lying?
from the vehemence and certainty of your "i told you so" i assume you were lying.

Wrong – His father gave him up not to mention he was attending a university that is a know terrorist breeding & recruiting ground. Kind of like the AQ hotel in Wana. The CIA added him to their watch list.

but they dind not notify the FBI and he did not appear on any of their lists, the interpol lists,or any other list and his US visa was not revoked.
failure yes, nefarious plot to allow another terrorist plot to succeed as part of the troofer conspiracy universe? not a chance. just another case of you lying.

The second incident involved a double agent working for the Saudi & US intel. At this stage it’s unclear if the SIS were involved.
and what does the "sis" (whatever, mystery acronyms suck) being involved or not in a claimed "second incident" of underpants bombing have to do with shit?

Also seeing as his mate, Saajid Badat was under surveillance too, Reids name would have been known to them.
so he knew a guy on the watchlist, that must mean he's on the watchlist too! and then everybody he knows gets on the watchlist and everybody they know, until finally, Kevin Bacon is the new head of al quaeda.
youre an idiot.

I think it’s another of YOUR pipedreams…
nope. i could offer a link, but i dont wanna, since you never offer the source for any of your "totally factual assertions" i dont feel the need to provide you with any support for my assertions.
oh wait, im not an asshole.

See operation able danger. And yes when your agencies fuck up they should be held accountable - individuals should face indictments.

Furthermore, the FBI is a law enforcement agency, not an Intel agency. There are big differences between the two, namely the FBI takes on cases it has a high chance of successfully proscecuting in a court of law. Whereas intelligence is not concerned with criminal proceedings. You obviously don't understand how the two work or co-exist.

Hoover's legacy still cripples the FBI to this day. They should be disbanded because all the fuck ups are not worth the money.

Now I've rectified your bullshit - STFU.

troofer nonsense. dig that hole deeper Digger Blue.

youre the one blaming the FBI for terrorist plots, using i assume, agent provocatuers to incite otherwise peaceful and harmless militant moslem extremists into acts of violence. so maybe its YOU who cant figure out how shit works.
such jargony jargon.

how many tom clancy novels did you scour to create that much important sounding gibberish.

do we also have Imperial Space Marines and Clan Skyre Warlock Engineers on the ground in yemen too? why it seems yemen must be well pacified now right? just like somalia was/is.

regurgitating the gibberish you read in SOF last month doesnt make you an expert. if it would have been so simple with all that Overwhelming Force to just walk up and take those twats in, it would have been done.

how many corpses do you propose to leave behind when the time comes to bag the next turd that floats to the top?

another mogadishu style "police raid"? im not the ignorant myop[ic idiot whos arguning that american troops act as the police in every corner of the world, and every jackass with a bomb vest be read his miranda rights before he can he shot in the head, that idiot is YOU.

you are a vile little worm, but ya know what, this is US policiy, and you dont get a voice in US policy Digger Blue.

great another star trek fag... When you've served your country, been deployed and actually been shot at in war (as opposed to sitting in your backyard getting shot or getting shot in the back while running away) maybe your opinions would actually mean something. Untill then STFU and keep collecting welfare - trailer park trash...
One question................... WHAT ABOUT THE COLD WAR

how many men have disappeared because they were communist.

witch witch look there's a witch

how is this any different?
So Dr Keynes and crew should of clearly voted for:
No, except in "special" circumstances and I trust them to decide what those are on the fly

contrary to what cheesus wrote, this is a great poll because I gave an option for every side of this debate.
great another star trek fag... When you've served your country, been deployed and actually been shot at in war (as opposed to sitting in your backyard getting shot or getting shot in the back while running away) maybe your opinions would actually mean something. Untill then STFU and keep collecting welfare - trailer park trash...

another mindless special pleading.

american foreign policy for good or ill, is decided by americans not kangaroo humpers. not frog coffeehouse anarchists, not whiney scandinavian socialists, and not snivelling al jazeera pundits.

you dont qualify for an opinion, even if you claim to be a veteran, and just to be clear, freebasing a speedball and blowing the sailor for The Viillage people doesnt make you a veteran.
So Dr Keynes and crew should of clearly voted for:
No, except in "special" circumstances and I trust them to decide what those are on the fly

contrary to what cheesus wrote, this is a great poll because I gave an option for every side of this debate.

no, i dont trust barry seotoro to make the judgements "on the fly", theres a whole bunch of people who are QUALIFIED to make the judgement between barry and the flipper buttons. those cats have a pretty good track record of choosing targets, with surprisingly few serious fuckups.

the al awalaki and son missiles were not special circumstances, they were very ordinary targets. they just happened to have US passports.

theres a bitch in peru who also had a US passport, but when she joined the shining path and helped them case the peruvian congress for a military assault, she still wound up serving 15 years in the slammer. even with her magic cloak of protection from us citizenship.

a us passport is not a get out of jail free card.

personally i would have not cared a bit if the al awalaki boys were captured by the yemeni secret police and spent the remainder of their days hooked up genitals first, to a car battery. taking a missile seems to have been the easy way out.
wow even a stopped clock is right twice a day.. amazing.
still wasnt a cointelpro plot by the cia to create a new false flag operation or whatever troofer lie your selling today. so, you were WRONG in your initial claim of fbi/cia involvement in that one. were you mistaken or were you lying?
from the vehemence and certainty of your "i told you so" i assume you were lying.

Okay you pederast loving douche, point me to where I mentioned Cointelpro or false flags? Or where I’ve even implied the notion… This is how fucked up your mentality is you just put words into peoples mouths or skew the argument liked you do in a discussion about your homeland.

Toner Cartridge Plot – No MI6 informant dumbass. MI6 interviewed the informant.

“It was a call from Mr. bin Nayef, the Saudi intelligence chief, on Thursday evening to John O. Brennan, the White House senior counterterrorism official and former C.I.A. station chief in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, that set off the search, according to American officials. They said Mr. bin Nayef also notified C.I.A. officials in Riyadh”

The CIA knew and should have informed the FBI. Failure. Contrary to popular belief no official “walls” exist stopping the CIA from informing the FBI on potential or confirmed threats to CONUS.

but they dind not notify the FBI and he did not appear on any of their lists, the interpol lists,or any other list and his US visa was not revoked.
failure yes, nefarious plot to allow another terrorist plot to succeed as part of the troofer conspiracy universe? not a chance. just another case of you lying.

As I stated his father tipped of the company. State wanted to pull his visa.

and what does the "sis" (whatever, mystery acronyms suck) being involved or not in a claimed "second incident" of underpants bombing have to do with shit?

Second bombing attempt last year nearly a year to the day of UBLs demise. Got plenty to do with it.

so he knew a guy on the watchlist, that must mean he's on the watchlist too! and then everybody he knows gets on the watchlist and everybody they know, until finally, Kevin Bacon is the new head of al quaeda.
youre an idiot.

Half of the people the US rendered” knew a guy that knew a guy” type of thing. Hasn’t stopped them from picking them up sending them half way around the world to be tortured, only to realise it was a case of mistaken identity. All the 9/11 hijackers were also identified WELL BEFORE 9/11.

nope. i could offer a link, but i dont wanna, since you never offer the source for any of your "totally factual assertions" i dont feel the need to provide you with any support for my assertions.
oh wait, im not an asshole.

Exactly – you’re an arsehole. I know my sources are good, that is a fact!

An obscure and vague link asserts nothing except “TSA warns of possible airline threat involving implanted bombs”

Next you’ll be on about the TSA being America’s Last line of defence…

troofer nonsense. dig that hole deeper Digger Blue.
youre the one blaming the FBI for terrorist plots, using i assume, agent provocatuers to incite otherwise peaceful and harmless militant moslem extremists into acts of violence. so maybe its YOU who cant figure out how shit works.

Where did I do that Johnny Birch?

I pointed out failures. The only reason the public hears about this shit is because in one form or another someone’s fucked up.

Oh and wheres the link to back up your Red mercury bullshit? Confused it with “Spooks” did you?
another mindless special pleading.

american foreign policy for good or ill, is decided by americans not kangaroo humpers. not frog coffeehouse anarchists, not whiney scandinavian socialists, and not snivelling al jazeera pundits.

you dont qualify for an opinion, even if you claim to be a veteran, and just to be clear, freebasing a speedball and blowing the sailor for The Viillage people doesnt make you a veteran.

Decided by Americans... Slack jawed yokels like yourself? Or wannabe jews?

Your only qualification in life is taking a shot in the arse and being happy for the cash.

Back to the corner to sell crack brother and practice the foddering skills you're so familiar with.
Okay you pederast loving douche, point me to where I mentioned Cointelpro or false flags? Or where I’ve even implied the notion… This is how fucked up your mentality is you just put words into peoples mouths or skew the argument liked you do in a discussion about your homeland.

ohh look...

Thank Hoover's FBI for that one... The only time you hear about those plots is when the FBI has FUCKED UP. You'll also notice all of them are either run by FBI handlers or are under surveillance by the CIA. All of the suspects in the above mentioned plots were also on the State dept. watch list. Another fail.

fbi handlers were running them all, every one!!!

and the cia was watching all of them. the cia had microphones in their fillings and GPS devices implanted in the chips in their necks too i suppose.

Oh and wheres the link to back up your Red mercury bullshit? Confused it with “Spooks” did you?

so much for your "expertise" in matters of "intelligence"

even wikipedia knows about red mercury.

it was a cunning sting, sadly bleeding heart fuckwits like you let the plotters go because the shit they bought was actually pretty useless as a weapon, even though they thought theyw ere buying magical nuclear bomb juice.

i guess in britain you have to actually sell these twats a nuclear device before you can charge them with trying to buy one.

being the ultimate expert on all things "intelligence" im shocked you are unaware of the ongoing red mercury stories. but then youre not really very clever so i guess its to be expected.
Decided by Americans... Slack jawed yokels like yourself? Or wannabe jews?

Your only qualification in life is taking a shot in the arse and being happy for the cash.

Back to the corner to sell crack brother and practice the foddering skills you're so familiar with.

and again we're back to the jews.

you havent been able to make any of your claims about the fbi running terrorist plotters stick, you still insist that microwave deathrays can take out missiles (lol) you still believe the troofer nano-thermate lies, and still find every opportunity to express your hate for america and americans with your shitty half assed "america is fat lazy and stoopid" madlibs.

clownshoes. nothing but clownshoes.

you squawk chirp and prattle about every perceived injustice in the world being america's fault.

and then you start bitching about jews again.
ohh look...

fbi handlers were running them all, every one!!!

and the cia was watching all of them. the cia had microphones in their fillings and GPS devices implanted in the chips in their necks too i suppose.


so much for your "expertise" in matters of "intelligence"

even wikipedia knows about red mercury.

it was a cunning sting, sadly bleeding heart fuckwits like you let the plotters go because the shit they bought was actually pretty useless as a weapon, even though they thought theyw ere buying magical nuclear bomb juice.

i guess in britain you have to actually sell these twats a nuclear device before you can charge them with trying to buy one.

being the ultimate expert on all things "intelligence" im shocked you are unaware of the ongoing red mercury stories. but then youre not really very clever so i guess its to be expected.

Red mercury is known as an international con... I was waiting for you links to debunk it as even those backward muslim terrorists you detest could see through farce...

‘Red mercury’ rumors gain ground

And to make thing worse you quote a story that inturn quotes "news of the World" - pathetic might as well cite fox news.

Glad to see your a pathetic consumer of information
and again we're back to the jews.

you havent been able to make any of your claims about the fbi running terrorist plotters stick, you still insist that microwave deathrays can take out missiles (lol) you still believe the troofer nano-thermate lies, and still find every opportunity to express your hate for america and americans with your shitty half assed "america is fat lazy and stoopid" madlibs.

clownshoes. nothing but clownshoes.

you squawk chirp and prattle about every perceived injustice in the world being america's fault.

and then you start bitching about jews again.

Yeah just like you're always on about muslims... But I love rattling your cage about the jews... You get so uppity even though with all your talk you won't go and fight for Israel or your own country...

Did i mention CIA along with the FBI?

Where did I support nano-thermite theories?

More lies like all your bullshit assertions. How many times today have different posters call you out for lying or misrepresenting statements that have been made? Skewing your bullshit to suit your rhetoric.

And Americans are great people. Especially the ones I know. You however, give the US a filthy image you lazy ignorant piece of shit.

Sitting around waiting to inherant a farm is not what hard working decent Americans do. Wanting the rest of the country to pay your way for obamacare is not what decent Americans do. Short changing the American people by sending money to a country that provides the US with NOTHING is not what American needs. People like you are the reason your country is in decline...
Red mercury is known as an international con... I was waiting for you links to debunk it as even those backward muslim terrorists you detest could see through farce...

‘Red mercury’ rumors gain ground

And to make thing worse you quote a story that inturn quotes "news of the World" - pathetic might as well cite fox news.

Glad to see your a pathetic consumer of information

more mindless babble.

the story does not cite "news of the world" it MENTIONS "news of the world" and that rag's involvement in the sting, you pathetic dolt. it is from THE GUARDIAN.

i do not "consume information" i read and listen. YOU obviously "consume" every lie, half truth and fabrication that supports your ridiculous notions and your retarded worldview, but thats your problem not mine.

you may "consume" all the dogshit you wish. it's still just dogshit.