lol KArma no life is good my man i am just putting things into perspective i say grow with what ever you are capable of and have fun while you do it but do not be miss lead into thinking that a cob 1000 watt equivalent will not need exhaust work in your room you will be sadly mis lead i have run 1000's open ended in small rooms with no heat issues no AC nothing just two 4 " vents coming in from outside - 32 degree outside temps i tend to grow out door in summer and indoor in winter doing 3 grows and shutting it down till next winter used to do 200 pound dry out door harvests 1200 plants and 20 - 30 pound indoor for all season so for me effciency means nothing many growers use the heat for there benefit heat is not always a bad thing and to think that most of the smoke we grew up on good and bad have been grown by Hid lights one should refrain from saying led is Superior in quality when its not all that Hid grown frosty as fuck strain can you complain week 4 under 2 k and yield was 4 ..75 pound dry harvest would you think this is not dank looking ?? hence strain , enviroment dictate quality just because you may have a flowering spectrum does not guarantee you your going to have dank weed to many variables i have deleted most of my pictures do to getting nabbed by drugs crime unit but man did i have some nice ones grown under hid
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looking forward to seeing even real styles cob grow later in flower presently i think his plants are behind a week or so but still growing n looking good
but until i see cobs or leds pounding out buds like the one on 5 gallon i will stick to hid imagine that

instead of buds beside Bic lighters lol
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